Chapter 37-Jeopardy

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My head and body were heavy beyond my energy capacity in such a manner that I could barely move. If I wasn't numb then I was paralysed.

I struggled to at least roll over, when I noticed a cold liquid running down my lips.

I brought my shaky feeble left hand against my nose and noticed a warm liquid flowing.

Then that my vision was getting better I glimpsed at my index finger and noticed that it was blood, red and warm. I rubbed it with the back of my hand wishing it to get off but instead I felt it spread around my nose, some part around my mouth, and all around my hand.

I forced my body into a seating position my back against a wall. Opening my eyes weakly, I decided to assess the room.

Isabella was lying catatonic on the floor. I tried to utter her name but my tongue was way too heavy to move.

"Hey, T are you okey?" The voice was indistinct but I could tell that it was Camilla's by the weak smell of her rose perfume muffled with sweat.

"Yeah... I'm fine... What just happened?" I quizzed trying to be audible enough, but all that came out were whispers.

"She passed out, we should go and get some help."

After jumping I was slapped unconsciously, but I had given him a nice cut. One that was good enough to weaken him. Camilla did the decapitating after Isabella was hit and passed out.

Camilla had checked Isabella's pulse, and luck enough she was still alive.

Camilla gave me a hand in getting on my feet. Stumbling a few dizzy steps, I regained balance though I didn't quite feel as strong.

The man in black's head was somewhere near the door. his body across the room. Camilla did an impressive job, and one that would be a sure way that he was dead. Unless he was a zombie, there would be no way he would get up from there.

We both raised Isabella and carried her unconscious. Camilla hugged her on the left while I did the same on the right.

We took the stairs occasionally tripping and almost falling but putting our best feet forward, we made it to the gate.

That would be the last place on earth any one would even dream of driving close to at night. The heavy mist, drizzling, and pitch darkness accompanying each other would be a great combination of getting lost or having a dreadful accident encounter.

In the nick of time, from the far right of the road a white eerie light beamed at us and it was closing. Seemingly, it was a motorcycle or a person with a touch, but the closer it got we realized that it was a truck but with one light dead.

It was an aged, vintage, I couldn't tell if it was a red one or it was brown my eyes were too weak to differentiate, and it seemed like it was missing some parts like the bonnet and one side mirror. Basically it looked miserable, but bergers should not be choosers. I thought for myself.

"Help, help!" Camilla raised a thumb in front of it.

It halted with a disturbing screech.

"Hop in the back," a voice from the front seat roared. It sounded a little scratchy but this was no time to judge.

Camilla climbed first leaving all of Isabella's weight on me. Opening the tailgate, she pulled Isabella inside, and I followed.

I snapped away the quiz of why anyone would even dare drive at such a time and decided to get comfortable.

The truck didn't halt for more than a second, it kicked of as soon as I hoped in. Camilla closed  the tailgate as soon as it revved off.

The truck was filled with bales hay which we used to make a good bedding for Isabella and seat on some ourselves.

A few yards from the take off point, something appeared. It shimmered in the muffled silver moon glow. It seemed whitish like the school t-shirt.

Alma. She must have found us.

I was about to plead with the truck driver to stop the truck, when I noticed the abnormal speed she was gaining up on us with. Squinting my eyes, I noticed that it wasn't her, it was Wade.

He was agile, he was savage, he was irked, and he was not getting tired.

I dashed him the bale of hay that I had seated on which missed, galloping aside the road.

He raced faster and faster inching closer to the car in each step he took.

"Driver, drive faster!" Camilla exclaimed to the driver whom did not respond nor do what he or she was asked. Doubting that he or she heard her, Camilla banged the rare view windshield rattlingly echoing the same words.

On bolting at a very incredible passe, he caught up with the truck. He jumped grasping the rare panel.

Hoisting himself, Camilla pelt at him a bale of hay which got him right at the face. It didn't much of make him move above an inch.

I jumped for his right hand removing his grasp from the railing. He tried to flick me off but I gripped even stronger. Alma jumped for the other, which was on the outside of the rare panel, from the inside.

Loosening his grip, we in unison released his hands. He flew out of the jet-speeding truck galloping drastically in all styles and coincidentally met with a broken tree brach. It dug in from his back and out through his chest. Blood oozed out in its extreme some out of his red mouth and more on the wounded part.

He clasped the branch trying to pull himself out, but he already was a goner. He didn't have the strength to. He switched his glance at us and gave up the ghost in a slow-motion fall.

The mia image filled me with chills, but luckily mist muffled it in no longer time after I had seen it.

I sighed feeling life insidiously crawling back in me. A grin instinctively plastering itself animatedly on my face, tears of joy and disbelief starting to gallop themselves out.

The cold no longer felt cold, the pain no longer hurt, the panic no longer was with me. I bet it was the same on Camilla's side out of the grin crossing her face.

I was about to take her in for a hug but the truck stepped on a bump causing me to stumble a step back.

