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I was sitting on a train, on my phone (I don't have a phone irl so I knew this was a dream) I took a selfie and saw that I was around 16 or so. I had grown into my whole body and I looked good actually. 

I wore a regular gray dappled jacket over a regular t-shirt and jeans, with my hair up in a messy bun and my glasses perched on my nose. Tanned skin, dark eyes, dark hair, and a lopsided half-smirk on my lips. But, somehow, I looked...charming, almost. 

I suddenly had a weird feeling, like, there was something in my pocket and I needed to get it. Life or death. Something unimaginably horrible if I didn't get it now. 


So I reached into the pocket of my jacket and suddenly I was on top of a building, and the sky was dark navy. 

Clouds and smoke filled the air, it should've made me choke, but I was used to it. A name popped into my head, Nightingale. This place was called Nightingale city. 

I only now noticed that someone was standing next to me. He wore a heavy-looking metal suit straight out of a comic book. Another name popped into my head, The Sentenial. He was talking. I tuned in because I had a feeling this was important.

"This mission is dangerous, some would say a suicide mission, but given your powers, I have complete faith that you will live." What mission? I wondered. My confusion must have shone on my face, and The Sentinel sighed. 

He said impatiently, "The mission you've been training for the last couple of months. The one that determines whether this city rises or falls. Forever." I gulped, I still had no idea, but I acted as I knew. 

"Of course. I remember I'm just..." I paused, looking down. I mumbled, "Nervous." I looked back up at him and continued, "The fate of this whole city rests on my shoulders, and I-" I looked toward the city with fierce protectiveness. 

 Words suddenly leaped to my tongue, and I spoke, "So many people. Not just the buildings, or the shops, or the materials here, the people. Families. New mothers and fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, daughters, sons. The newlywed couple staying here for their honeymoon, the two kids who just got together and think they'll be together forever." I gulped and blinked back tears I didn't know I had. 

I didn't know where these words were coming from, but they felt...right. So I continued, my voice quieter, "The newborn child who just took his first breath, the little girl who just learned to walk, their parents looking at them with pride and love. The boy who just came out to his parents as gay, the girl who just realized she's bi, everyone."

I looked at the boy next to me and said with pain in my eyes, "If I don't succeed, I sentence them to a fate that only I will ever deserve. But if I succeed, I'll never see any of them again." I pursed my lips and squeezed my eyes shut to stop tears from flowing. 

"I won't see my sister grow up, I won't see my brother earn all his badges in boy scouts, and I won't see anyone I know again. If I succeed, I lose it all, but they win it all. So, all in all, it's no more than I deserve." I whispered the last part, dropping my gaze, not daring to look at him. I turned my body away from him as if that did anything.

I felt a warm hand on my shoulder but I didn't look over. I didn't open my eyes, afraid that he would see weakness swirling within. Afraid that he'd see me. Really see me, the way he did. The way only my sisters and brother did. 

"Hey," he said softly, gently. "Remember one small detail." I opened my eyes and looked at him, but he was blurry from the tears in my eyes. He wiped my tears away with infinite gentleness. 

"I'm coming with you." He said. I could see him clearly now. He had sun-tanned skin, dark hair that curled around his ears, and warm brown eyes. Normal, no one would ever suspect that he was one of this city's best heroes. Best friend, my mind whispered, maybe more. 

My eyes widened and I whispered, "What?" I shook my head and ignored how ridiculously happy I felt at the thought of him coming with me. "That wasn't part of The Plan. You're supposed to stay here!" 

I was almost pleading with him, and he looked confused. "I thought you'd like that," he said, his cheeks flushing, making his face glow with the sheer intensity. He looked down and said, "I thought you wouldn't care that it wasn't part of their precious Plan."

I widened my eyes and said, "No! I'm so happy! Happy doesn't even begin to describe how I feel, oh my gosh did I say that out loud? Well, I'm very happy you're happy but you have people here too! You can't just leave them behind! If my happiness costs theirs it simply isn't worth it. You should know that! I would never forgive myself if I knew that they were going to need you, and you weren't there. I care about you too much to let you throw away your life here for me. I care too much about you to let you." 

I clapped my hands over my mouth to stop my rambling. It was a habit I had when I was nervous. I gulped and looked away, biting my lip and wishing the earth would swallow me whole. 

I felt a gentle hand under my chin, and he tilted my face to face him. I looked at him and he wore the goofiest smile ever. I couldn't help but giggle at his expression. He chuckled, a low sound that made goosebumps appear on my skin. 

I blushed a looked away. I heard him say, "I was hoping you'd feel that way. But I'm coming with you. Don't try to argue, I already arranged everything with everyone that I know. My parents are sad, but they understand that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I let you do this alone and endure the rest of your days alone. You say you like to be alone, but I see in your face that it's the worst thing for you. And you would fade away in your new world, instead of shine, as you should. I don't see that side of you often, and no one ever would, if you went alone. I care about you too much to stay and know that your life will be thrown away."

He said, suddenly all business, "Now, we need to travel to at least 3 different worlds. I would suggest Peace, Glimmer, and Mint. We should avoid Violence, Blue, and Chaos at all costs, but that thing in your hand doesn't do what we want it to." He glared at the object in my hand with annoyance. 

