Chapter 28: Piano

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   "Oh Lucy this one is so pretty and soft!" Wendy exclaimed as she looked at new comforter sets. "Can I get this one please!" She begged holding up the bed set. Lucy giggled and nodded. "Yes Wendy, I told you, you can pick out whatever you want for your room"

   Wendy smiled and started looking at all the bedroom decorations. "So do you have some kind of theme?" Lucy asked after picking up some of the things Wendy put in the cart. "I love the color blue and I was thinking maybe like a few twinkle lights." She said shyly while twiddling her thumbs. "I think that'll look nice Wendy"

    "momma Want want!" Nashi squealed running over with a large plushy.

    Lucy sighed and looked down at her daughter. "Nashi put it back" Nashi stuck out her bottom lips and tears filled her eyes. "Don't you cry" Nashi dropped her head sniffling. Lucy rolled her eyes and picked her little girl up. "Oh already you little monkey but only this one okay?" Nashi's tears dried and a smile replaced her frown. "Yay!!" The toddler yelled.


     As the three walked around the mall Wendy noticed a beautiful grand piano in the center of the food court. "Ahh it's so pretty!" She cooed running her hands over the black and white keys. "I wish I could play" Lucy sat Nashi down on the ground next to Wendy and smiled. "I actually used to play the piano back when I was still in highschool."

     Wendy looked at her and nudged her. "For old times sake?" Lucy's eyes widened. "Oh no I couldn't it's been so long since I last played" "come on Lucy-san!" Wendy nagged. Lucy lets out a long sigh and sat down. Looking around she noticed a few people already looking at her as of just sitting at the gorgeous piano was a distraction.

    Lucy thought of a song she loved to play and slowly began tapping the keys. ' Chopin's Nocturne Op.9 No. 2' Lucy thought as the sound emerged from the piano.

     Wendy gasped at the lovely sounds. And little Nashi held onto the ledge looking at her mothers hands pressing the keys in awe. Lucy closed her eyes playing the notes as of she had just practiced recently.

    Slowly the people eating their meals stopped eating and glanced towards the blonde. Many started to crowd around the family in awe. A security guard had come to stop her for the piano was only for display, but seeing as she knew what she was doing and wasn't causing any harm he let her be.

     "Hey doesn't she look kind of familiar?" One lady whispered to another. "Mhm oh I think that's that Lucy Dragneel, the one who co owns Lucky Dragon right?" "You're right, what was her maiden name ah Heartfilia! That's right she was the heirs to the Heartfilia company along with her husband Natsu. They were both already millionaires by 20 with their separate company's then they got married and combined the company's."
    The other woman scoffed. "They're probably some stuck up snobs huh?" Then someone else, a friend of the topic stepped up. "Actually they're both nicer than the people talking shit about them." The women gawked at the man standing there shirtless. "I happen to be a close friend so please don't talk badly about them" Gray asked politely.


    "Gray-sama your shirt!" Gray looked down and yelled noticing his shirt was missing.

    Lucy still stayed in her own little world at the piano just playing along. She played so well a few people had even started recording her and were already posting it all over social media. The main head line was enough to piss off any female though. 'Blonde Hottie blissing out at the magnolia mall' but still her playing did touch many.

     As her finger pressed the final keys of the song many people snapped out of there little daze coming back to reality. "Oh it's over" "I wished she'd play some more to be honest" "that was so pretty" Lucy smiled softly also coming from her own daze. "Wow Lucy-san.. that was amazing!"

    Wendy gave her a little clap, but it was soon followed by all the by standers joining in as well. Lucy blushed not realizing she had gather a crowd. "Momma me try!" Nashi whined trying to slam her hands on the keys. "No no sweetie, if you wanna play I'll buy you your own piano when you get older."

    Nashi smiled and put her arms up wanting to be held. Lucy picked up her little princess and some of their bags as did Wendy. "Well I think it's bout time we got home huh?" The blue haired girl nodded and followed behind. After they arrived home they set up all of Wendy's things.

     "Wow it's looks so nice! It's so cool getting to decorate my own bedroom" Lucy chucked. "Yeah I bet." Lucy went to put Nashi down for her nap then tapped on Wendy's door. "Hey wend would you mind watching Nashi for a bit? Natsu forgot his lunch and he wants that lunch.. I have to run down to the office." Wendy nodded and continued to play on her phone. "Nashi's napping so you should be fine"


    "Hello Mrs. Dragneel, oh hey Lucy!, Mrs. Lucy." Many people called out as Lucy walked through the office. She smiled missing work. She tapped on Natsu office door and walked in. "Hello sexy" Natsu slurred seeing his wife. "Hey dumbo!" Lucy chirped making Natsu frown. Lucy stepped over and placed his food on the desk.

   "Ah Natsu I think it's time to put Nashi in day care" Natsu stopped eating with a mouth full of food and raised an eyebrow. "Why" he mumbled. "I miss work. It was nice seeing everyone's faces again." Natsu sighed. "But I don't want you to work. I'm the man and the husband I'm suppose to bring home the bacon" Lucy giggled. "Oh shut up, I enjoy working." He crossed his arms and pouted.

    "Alright well I better get going" Lucy stood up but Natsu reached across the desk and grabbed her hand. "Wait, since when did you still play piano?" "Huh?" Natsu pulled out his phone and played the video of her at the mall. "Oh heh yeah didn't know I could do that my self"

    "well it was very beautiful Mrs. Dragneel, just like you" Lucy blushed and looked over at her husband. "What's into you huh?" Natsu shrugged. "I just miss you" Lucy shook her head and leaned over the desk giving his a light kiss.

   Natsu smirked.

    "You can't give me a kiss like that and leave" Lucy rolled her eyes and grabbed his tie pulling him down into a kiss. A very passionate, love filled kiss. "God you're so lucky there's other people in the building" Red sept into Lucy cheeks. "Naughty Dragneel!" Natsu shrugged. "What can I say I'm love struck"

    Lucy's heart rate speed up. "Oh shut it mister!" Natsu pulled her onto his lap and hugged her from behind. "Hm this side of you is so adorable, I miss the old days when we were close like this." Lucy looked back. "What before Nashi?" He nodded into her back.

     "Yeah, but I couldn't imagine a life with out our little princess" he kissed her shoulder. "I think she needs a another sibling" "what is with you and trying to get me pregnant!?" "I like kids and I want a family!" He argued. "Oh what am I gonna do with you?" He smirked.

  "Love me forever"

   Lucy turned around and kissed him again. "Deal" Lucy slowly got off his lap and fixed her self. "I really need to get home the girls are there"

"already babe, love you"

"love you too"

Hope you enjoyed💕.

School today has me drained and it's only first period.

The new ft manga chapter tho🌚 will Lucy finally think about her feelings for Natsu hmm?? I hope so.

Anime suggestion: Yuri! On Ice

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