Seating on the wheel tub the driver started off a familiar whistle rhythm.

One that curried devastation, pain, agony, suffering, irk, ire, panic, and some other painful feelings that stroke me like lighting. My chest automatically started taking in breaths that were hard for even I to control. My heard padding hard against it cages, I could not believe it.

What was sheer bliss abruptly turned to utter darkness. Just what we needed, another person to kill us.

"Dmitri," I whispered to myself.

Just being in her presence was enough to make me feel like I was helpless and had nothing against her. Feeble, vulnerable, and jeopardized, all from my dark past reverberated.

"Come again," Camilla uttered thinking that I was whispering it to her.

"She is not here to save us, she is here to finish us."

"What do you mean?"

"She is Dimitri."

She gave me a bemused eye and went silent for a second as the truck sped past Mistyhills clinic.

"Hey, driver you've passed the clinic," she shouted rattling at the rare view windshield.

After not being responded to she looked at me as if it was then that my words had hit her.

The truck was cruising so fast that we couldn't jump leave alone jumping with an unconscious person.

"She is taking us somewhere," Camilla suggested.

"That was what I was trying to tell you."

Camilla assessed our environment for something to fight her with but all that were in the truck were nothing but bales of bay.

The drizzling turned into striking hard rain as the truck cruised across uptown into the upper part of downtown. Piercing cold cutting across my half naked body even after seating on the truck bed floor, pressing my knees against my chest, and placing two bales of hay on my right and two others on my left to protect me from the wind.

Downtown would be the last place anyone would even dream of being close to at such a jeopardizing time, so Dimitri's intentions were quite vague. Not unless, she wanted to commit suicide as well as taking us down with her.

"There," Camilla's sharp eyes made something after vetting for a while.

Besides the tailgate there was a chain tangled around its edge. I had no idea how she was going to use it, but her crooked smile seemed to be sure of what she was about to do.

She crawled and untangled it. Tying it to across her knuckles, she crawled back towards the rare view windshield and stretched her hand for a punch.

She stroke a punch as hard as she could but nothing happened to it, instead she yelped in pain but shook it off.

She didn't give up, she stroke again when a mia crack appeared at its edges. She stroke again and some more cracks appeared.

Abruptly, Dimitri braked the car.

Camilla and I grasped the rare panel. Isabella who was lying peacefully on a hay bed was flung to the front slamming on the rare view windshield with her back. Some bales of hay followed her including the ones that were enveloping me from the cold.

In the same abrupt manner, the car kicked off at an incredible speed.

I held my grip on the rare panel and so did Camilla, but Isabella. She was flung towards the tailgate which miraculously opened itself after being hit by a bale.

The tailgate wide ajar waiting for her, I jumped and stretched my left hand clasping the edge of her leg. The force made me slam my right hand unanticipatedly on the truck bed floor. I didn't mind the pain at the moment like the one I would encounter after tumbling on the road from a running truck. I was sliding and so was Isabella.

Camilla stretched and luckily grasped my dress her other hand on the rare panel. Isabella's head was now lingering slightly above the tarmac. An inch more and she would be nothing more than a roughly shred corpse. Her blond hair went sweeping the tarmac, bales of hay toppling close to her head and mine for the road.

It took me a second to gather myself from the itching pain on my right hand.  Pulling her leg with my left, which was sliding from the wetness, I was stroke by a bale right at the back of my head. My head attached to the truck bed it bounced back my nose broken. I didn't let go though I felt like I would.

My head became steaming hot each other inch of it aching in severe pain. I felt like ripping it off or wailing to the fullest, but I just couldn't.

The sound of my dress ripping apart forced me back to reality. It loosened my waist the more I kept hanging on.

I was then only grasping the tip of her feet.

One, two, three. I counted down in my head.

I pulled Isabella inside with all my energy. Once the edge of my dress tore apart, I hooked my right leg to the wheel tub pulling myself inside.

Camilla grasped Isabella and chained her to herself.

I took in as much air as I could having known that I was seconds from saying good bye to earth. My broken nose did it with passion until I felt a warm liquid running down my lips navigating itself from it.

Camilla continued punching the rare view windshield, which after several punches broke into shatters. Most of the pieces got to the front side of the truck. She navigated her hand for Dimitri, which was a bad idea to me. Immediately after, she shrieked in pain before I had amplified my thoughts. Her hand had just been slapped and almost broken.

She swift pulled it back and hold it with the other screaming out in pain. Animatedly, she gave up and sat on the truck bed. I crawled for her to offer help, but she didn't want me to touch it. Not like I had any skill to fix it apart from soothing and consoling words which she didn't want to hear either.

The truck speed wasn't getting any slower nor the rain getting any diminished both were becoming a threat.

The road was desolate. Not even an animal would risk to visit downtown at its state, but a crazy lady wanted to go down with us.

