Chapter 36-Going Down In Style

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We switched glances amongst ourselves, and once again I decided to access the room.

I can see you, was the creepy text typed with an axe emoji at the far end.

"Guys," Isabella called pointing at the door. She sounded petrified or worse.

Through the lite appeared a rotten grin.

Lips crooked, whitish, and holed with nasty scars. A mouth full of holed, disfigured, brown, sharp teeth. A tongue blood red and some darkness behind it.

Everything that came with the grin was but pretty. The thought that once or a hundred times I had shared my saliva with him almost gave me high blood pressure, stroke, heart attack, stomach ache, head ache, brain freeze, death, panic attack, and depression all at once.

Camilla was right. Wade was one of the ugly family members.

Most of the face was covered with his hair, and the dimly lit lights complemented in hiding most of his facial parts.

He then disappeared out of sight.

"We should reinforce the door," Camilla suggested limping for a violin.

On top of the piano standing against the door and below it we placed all sorts of instruments we could, including flutes which I doubted would help. After placing everything, we stood back creating a moment of silence.

We could hear the padding of boots outside the door and I could tell, Wade was not alone. Albeit only Wade appeared at the lite the pattering were too many for one person.

Unexpectedly, appeared the two faces ugly faces at the lite. They both walked backwards, and ran forward for the door slamming it with the side of their arms.

With a loud bang, a part of the wooden door cracked some hitches screaming lose.

The second bang was even harder, adding more injuries to the door that was yet to hang its boots. The force pushed back the instruments that were standing behind the door by an inch. A trumpet toppled down, onto a drum set and rolled on the floor.

Instinctively, we found ourselves toddling backwards in fear, including Isabella who was the bravest one amongst us. Starring each at the door in disbelief as it cracked lose empty of the next move, some more instruments toppled to the floor.

I could hear Fred's breath from where I was toddling. He had panicked and so had everyone else.

The third one was no hit, instead the two decided to pull the door.

It creaked loudly echoing the room. The hitches and edges of it cracking deeper and deeper like a lava mist crawling down a hill.

The two sides of the door abruptly broke lose and crushed on the floor with a loud bang forming a small cloud of dust.

Behind the piano appeared the two figures, one grinning the other masked. Wade and the man in a black coat.

The deafening clattering of the instruments toppling over others, summoned me from the brain freeze, but I still had no idea of what to do next.

Isabella came up with an idea but didn't tell us, most probably because it was suicidal. She quck-limped for the bow I had just dropped on the floor in front of us and flung it for Camilla who was the only one who's hands were working correctly and was not a scared-cat. "Catch," she slipped and fell luckily missing an axe by an inch.

I slid the three arrows, I had tucked around my dress, across the floor for Camilla.

Isabella sprang for the axe that had just dug the floor and tried to pull it out. Fred joined her in pulling it.

I was too nervous to do anything. I felt all my strength draining away leaving me rooted at the spot. Apart from taking in heavy breaths and out like an over pumped balloon there was nothing else my body could do, not even twitch a muscle.

Camilla triggered an arrow and aimed it at Wade, but he was swift enough to maneuver it. It dug a random wall.

The man in a black coat made a sinister animated walk for his axe, which seemingly Both Isabella and Fred were putting all their efforts to unglue it from the floor.

Wade didn't bother about Alma who was busy triggering another arrow, instead he fixed his gauze at me.

Something cold, something inhuman, something dead, something petrifying was a superficial way I could describe the feeling his look gave me. It unnerved me to the core.

He did that rotten grin again, opening his cold-blood-red eyes  wider in unison to the edges of his lips.

I toddled backwards and backwards wishing the room had no end, but it sure did, as he toddled for me.

"I have been longing for this day," he uttered in a voice that almost cracked all the windows around the radius.

For the second time in one evening I was trapped in between a wall and a psycho. I could not believe that my back had just hit a wall.

He raised the axe and angled it right for my neck. No, no, no this is not how it ends. I wasn't going to die sheepishly, I was going down in style.

I ducked the axe slicing the air above my back, ricochet, and with all my left hand strength punched him in between his chest. Immediately, I lost touch with my knuckles. If they weren't broken then they were very broken.

He didn't move an inch instead he chuckled at my futile efforts.


I navigated my legs away from him as he spun the axe for my skull. Miraculously I missed it.

With pin point accuracy Camilla targeted him. She released a yellow fletching arrow. The bullet point tearing a thin streak of air finding its way across the room, it crushed into his neck. It dug and came out through the other side the shaft lingering in between.

