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Dedicated to MerryMoozi , who accidentally became a character because I've been chatting with her so much recently. Plus the names just happened to be too coincidentally similar! Thanks for being an unintentional source of inspiration, Mooz! Also this is really, really long. Like, four pages, 2338 words, 10519 characters (as in the story alone). Sorry ^^;


Soft. That was my first thought; a sense amid darkness. Something soft, plush even, lay beneath me. Uncertainty surrounded me, but it barely reached through to my sluggish brain. I felt light breaths resonate in my chest, and the pitch black void around me lightened to a dull grey. My eyelids tentatively flicked open to a dull white ceiling, discolored in parts and completely unfamiliar. Alarmed and disoriented, I tried to jump up only to find my limbs limp and heavy.

Weak as I appeared to be, I needed to know where I was. I slowly moved to a sitting position, leaning my shaking arms against the headboard behind me. The room was bare, sparsely decorated with a small oak vanity, bookshelf and a single chair by the bed. Tan wallpaper, peeling slightly near a few corners, completed the bleak scene. I looked down at myself, noticing earth brown locks halting a little above slightly tanned shoulders and a loose blue tee. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, the cool air causing goosebumps to form, and paused as I caught sight of my wiry frame and amber eyes in the vanity's mirror.

Wobbling, I stood on the creaking boards of the floor and staggered to the doorway. I was greeted with the open door of a bathroom, which I made my way to gratefully. After I had freshened up, steady on my feet, I looked around the small apartment. Entering the kitchen I was met with a worn note. Lily, it read. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask the neighbors. Welcome home!

"Am," I began, voice cracking. I paused to clear my throat, marveling at the possibility of my memory being lost. "Am I Lily?" I tested the name on my tongue, a shiver traveling down my spine.

I started at the sound of a loud knock on my front door, leaping back in fear. My heartbeat quickened, thumping rapidly like it was trapped within the bars of my rib cage. The analogy was almost familiar, but I had no time to think over the thought. I raced to the door, oak like the rest of the wood in the apartment, and cautiously peered out through the peephole. A sincere looking man stood outside in a white shirt hidden by a worn black and red flannel, finished by torn and faded jeans. His shaggy black hair was gently brushed back, and deep brown eyes scanned the door and hallway. My hand brushed the doorknob as I drew in a breath and opened the door a crack.

"Hello..?" I tentatively called, seizing his attention.

"Ah, you're awake then," he replied with a relieved smile. "I was worried you'd be asleep like when I came over earlier. I'm Jason; I live across the hall with my son. He actually looks about your age, how old are you?"

I opened the door a little further, trying to decide if I could trust this stranger. After a moment's hesitation I opened the door fully.

"I'm... not sure," I confessed, looking down. "Would you like to come in? We can keep talking while we sit, if you'd like."Jason flashed me a reassuring smile as he stepped inside. "I wouldn't mind it," he replied. "And maybe you'll feel more like opening up? I just want to make sure you don't need any help." He walked over to the plaid couch, sitting as I closed the door.

As I joined him, sitting in a nearby leather chair, I realized how unfamiliar my mixed emotions were and how little I knew about both Jason and myself. Even so I trusted him, and he was my best shot at figuring things out.

"I'm serious, you know," I told him, fidgeting with my hands and sitting straight backed. "About not knowing my age. I can't remember anything about myself, where I am, or how I got here."

Jason looked at me suspiciously. I became flustered from the attention and uncertainty, shifting around and avoiding looking directly at him. After what felt like a small eternity he sighed and sat back.

"Alright: I'm somewhat tempted to believe you only because I never actually saw you move in," he stated, brown orbs fixed on me. "Since you can't remember anything I'll have my son come over later to give you a tour of the city: other than that I won't be of much help Miss Mystery." I rolled my eyes at the absurd nickname, standing with him.

"Just call me Lily," I replied, starting to walk to the door.

"Oh, so you can remember your name now?" he scoffed, eyebrow raised.

"There was a welcome note in the kitchen," I shrugged. "It's a much better name than 'Miss Mystery', that's for sure." I smiled as he chuckled, stepping out.

"Then allow me to be your official welcome Lily," Jason replied with a flourish. "Welcome to Saint Tucker."

I woke with a start and glanced around, confused. Apparently I had fallen asleep on the couch, which was odd both because I had a bedroom not far away and I had just woken up a little before Jason arrived. Gingerly I sat up and stretched, realizing the shirt had become a bit baggy for my liking. The sensation was strange and unfamiliar, but I decided it wasn't appealing. I stood up and walked into the bedroom to change. After a moment of rustling around I was able to find a dark green top and navy jeans. There was a rapid pounding on my door the moment I finished, and I nervously approached it again.

This time when I opened it a short male was waiting, foot tapping impatiently and arms crossed. Like Jason he had dark brown eyes, but his hair was light brown and he wore a white v neck with light blue ripped jeans and a black leather jacket around his waist.

"You're Lily?" he asked, his voice gravely.

I nodded, confused, before he began walking down the hallway. Suspicious, I stayed where I was in the doorway. The male stopped upon realizing that I wasn't following him and turned to look back at me, one eyebrow raised. My own furrowed as I tried to think of who this could be and what he wanted. Exasperated, he stalked back and impatiently glared at me.

"I'm Jimin, didn't my dad say I was coming?" he scoffed. In an instant everything clicked, driving away the discomfiting sense of confusion.

"You're Jason's son?" I asked him, eyebrows raising in surprise.