Checking Isabella's pulse, she was still alive.

Something crazy flushed across my mind having wondered what I would have done if I was Isabella. She had a unique way of solving problems, though one that lacked no jeopardizing of lives.

It was better dye trying than die as cowards. I counted the remaining bails of hay which were five.

"Let's jump," I uttered.

"What?," Camilla thought I was crazy, but judging at the moment, I was. The switch of character reasoning made me so. "Were moving like a hundred and eighty kilometers per hour," she gave me a disagreeing eye.

"We could tie ourselves to the hay."

She switched her glance to the hay and back to me and sighed as if she did not believe we were actually about to do it, "we start with Isabella." I couldn't agree more.

Maintaining high balance levels, we arranged some hay on the floor and placed Isabella on them like the bedding we had earlier made for her.

Unchaining her from Camilla, we tied her to the two wet bales using the chain. We pushed her to the edge, just a mia distance to the wide ajar tail gate.

Camilla sighed and doubled a check whether the chains were safely tied. "One.. two.. three," she glanced at me, "go," we in unison released her.

The force dismantled the bales flipping her around as it grew smaller in a distance. Shocked half to death, I had to know whether she was still fine.

There were only three bails remaining.

"You go first," Camilla suggested.

"No, you go," I argued.

"Then, let's go together," she knew I wouldn't leave her and she would do the same for me.

We columned the three remaining bales, and grabbed them by the straps arranging them in front of us like a shield from the rough tarmac.


My feeble legs did it automatically. Flying on air, we landed roughly on the tarmac. I felt the hay rubbing against it getting ramshackle.

Losing control, the one by our legs loosened and found its way to the other side of the road.

My knees scrapped by the tarmac, I was forced to release the hay. The force threw me spinning on the tarmac getting scrapped and falling off the road into a random bush followed by a cloud of debris.

Camilla's hay disappeared in the mist and so did the eerie truck.

I tried to move, when I noticed the numbness in my leg. Filled with goosebumps, I slowly glimpsed at it wishing it wasn't what I thought it was. It wasn't what I thought was, it was way worse.

A wet piece of wood had found its way into the front side of my thigh and stuck somewhere in the middle. My shaky left hand tried to clasp it but the mia touch of it sent sheer pain jolting all around my body.

I took to my lungs and sent out a dead awakening scream. I could not believe it. Blood rivulet out like a stream down to the ground and soaked the earth beneath my feet.

Unexpectedly, I heard a loud screech. I could already tell that she noticed our absence. Appearing at my point of view in reverse, Dimitri's truck.

She jumped out and scuttled for Camilla with a black whip.

The whip reminded me of my darkest moments, while I was still a kid. Moments that never stopped torturing me from the inside like a murderous cancer. I felt traumatize, and frozen by the painful memories. I didn't want to see her, I didn't want to get close to her, I didn't even want to imagine that I saw her.

She is up to Camilla. I wouldn't let my friend go through what I did, would I?

I knew how the whip felt and it was more than painful. It was worse if not worst. I gathered myself, though I had lost a lot of blood and was weak. Weaker than I had ever felt.

My trembling, cadaverous, weak, blood-filled, left hand clasped my thigh and pulled it backwards. I found tears rolling down my cheeks trying my best not to wail. Pain beyond any pain I had ever felt before generated from the injured thigh. It was like burning sulphur eating me up.

Even after removing the log, I still felt like it was there but the hole standing there bleeding recklessly stated the opposite.

I one-foot jumped once and toppled falling on my knees. I was empty of strength. I struggled to crawl and made it to the road side but even if I did make it to Dimitri I wouldn't do anything. I was like a fly in the presence of a giant.

Somewhere from the gloom, Camilla appeared stumbling backwards. Dimitri jolted for her with the whip which slashed the air and stroke her.

She wailed in pain, but there was nothing I could do to help. I was losing it, composure, strength, energy, and worst of it all hope.

Before the candle had completely burned to its wick, from somewhere in the pitch darkness appeared Isabella. I had never been more relieved. I didn't necessarily know why, maybe because she was still alive or she had come to our rescue.

She tied the chain at the back of the car and limped for Dimitri. She snuck behind her, and jumped on her back chaining her around the neck.

I automatically knew what to do.

I huffed and puffed like an angry wounded Buffalo psyching myself. I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. Summoning every single energy remaining from the core to the outside, I shrieked getting to my feet. Glad I still could.

I one-leg-jumped for a muddy stone that was standing besides the road and lifted it with a load groan like an ape in severe pain. Inside the still coughing truck, I placed it on the gas.

It accelerated at an extreme take off speed, its tires burning up with a light whitish smoke.

She got chocked an abrupt pulled toppling on the rough tarmac. She tried to relieve her neck from the chain but it was too tight. The tarmac's roughness tore apart her habit and shred her back apart. She wailed and wailed even louder as the truck drove into downtown disappearing in the whitish mist.

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