Chapter 7

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Left alone with Nick in the living room I shifted my feet uncomfortably and cleared my throat. "So, uh, when want to help unpack?"

He looked down at me and smiled, that is when I realized that he had dimples. I never thought that a demon would have dimples, but I had to say, that were cute, chick magnet definitely.

"Whenever you want, but not right now though, I usually am in my training room by now, so if you don't mind," he leaned forward so that we were at eye level with each other, and smiled a handsome, lopsided grin, "I need to attend to my girlish figure."

I burst out laughing. Hard, almost collapsing on the floor hard, and felt my face get hit as I gasped for air and held my sides as I doubled over.

"Oh Gods! That's to good, I can't breathe! I'm sorry but....that's just.....hilarious." I managed to say through gasps of air.

By the time I had calmed down I was coughing and leaning on the back of the couch, staring at the hard wood floor ready to pass out. "Wow, laughed so hard I might even pass out from the lack of oxygen flow to my head. God." I took a deep breath and let it out heavily. "I think I almost died."

"I think you did die." Nick corrected coming up and rubbing my back to help me breathe.

I looked up at him, mouth open, hair in my face, and smiled. "Oh hey, you're still here."

He sputtered. " What'd you expect?" You think I'd miss, or simply walk off, and leave you dying with laughter, hell no, its frickin hilarious to watch you die" he faintly laughed.

I laughed breathlessly. "Yay. . . now let me die in peace." I said as I slowly greeted the cold wood floor as I slid down to sit on it, I looked up at Nick. "Shouldn't you be. . . training?"

He crouched down to join me on the floor and stretched his long legs out in from of him. "I will once you're OK and able to breathe or not on the verge of passing out."

I looked at him,almost tempted to lean on his shoulder and use it as a head rest, but thought better on it and settled for leaning back on the couch and titling my head back against it so I was looking up at the high ceiling and closed my eyes. "Huh, that's nice of you, but I'm fine now."

"You sure?" He asked, the tone in his voice said he was doubtful.

I opened my eyes and rolled my head to look at him and met his  black eyes. "I'm sure, Nick, besides I plan on getting up off my ass and go to my room for awhile just to admire the purple and black walls, which, by the way, I love my room, its pretty, for one its my two favorite colors and secondly. . . it's just awesome."

He laughed at the dull explanation before he seemed to see that I was giving him a serious, sincere look, which seemed to surprise him.

"Thank you for what you've done for me so far, I really don't deserve it."

"You do kid, believe me."

No, I don't. I didn't deserve to be here, or sit here on this floor, heck, I didn't even deserve to touch this floor. I looked forward and sighed. "Hard to believe when I don't believe it myself."

"I know, I doubted myself for years, I wasn't always rich, I was poor, I made you look rich when I was a kid, I wore Hawaiian shirts most of my life because it was all we could afford really and because my mom insisted that I did. We barely had enough money to feed ourselves, and I was teased at school for everything in my life, even my teachers hated me."

"Wow. . . you came a long way, man. And it might be sad, but I'm blaming the fact at how tired I was last night, or this morning, bit I just realized you have dimples." I admitted glancing at him briefly and watched as he immediately stopped smiling.

"You realized that?"

I nodded. "I did, and I'm guessing you hate them with how you stopped smiling immediately after I mentioned them. But I noticed no long before I started to die laughing, and FYI I wasn't laughing at them I was laughing at your," I cleared my throat, trying to act mature but some laughter escaped my lips, so it sounded like a TV that has no signal and is just giving off white static. "Comment."

He smirked, showing off a dimple on his left cheek. "You can't get over that can you?"

I shook my head, smiling, but I couldn't help it and leaned forward, bursting into laughter again, but I stopped myself sooner and looked back at him then leaned back, biting the inside of my cheek. Then stood up and staggered, holding my head as a wave of dizziness messed up my vision. "Argh, stood up to fast."

Nick chuckled as he pushed his large body off the floor, getting to his feet and standing to his full height and I had to crane my head up to look up at him as he towered over me. Ugh, why did I have to be right under his chest? Or better yet, why the hell was he so flippin tall?

I screwed my face up in am irradiated grimace. "Can you sit back down? I kinda liked the feeling of being taller then you for that brief moment before you stood up."

He laughed. "Sorry, hon, but not right now, and yes. I don't like my dimples, their girly."

I growled briefly from within my throat and rolled eyes, but then brighten my mood and grinned. "Their not girly, dude. They make you you, they define you. Well, I'm off to my room, see ya later." I made myself scarce as I evaporated into a red mist.

When I manifested in my room I went to my nightstand by my new bed and got onto my kindle, sitting on the edge of the bed I played some music. I smirked at the song that played.

The Animal I Have Become from Three Days Grace.

I laid down and just stared at the ceiling, listening to music.

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