Spritz of blood spilling out like an erupting geyser, some spilled on me. I felt traumatized, I had human blood on my face and all around my bra. I could have screamed if not for the fact that he wasn't dead yet. My fragile left hand working on wiping it off around my face but it did terrible, more of what it did was spreading it.

Unlike normal humans he grinned instead of collapsing and finding his express highway to hell. He continued gaining on me inclining his axe though his passe was somehow decelerating.

From nowhere Fred appeared shouting like a mad man and speared him like a bull. The utter force pushed both of them behind and through the window. It broke into shatters as both of them flew outside. All the way from the fifth floor to the ground, they crushed with a muffled cracking sound.

No one needed to hear the words to know that Fred was no more. I hadn't been with him for long but he sure didn't deserve to die that way. Pain struck like a head-shot bullet, but I had to bring my head back to the moment. The scuffle was just halfway done.

On the other side of the room Isabella was scuffling for her life. She was pinned against a wall getting chocked, her feet kicking the air above the ground her hands struggling to stretch for his face.

She managed to clasp his plastic mask. Ripping it strongly, she snapped the strap holding the mask against his face.

Hell, he was ugly. Wrinkled almost at every other spot, nose curved next to it what seemed like an ear, eyes oversized, lips cracked and oversized, and if he didn't have excess facial organs then I couldn't tell what parts they were.

I wasn't ready for another one of us to die. I took in a deep breath and out. Here goes nothing.

I sprinted for the trumpet lying on the floor grasped it by the mouth piece and sprinted for the man in a black coat. Angling it to the maximum stretch of my left arm backwards to apply as much force as I could, I slammed him right at the back of his head. The intense strike made the trumpet vibrate on my hands like metal striking another forcing me to release it.

He drastically swiveled his head and met my water-filled eyes releasing Isabella, who fell on the floor lethargically on her butt.

I felt weak and immediately started toddling backwards as a defense mechanism, but he took a step after mine.

Camilla raced for the axe that Isabella had dashed at the far end of the room. She picked it, raced for the man in a black coat an jumped angling it at his back. A spot by his spine.

The tip of the axe head dug in, tearing into his flesh, but he didn't seem to feel the impact. He stretched his hands for my neck but miraculously I maneuvered away the grasp, giving myself a spot next to Camilla.

Camilla grabbed the axe and pulled it out. Since it hadn't dug too deep into his flesh, it swiftly got out with a steam of blood around its tip as the beast turned to face us. Isabella got to her feet and clasped a violin.

We all columned like superheros yet to face our darkest fear, the man in a black coat.

"You killed my brother, now I kill you," the mans first words I heard ever since.. Ever, were the most threatening and spine tingling in a hundred years.

"He worked for being handsome, being great, being human, being loved but you, you wicked thing," he was blaming it on me.

He raised his right foot for my chest. I was caught off guard suddenly slammed by his heavy boot. I didn't think the floor was so close, it took less than a blink of an eye and I was laying there so fragile that I doubted the capability of my remaining energy. If I would make it to get me back on my feet leave alone scuffling with the beast.

Camilla and Isabella collaborated to face the man in a black coat as I collected myself. Camilla swung the axe for his thigh but missed by an inch. Isabella swung the violin which perpendicularly slapped his face. His head moved for not more than an inch. Camilla swung the axe again for his chest but he grabbed it.

I called every last energy remaining in my body and struggled to at least get on my feet. I stumbled almost falling on my butt but I fidget on a wall regaining my balance. I steadied my breath and grabbed a flute that was not far from where I was standing and weakly toddled for him.

Isabella slammed him again at the face with the violin. It broke into shatters of wood leaving string like wounds around his ugly face. Camilla had made several more cuts around his body.

I got to him and weakly hit the back of his leg.

As if he felt the impact of the collaboration, he made his side of the scuffle more rapid and made a loud roar blindly throwing punches.

Isabella improvised and took a guitar. Unexpectedly I received a back kick by his giant foot shambling backwards, Camilla also receiving a punch.

"Catch!" Camilla shouted as she landed on the floor throwing the axe for me. I had more advantage since I was behind him and like a one sided beast he was only scuffling with the two in front of him.

It flew past him as he stretched to catch it, but he missed.

I was a terrible catch, I missed. It flew past digging into the wall behind.

Isabella slammed him with the guitar behind his knees forcing him to stumble a little.

Ungluing the axe, I psyched myself with a shout racing for him. I jumped on a piano and ricochet aiming at the back of his head.


My vision was blurry-red, my ears were ringing, every other inch of my body burning like one dipped in boiling lava, and everything that had just happened a few seconds past was vague.

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