I nodded and realized that the object that I needed was in my hand. It shaped like a sphere, but it seemed to have been carved from crystal. There were hundreds of tiny facets in it, and each showed different scenes that changed constantly. Different worlds. Some were bigger, some were mere glimmers. 

One of the bigger ones showed a peaceful lake with a willow tree at the edge. Suddenly it changed, and it showed a world, not unlike the one they were in, but everything was mint green.

I looked at the boy next to me and extended my hand. He took it. I took a deep breath and reached for the facet that showed peaceful worlds, but the instant before my fingers touched it, the scene changed. But I didn't have time to see what it changed to, but I heard the boy behind me curse. 

I opened my eyes to a horrible world. The smoke choked, the sky was blocked by blood-red clouds, and a red glow was the only light in this hellish place. It was violent, screams of terror and roars of victory could be heard from below. 

Sickening cracks and snaps resonated to where I stood, sobs and cries and wails reached for me. Those desperate voices reached out to me, begging me to help, but something else happened.

I felt a pulse in my veins, a dark desire to hurt, to hunt, to kill. My vision darkened and I drew myself to my full height and held my head high. I felt my face contort in hatred and fury, my mouth twisting into a hideous snarl, and my entire mind and way of thinking shift. 

I was no longer on a mission for good, I was a huntress, I preyed on the weak, the night was my friend, the shadows were allies, and I stood alongside murderers, I was the best. But something chimed in my head as I thought that. A small light winked into existence, a star in this endless night. 

My own words echoed in my head, "The newborn child who just took his first breath, the little girl who just learned to walk, their parents looking at them with pride and love. The boy who just came out to his parents as gay, the girl who just realized she's bi, everyone.

The bloodlust faded from my head, and I felt horrible. How could I? I looked over to see that he was affected by this atmosphere too. But he was fighting it, better than I did. His face spasmed, switching between flaring hatred and utter terror. 

I grasped his hand between my own and said, "Hey! You in there Superman?" Using the nickname that I had given him long ago, when we first met. The first time I had said it, I had been disbeliving and annoyed at him. But now, I said it softly and gently. 

I got no response. I was starting to get worried so I put my hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes. I willed all of my worries for him to ripple in my dark eyes. 

"Hey," I shook him gently and I saw the hate fade from his face. I smiled at him, purposefully making my smile lopsided. I saw in his eyes when he came back to me. I cheered softly and said, "You're back! Long-time no see."

He chuckled and said, "Thanks, I don't know what came over me but..." he looked at me and I felt that he saw me. He sees me. He said, "...I know I wouldn't have been able to come back if not for you Razz." (Yes, he actually called me Razz)

I took a deep breath and touched another facet, not daring to look, afraid that I'd jinx us. I opened my eyes and saw we were now atop a building. The entire world was done in shades of blue. As though, a talented artist had decided to make an entire world, in only blue. 

Happy blues, soft blues, sad blues, hard blues, every single kind of blue I had ever seen, and some I hadn't, was there. Navy cars, azure buildings, steel blue streets, blue-green street lights, and even the people were blue. Some people were light blue, others as dark as the night sky. 

It gave everyone the appearance of belonging there. In this serene, normal, blue, world of theirs. Except for us. I looked down, I saw tanned skin, dark blue jeans, black and white shoes, a gray hoodie. I couldn't help the feeling of simply not belonging here. I willed my skin to turn blue, my clothes to turn blue, to be like the people walking along the blue-gray sidewalk. To belong. 

I looked over at "Superman" and saw my emotions written on his face, his eyes. I gripped his hand tighter and said, "Next stop, Unknown." I closed my eyes and touched a random facet. 

I opened my eyes to complete and utter chaos. There seemed to be a tornado going on, but no one seemed to care. People dodged and weaved in between flying debris as though they were used to this. 

I felt disoriented at everything happening. A middle-aged man was balancing on a car door flying through the storm, and he stepped off on the sidewalk. A woman in a neatly pressed business suit snatched a random piece of paper out of the air and started reading it.

The streets were the epitome of chaos and discord. Cars swerved around each other, and there seemed to be no specific lane for cars going one way or the other. A small red car weaved in between, but no one cared. A yellow bus honked every few seconds and cars swerved out of its way because it wasn't stopping. 

On several occasions, cars looked an inch from crashing into at least five others. But somehow, someway, in the few seconds that I stood there, completely dumbstruck, no one died. No car crashed and went down in flames. I half expected some random car to explode. 

I became aware of the warm hand gripping mine in a vise-like grip. I looked over and saw that the boy next to me was just as flabbergasted as I was. If not more so.

His mouth hung open, his face slack, his eyes comically wide, and he kept on blinking every couple seconds. I almost chuckled at his expression. You look adorable, I wanted to say but thought better of it. 

I laughed and opened my mouth to speak but then I woke up. 


A/N: I know, very unsatisfying ending, but my dreams always end before they really begin. Dam, that sounded poetic xD

Okay bye! 

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