"Yes, now let's go get this tour over with," he sighed, waiting for me to leave the room. Reluctantly I joined him, and we walked through the building. Similar to my room, the hallways were a little worse for wear. Shaggy tan carpet lay across the floor until ahead loomed the door, bright sunshine streaming in through a window. Without hesitation Jimin stepped outside, leaving me paused before the doorway. He looked back at me and groaned, rolling his eyes, before grabbing my arm and pulling me into the sun. As my eyes adjusted to the new light I gaped in awe at my new surroundings.

The building we had just exited was apparently near the outskirts of Saint Tucker, flanked by others of similar age. Before us lay a surprisingly bustling street, and farther on a wide range of storefronts with the leafy outlines of trees peeking over. Cars shimmered as they raced by and people were wandering the sidewalks, leisurely walking, though none of this caught my eye. It was the animals, dogs dutifully walking with their owners, flocks of pigeons roosting on roofs or flying through the air, a stray brown tabby disappearing down an alley with a snarl, that were all I could focus on.

"You look like you've never seen the outside world before or something," Jimin scoffed, staring down his nose at me despite the fact that I was slightly taller. I ignored him as a pigeon flew before me and landed, stepping onto the side of the road. Mesmerized, I moved to follow it and stepped off of the sidewalk. Suddenly I was yanked back, the pigeon flying away as a yellow truck passed blaring its horn. Fear gripped me and I stumbled, now fighting the force that had pulled me.

"Hey, calm down for a second!" Jimin yelled, anger and concern lacing his voice. "Are you crazy?! That truck could've seriously hurt you! My dad will kill me if something happens to you while I'm around, idiot!"

In a blind panic I wrenched myself away from him and sprinted down the sidewalk, dodging people in a desperate attempt to escape. Jimin gave a shout and shoes slammed into the pavement behind me, drowned out by my own slapping wildly as I ran. My lungs heaved as adrenaline coursed through my veins, spurring me on. The startled cries of strangers echoed as others turned to stare at the commotion. Jimin began calling my name as he chased after me, but I hardly registered this information a I carried on. Eventually the buildings became scarce and I spotted the trees that had stood over the shops across the street not long ago.There was a lull in traffic and I seized it, knowing I wouldn't have another chance like this soon.

I sprinted across the road, puffing, as a red sports car appeared and blared its horn, the noise cutting off Jimin's fearful shriek. Putting on any last reserves of energy I had, I flung myself onto the sidewalk as wind from the vehicle rushed by. More cars appeared after that, halting any attempts he would've made to follow me. He shouted to me from the other side, but his words were drowned out by the rumbling of engines. Choking back a sob, I gingerly stood and began making my way to the treeline of the forest. Scrapes from my close encounter scattered my limbs, burning, but I was overall not badly hurt. Upon closer inspection of the woods I discovered that the logs were oak and maple, with the occasional redwood scattered among them.

"Must be summer," I muttered to myself, stepping in. "At least things are growing well."


The cry startled me, and my head whipped around to stare in the direction I had come. Jimin stood across the street, his features slightly blurred by the distance. As I watched he ran onto the road and in between the lanes of cars. Drivers honked in shock as he stood in the middle, waiting for a chance to reach the sidewalk I had fallen onto. I couldn't bear to watch, turning back to the woods and running deeper. Scattered brush grabbed at my now ripped jeans, adding scratches that seemed to compete with the sting of the scrapes.

Before long I fell, unable to contain my emotions any longer, and lay in a shaking mess in the twigs and grass. Cries racked my throat as I sobbed, the tears running down my cheeks as I curled up into a ball. My throat, dry from all the running, was rubbed raw and extremely sore by the time I had calmed myself enough to sit up. Still my shaking persisted, but I leaned back against a tree and waited in hopes they would subside. It was then I became aware of a crashing through the bushes, and my head whipped up in shock as I heard my name. Not long after Jimin appeared, cheeks stained with tears and huffing, talking hurriedly into his phone.

"I-I just found her-Lily... yes, yeah, what oth-ther forest could I be talking about?! Get here now with a paramedic or something, I don't know!!" he yelled, hanging up and placing his phone in his pocket. "You really are crazy, you know that? How could you just..."

His eyes widened as he looked behind the tree that I leaned against, and I turned to see what he was staring at. There stood a long building,barely shorted than the treetops, made of concrete and adorned with false covering. Regaining my feet, I walked slowly to its closed doors and gently turned the handles. They opened with a click, and I stared inside.

Jimin joined me, and we tentatively entered. We stood in what appeared to be a waiting area, with a receptionist's on the far wall. Oddly, the room looked well-kept and new. There was a crackling over a speaker and a deep voice began speaking, making both of us jump in alarm.

"Welcome back Lily. We weren't expecting to see you return so soon."

All I could do was quake in fear, instinctively moving to cling onto Jimin's arm.

"How do you know her?!" he snarled, fighting to keep the uncertainty out of his voice.

"Oh, I could never forget my most successful subject," the voice chuckled. "No institute has managed to turn an animal human before, but here I've managed with a wolf, a wolf of all things!!"

My eyes widened with Jimin's as he stared at me, stepping back.

"See for yourselves; the pod's in the other room!"

I sprinted in, adrenaline fueled once again, and was met with a metal case littered with colorful wires. Fresh tears pricked my eyes as I touched the pod, hands shaking. I stepped into it as Jimin entered, eyeing a panel set up nearby. I turned to him and his brown irises met my amber ones.

"Turn me back," I commanded him, beginning to close myself in.


"I said turn me back!!" I yelled, the tears escaping. "I couldn't live with myself as... as some experiment!! Please Jimin..."

After what felt like an eternity, he finally nodded. I locked myself in as Jimin sprinted to the panel, vaguely hearing the voice screaming at him to stop. Our eyes met one last time, and he pushed the button marked 'power'.

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