Chapter 6

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Adarian's P.O.V

I watched as Caleb suddenly manifested in front of me, the tall black haired man stood with his cell phone to his ear, staring down at me. He wore expensive blue jeans and a gray shrit. With his fashionable short hair cut, Caleb was the only person, or being, I know that would call his expensive clothes junk.

"God I love it when you that, Cay." I said ending the call.

He smiled. "You can do the same thing. Why do you love it when I do it?"

"'Cause its awesome."

"So, you're at Gautier's house, why?" He asked, shoving his phone in his pocket.

I sighed, pushing the guilt and sadness away, I might be immoral but still, talking about my mom now hurt my core. "Mom was killed by a Daimon last night, some Dark-Hunters found me in my bedroom, well Nick did, and he offered to take me in."

"For what reason?"

"For a reason you wouldn't understand, Malphas."

I jumped as I hear Nick's voice come from the kitchen behind me, I spun around to face him as he entered the room. "God, put a bell on or somethin'! Scared the living crap out of me."

They both laughed.

Nick looked up at Caleb, sobering. "Nice to see you again."

"Same as for you, Gautier, handling everything ok?" Caleb drapped his arm over my shoulders a d checked our the bite wound I told him about before glancing up at Nick.

Nick nodded and shrugged. "The world hasn't ended yet."

"True, and I'm warning you now, if you Adarian, we're going to war. No one hurts her on my watch, so watch your temper." He growled deep from within his throat, making me sigh.

"Dude, I'm fourteen, not two."

"Its your fault you grew on me, so expect me to be overly protective." He said looking down at me.

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Not my fault you found me amusing."

He sighed, dragging his hand down his face. "Whatever back to the point, Nick, how are you handling the whole demon trying to take control thing?"

"Its hard, spend every second fighting it so it won't, trying to save people from my own destruction. I try to keep myself away from anyone so that they won't accidentally set it off."

As he explained to Caleb what he was going through, I saw Nick with new eyes, I respected him for trying to fight his nature and felt bad at how he had to lock himself away from others, and with how social he is, it had to be hard, real hard. Made my life sound easy, heck made Caleb's sound less difficult.

But it explained why he looked so lonely and hurt. Because on the inside he was constantly fighting with himself and had no one to go too. I literally wanted to cry for him, it was so sad.

And with how Caleb sighed I wasn't the only one who felt bad. "I would help with that battle if I could, Nick, truly I would."

"I know Cay, but you can't, its a battle I got to face alone. So tell me how you met your demon " he said changing the off from him and onto me.

I opened my mouth slightly, ready to answer, but Caleb beat me to it. "

"Adarian is a demigoddess, demon."

"So, what? You fucked her mom and nine months later Adarian was born."

I snickered at his way of how I was brought into this fricking world.

Caleb wrinkled his nose in disgust. "God no another demigod did it with her, but I'm a friend with her father and he asked me to train her. I first met her when she was four, told everything, and her mom knew what she was so it was a lot easier to teach her."

"Yeah.... and somehow he started liking me and my 'specialness'." I added, making air quotes when I said specialness, then shrugged. "But I just have that affect on people."

"You sure do." Caleb sighed then ruffled my hair. "Well I gotta run, see you later Adarian, I'm just a call or text away." He transferred his gaze to Nick. "Take good care of yourself, slick."

With that, he disappeared.

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