Chapter 4-The New School President

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Once at his desk, he stopped glancing at me, giving me a moment to breathe.

"That was so anomalistic," Isabella whispered after noticing the glare.

It made me feel like I did something wrong. Over thinking it, maybe I did wrong, but he was hurting me and making me all emotional. Fighting girls for him but he still hanged out with them claiming that they were his friends and I was too insecure. I never knew I could be so jealous until I met him.

"I know," I replied in the same low tone.

I tried and I tried and I tried not to steal glances at him but I still did. In the most surreptitious manner, I peeked at every single move he did. I felt kind of guilty maybe because I was stealing glances from someone I heart wrecked or maybe because he wasn't really interested like he used to be. Maybe it was half of both.

Back when we were lovers he used to steal them back and when our eyes met we would both smile. At times I would flush and shy away.

Now I was failing to understand him. At times he gave me cold glares, and at times he ignored me like I wasn't there. What his intentions or ambitious towards me were were completely vague.

The first class took depressing seconds. I had barely got anything nor wrote anything. One second it was good morning class and the other it was see you tomorrow and have a nice day. If nice was synonym for terrible then it would probably be what I was expecting my day to be like.

The second class was Physics class which we didn't share with either Isabella nor Wade but we did share it with Brian, Camilla's boyfriend. Camilla was one of my best friends but she was less crazier compared to Isabella.

All through the second and the third lesson, I didn't want the lessons to end though there was this other part of me that still wanted to see Wade. Even if I crossed my fingers, the time flew more than ever.

I couldn't imagine sharing the same cafeteria with my ex boyfriend who gave me a spine tingling, cold glare early that same morning, but all in all break time reached. My heart missed a bit when the bell to break time noisily rung.

I extended class, even after the teacher and other students left, with a few minutes.

Trying to make a flowers sketch in my emotional support sketch book, I couldn't match the petals right. For a moment it looked like an up side down umbrella.

My emotions were taking over my art.

After several awry-gone trials, I gave up having bought as much time as I could so that Wade and his friends would be done eating and leave the cafeteria. They usually left early in order to go and prepare their games tools for evening sparing after lunch.

Isabella was not in the locker room but going out of class late bought me enough space to find my locker without much struggle. I tossed my books in my higgledy piggledy arranged locker and tread for the cafeteria swerving my head like a worried bunny, afraid to meet Wade's glare somewhere around the hallways or in the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was normal, the rich kids at the far left taking expensive snacks they brought from home while the others were taking chocolate milk and biscuits offered by the school.

I took my cup of milk and biscuits that was offered to me by a lady. The lady who was always dressed in a white smock. Can't tell if its always the same one or she changed but that didn't concern me.

Wade and his friends were not there. Where they used to seat by the fourth window from the far left. I darted my eyes all around for double assurance. They weren't. I sighed a sigh of relief from the inside. Maybe they were already done with their snacks.

At our table Isabella wasn't there but Camila and Alma were. I joined them with my glass of milk and a plate of biscuits. Placing them on the table, I giving myself a seat.

From nowhere Brian appeared and gave Camilla a peck. She smiled and Brian smiled back walking for his table where he sat with his friends.

"Ooh." Alma said teasingly.

"What?" Camilla quizzed trying to fix a serious expression which she was doing terribly at. She knew Alma wanted to start a playful tease with her. It would always end up in a stalemate that I would have to interfere and stop them from teasing each other.

Walked in the cafeteria, punks. Gwen and her cheerleader clique.

The rivaling cheerleaders clique had more achievements that us therefore making us seem diminished. They had a reputation of being the best cheerleaders in school and taking Blue Falcons to the highest marks of American Football in the country. We went head on a million times but solemnly we lost most of the times.

I hated Gwen with everything I got. She always thought that she had the whole school in the palm of her hands and in addition I suspected that Wade was cheating on me with her too.

She tread past us together with her nerd friends towards the rich kids corner. What took to my attention was the time they got to the cafeteria. Normally they would appear a few minutes just after the previous class. Most of the time I found them there.

Something else that was eerie about the cafeteria was the fact that the number of students present were minimal. Usually it would be completely full and noisy but it only had few students. I hadn't noticed until I skimmed the the entire room. A good percentage was not present.

"Is it just me or is the cafeteria absurd?" I quizzed Camilla and Alma who were seated opposite the table.

"I thought the same. Where are other people anyway? Including Isabella" Camila had also noticed too.

Alma hadn't noticed. She swiveled her head and surveyed the room. She gave an agreeing hmm raising her shoulder.

Not long until Isabella appeared jogging towards our table. "Guys guys, did you hear this?" She quizzed almost chocking on her own words struggling to pronounce them from her frazzled voice box. She looked like one who had been running around the world and suddenly came to a tiring halt.

She bent and caught her knees to catch a breathe.

"Heard what?" I enquired.

"Davis.. Davis has been caught with cocaine." She was still chocking on her words.

"What?" Camilla amplified my thoughts.

"Davis was caught with coc and is being withdrawn from being the school president."

"What? How? When? Where?" Camilla asked the questions in bemusement as myself.

Davis had a good enough reputation for Mrs Clara, the school principle, to declare him Mistyhills highschool president. Ironing the fact that he wouldn't dare bring drugs to school. At home it wouldn't be a miracle. I mean people had millions of secrets hidden behind the closet who knew, maybe he did drugs maybe not.

"They are in the principles office right now."

Now I understood where all the other students were. They were probably outside the principal's office crowded to know what would happen to Davis. If he would get expelled or suspended.

That was supposed to be non of our business. President or not the school to me seemed the same.

Most of the people who had gone to check out what was happening must have been his crush and a few concerned friends. One of the reasons he got many votes was because he was handsome therefore buying many votes from girls. He got brilliant grades too and had a good conduct in the schools office.

"So, did you come running all the way from the office to tell us all that useless stuff?" Alma comically enquired.

"No! First I was jogging. Second I wouldn't want food to finish for me. I'm starving." She answered comically widening her eyes. That must have been true. She was the kind of girl who would literally die if she missed a single meal a day. "That is probably non of my business too." She added.

That's exactly what she loved getting herself into. None of her business.

"No, its not useless." Camilla butt in "What if my club collapses?"

Camila was the leader of Science club which was one of the clubs that needed serious support so as to develop. Davis was helpful and at least took the club a step forward. Though it was still weak.

It had scarcity of resources and other many problems that only Camilla could tell.

"Wait you said. 'People in the principles' office right?" I quizzed.

"Ooh, yeah, Davis, Deborah and your ex boyfriend."

Deborah was the schools deputy president.

A vivid memory of the previous years elections slammed me with the finality of a stray bullet.

That could only mean one thing. Wade would be the next president since he was in runners up during the previous elections.

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