Chapter 27: New Sister

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The new chapter though💕😻 ~ colored by me~

Normal pov

Natsu and Lucy sat down in the office at the adoption center. "I just don't understand why you would want to adopt a 17 year old girl.." The woman said in a low voice.

"Ma'am, 9 years ago my parents came in here to adopt her and then they died. She was suppose to be my little sister, that's all I want. I want to ensure she'll have a bright future." Natsu said as he tried to get the lady behind the desk to understand.

"Well shall I bring her in?" The couple nodded their heads. The woman sighed and stood up, leaving the room. After a few moments she came back Wendy following behind her. As soon as she saw us her eyes lit up. "Natsu and Lucy-san! Oh where's Nashi?" She asked as she looked around the room. "Nashi's with Levy." She pouted and made her way to the seat.

"Well Wendy it seems as thought this couple would like to adopt you into their family." Wendy's eyes grew wide. "R-really?" Lucy smiled and nodded. "We would really love to have you with us sweetie. This is where you belong." The two of them tried their hardest not to cry. "Wendy do you want to live with us?" Natsu asked. Wendy nodded her head.

"Yes! Please can I?" She asked them then the lady. "Well can't very well tell someone wanting to adopt you no can I?" Wendy started cheering, as she did a few tears came out of her eyes. "Well shall we sign some papers?" Natsu questioned while holding up a pen.


"I can't believe you guys adopted me" Wendy explained from the back seat of the car. Lucy turned around and smiled reaching a hand back there to give her knee a reassuring shake. "Were so happy that we could get you out of there and back into a real home, with people that love you."

Tears pricked the teens brown eyes. "Well even though the paper work says your my daughter I want you to know I wanted to take you in as my sister." Natsu sighed thinking about how they said you can't adopt a child as your sister with out you're actual parent despite their age.

"It doesn't matter what the paper works says either was I'm happy I'm part out your family. If it makes you more comfortable me calling you brother I will. Plus I've always wanted a big brother!" Wendy smiled brightly before gasping. "Ahh I'm Nashi auntie now!!" She cheered causing Natsu and Lucy to laugh.

"I bet Nashi would happy either way, calling you big sis or auntie because she absolutely just adores you." Lucy told her and thought about her daughter. "Natsu are we stopping to pick Nashi up?" Natsu nodded while keeping his eyes on the road.


"Momma!! Daddy!!" Nashi squealed as her parents picked her up. "Wenny!" She yelled squirming out of her parents arms as she saw her old babysitter and new aunt. Wendy knelt down and grabbed onto the little girl jumping in her arms. "Wha you do here wenny?" Nashi asked while looking up. "I think your mom and dad better try to explain that to you" Wendy told her softly while walking over to her brother.

"Hey sweetie" Natsu cooed as he took Nashi from Wendy's arms and threw her up in the air catching her as she squealed. Lucy watch in horror as her daughter was tossed up in the air over and over. "Natsu for the love of god please stop throwing her" Natsu rolled his eyes. "Lighten up Luce she loves this"

"I don't care Natsu! I'm worried!" Lucy yelled. Natsu caught Nashi and lifted her to his shoulders. "You're mommy is a meanie" he told his daughter as he stuck his tongue out a Lucy. Lucy did it back and started waking towards the car. Natsu followed and strapped Nashi down in her car seat. "Alright gang lets get home"


"See Nashi, Wendy is daddy's little sister now, and your aunt." They tried to explain why Wendy was there. "Auntie? Like evy?" "Yes just like aunt levy.." For some reason all their friends like to call them selfs aunts and uncle to Nashi. Nashi yawned and rubbed eyes. "Oh time for bed sleepy butt." Natsu chuckled picking her up. As soon as her head laid on his shoulder she fell asleep.

"And she's out"

Lucy giggled following her husband. Natsu carefully laid her in her bed and tucked her in. Lucy kissed her forehead and leaned against Natsu, he wrapped his arms around her and she laid her head against his chest. She exhaled deeply and closed her eyes. "I love you" Natsu chuckled softly before kissing the top of her head, mumbling I love you too. Lucy smiled and broke away.

"Let's go show Wendy her room." Natsu nodded and turned on the little night shade that spun showing little stars and dragons.
"Sleep tight sweetie" he whispered before pulling her door to.

He was about to go down the stairs when he saw Lucy and Wendy coming up talking. "Tomorrow me and you can go shopping and you and pick out what ever you want for your room, bedding, decorations, furniture since there's only a bed and night stand, and if you want we can get some new clothes" Lucy told her. "A-are you sure we can spend that much money??" Wendy asked surprised.

"Oh course" Natsu interrupted.

"Have you forgotten were those rich people every one hates" he chuckled. Lucy rolled her eyes. "I'm not a snobby rich person Natsu and you know that" she crossed her arms and pouted causing Wendy to laugh. "Alright alright I get it" Natsu opened up the door to Wendy's new room. "Well I hope you sleep good. If you need anything our rooms down the hall to the right." Lucy told her as Wendy stepped into her room looking around.

It was a lot bigger than she thought it would be. It was painted baby blue and had gray carpet. There was a bay window with a seat on it. She also had her own on suit through the closet. Wendy dropped her bags and turned around hugging them both while crying happy tears.

"Thank you so much.. this is all to much. I'm so happy I'm a Dragneel now." Lucy ended up tearing up herself. "I'm glad you're finally home" Natsu and Lucy told her good night and walk down to their room before flopping down on the bed.

"Ahh today was a good day" "yeah it was" "more kids in the house, you know what that means right?" Natsu nodded and smirked. "Oh don't worry baby I'm sure we'll find just the right time for our selves." He whispered as he trapped her between his arms, leaning down to seal her lips with a kiss. Lucy smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around him.

"Say Mrs. Dragneel wanna have some fun?" The pinky asked while wiggling his eyebrows. Lucy smirked "game on" she whispered as she pulled him into another kiss.


A certain little pink haired girl climbed out of her crib with her favorite white scarf rubbing her eyes as she walked to her parents bedroom. She rubbed her teary eyes as she pulled at the door knob. "Daddy.." she sniffles as she tried to open the door. "DADA!" She cried out a bit louder hoping to get there attention. She sat down by the door sniffling and crying waiting for someone to answer.

"Natsu.." Lucy mumbled still sleeping.

"Hmm?" "I think Nashi's awake." Natsu yawned and looked at the clock. "Luce it's 4am" he whispered as he rolled back over trying to sleep. Lucy sighed and sat up. "Where are you going?" Natsu mumbled. "I told you I think I heard Nashi crying.." She hissed back walking over to the door yawning. As soon as she opened the door she saw Nashi.

"Mama.." she whimpered "Sweetie what're you doing out of bed?" Lucy asked her daughter as she picked her up cradling her in her arms. "Bad dewem.." Lucy kissed her forehead. " you wanna sleep with mommy and daddy?" Nashi nodded into her mothers arms. Lucy carried her over to the bed and laid the pair of them down.

"Natsu your daughters here don't crush her" Natsu rolled over and opened his eyes. "Hey turkey. So I guess she was crying?" Lucy nodded and snuggled her daughter. "Sleep tight Nashi." Natsu mumble before falling asleep again. Lucy giggled and slowly fell back asleep her self.

Hope you enjoyed💕.

Walking dead got me like🙃

Hey guys random thing but y'all should read this story by MyBaeNatsu it's a really good story I think it deserves more views and likes.

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