Chapter 4

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When I got out of the I made sure everything was where it was, knowing how mad the demon would be if he found out I was in his personal bathroom, which I had to admit, was cool.

But the thought of him finding out scared me and made me shiver.

When I left Roxanne was there with a black shirt that looked to be one of Nick's. I froze in the doorway and leaned forward to see if anyone else was out there. Butbstandinf in front of Roxanne doesn't help much either.

Nude in a house that isn't front of the housekeeper....might as well streak or strut around for all the eyes to see my curvy stick body.

Roxanne laughed like she heard my thought, and for a brief moment I thought she did. Until she spoke. "Don't worry he went to bed, you don't need to worry."

Oh good, no boy will see my nude Marilyn Monroe body....although...I'd like to see his model one, but, he's kinda on the long stick side, tall and real skinny. Wait....dammit!

I sighed in relief and at myself for my thoughts, foucing on the shirt, I pointed the best I could as I cupped my breasts. "What's this for?"

"Nicholas is letting you use it, I put your bag in your room and I'll help you unpack once I get that shoulder of yours taken care of."

I nodded, taking the black shirt and putting it on, it was like a nightgown on me as it fell to my thighs. Wow if I ever want to feel tiny just ask Nick for a shirt, it does the job good. "I'll have to thank him."

"Yes, now let's get that treated."

"Ok." I followed the woman to the the first door on the right and pointed to the door on the left two doors down.
"That's Nicholas's room. Don't go in there unless he lets you alright?"

I nodded. "Noted."

She nodded herself and opened the door, which I soon found out that it was my new room.

And God it was beautiful.

It was large, with a king or queen sized bed, and it was purple and black the walls the bed spread. My two favorite colors.

I found my bags near the dresser and I slowly walked in, and sat on the bed, looking around. "Wow.....Roxanne this is beautiful."

"It is isn't it?" She asked opening the first aid kit and getting hydrogen peroxide and took some gauze and placed it on the now open bottle and held it tight to the top as she flipped it upside down. I watched her as she came up to sit by me and attend to my wound, taking a seat by me on my new bed.

I stared at the wall in front of me as I forced myself not to flinch.

By the time I refocused Roxanne was taking care of the kit and I blinked at her. "Thank you, Roxanne."

She looked at me with a smile. "Call me Roxie."

"Thank you, Roxie."

"Your welcome, goodnight, Miss Adarian."

"Goodnight." I watched her leave then got up to get into my duffel bag, grabbing a bra and underwear I took the shirt off to put them on, well the bra anyway, then carefully put it back on, studying my rapped up shoulder and sighed, turning the light off, using my powers to get into bed, once there I stared at the dark ceiling, then turned over onto my right side, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight, Nick."

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