Chapter 5-Under The Street Light

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I almost collapsed at the just thought of him becoming the new school president. Every other school assembly he would be appearing at the front and maybe giving me that same ice cold glare. If that wasn't enough torture already he would be appearing in front of my eyes twice as much as he used to. He would be owning the school and doing anything he wanted.

It felt like a bag of bricks had just been placed on my shoulder.

I almost lost my breath, taking in a heavier breath than the previous one every time. I felt despondent. I felt beaten. I felt lost. I wished I had gotten over him already but it was so difficult.

The bell for the next class caught me off guard.

"See you at lunch time guys," Camilla was the first to leave the table.

"Me too" Alma left second after Camilla.

"Can I help you with that?" Isabella enquired pointing at my plate of biscuits.

I gave her a lopsided smile and passed the plate to her. She was generous enough to devour them in seconds.


"Good evening students of Mistyhills high."

His familiar accent triggered panic inside of me slamming a magnitude of depression like a racing car in it's maximum velocity inside me.

I still didn't wanna believe it not even after the school emergency bell was rung, or when every other student appeared in the school assembly cort, or when Mrs Clara announced Wade J Gibson as the new school president and that Davis would be suspended until the following term and even then I still couldn't believe it that he was actually making his first speech as a president.

No no no.

I hid behind the crowd afraid that he would look at me and I would end up hating myself for my own stupid mistake.

No, no, I did the right thing. I tried to convince myself but I was doing terrible at it.

My cheat rose and fell in panic, such that it almost blew into pieces, inhaling and exhaling excess Oxygen that I doubt was even enough for the crowd that had surrounded me.

The noise in the hallways made me feel more and more and more depressed wishing I could find somewhere to just break down and scream my pain and rage away.

The intensity of panic did not reduce a single bit not even after leaving school.

I boarded a public bus just like I had done in the morning to take me back home. Normally we would sit with Isabella but I still couldn't recall where I lost her.

I still couldn't believe it. 'Wade J Gibson is the new school president' were the words reverberating in my head again and again. Every echo louder than the previous one and more unnerving.

Every other day he would be appearing in front of my eyes and maybe give me that cruel look that made me feel helpless.

The crimson yellow dusk afterglow along the horizon had no effect on me. Not like it normally did when we drove past the plain lawn. It used to calm me curry every sorrow and pain flushing it all away like a toilet leaving my head cleared up. Plus free vitamin D. That day I felt nothing not even a single drop of emotions.


"Hey T.. T!" Noodles shouted snapping me out of the overflowing thoughts looming carelessly in my mind.

Noodles was a nick name I gave to Linnet after her cat which she had named Noodles. She was one of the waitress in Cheese and Burger hotel.

When I got to Cheese and Burger I didn't find MM. I was told that he was away to purchase some stuff required by the hotel. He also carried some few workers with him.

Instinctively I dressed in my work uniform. A white skirt and a complementing white top with Cheese and Burger logo at the back and a steel tag with my name on it on the right side of my chest.

There I was over filling a customers cup of water. The water had already spilled out and begun washing the customer. The entire table was flooding and I was still holding the jag that had no more content remaining in it.

"What is wrong with you young lady?!" The customer got to her feet and took out a piece of tissue from her bag. Wiping off the water that had spilled all over her thighs, she gave me a cold sneer.

She was brown, a little shorter than me with an inch or so, she had some freckles and was like in her late thirties or early forties. She was clad in a casual white shirt with the wordings 'Hot chick' on it and blue jeans leggings that were now all wet because of me.

"S.. S.. Sorry, I'm so sorry." I quickly apologized taking a piece of tissue from my pocket as well and offering to wipe her, but she flecked my hand away. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to__" I continued pleading with her.

"Now I look like I have pissed on myself," she groaned.

She then waved her hand away in ire and scuttled for the main door. I could tell that she was disappointed in Cheese and Burger and MM might have probably lost a customer.

"Hey T. What's with the long face?" Noodles enquired. "I've been looking at you and please don't tell me you are okey."

I stared at her my eyebrows quivering in melancholy. "I'm not," I answered knowing that she could see it in my eyes. She was more like a sister to me and knew me better than anyone else did.

"You should go get some rest. I'm certain MM won't mind if he doesn't find you here," she added in concern.

Well, I would rather prefer serving customers which would occupy my mind rather than go home and die of pain squashing my pillow hard against my chest.

I wasn't invited to a party or gimmick so indubitably I had nowhere to go and drink him out. Furthermore drinking on a Monday evening would only mess up my Tuesday morning.

"I'm good. I can handle myself," I said in defence hoping she wouldn't push the topic further.

"Like you handled that customer?" She asked irrationally. "C'mon you need to get some rest and you know that."

I gave her a look like. You can't convince me that.

Since she had a lot of customers to take care of she sighed, "Ok. But please make sure you can handle yourself. If you do anything else like that I'll just call MM."

Well, MM wouldn't be happy if he heard that I had some issues going on. He would force me to rest. I had to tame my feelings and fake a smile for the customers but deep inside pain blazed like bush fire.

I had barely served three customers when drops of water from the sky started falling. They started as itty bitty, light spritz to large, heavy drops. Torrential downpour of cold water rushing from the dark grey clouds and falling like stones.

The rain came with tingling coldness making all my arm hair erect and chasing away our customers.

Darkness had already chased away daylight, lightning striking randomly creating a wave of light around its radius.

I took one of the hoodies in the store room and wore it. It must have been Noodles since it had a familiar perfume ordure. Noodles already had a hoodie so I bet she wouldn't mind me wearing it.

The remaining customers took their leave before they could get too late. It was sort of a relief so we wouldn't have to worry about serving customers but then on the other side it left my mind unoccupied. The last customer called an taxi and left. Now the hotel was empty.

The one who got lucky was the cleaner because he would get ample time to clean up the place and still finish early.

In Mistyhills whenever it rained there were places that became intolerable. Some places would flood and others would get struck by random lightning destroying property and causing deaths, so it was highly advisable to keep indoors whenever there were such rains. Most of the times rainy seasons were preannounced on TV so everyone would keep their guard up.

We were in uptown so we didn't worry much about flooding like in downtown. What jeopardised us was the random-striking lighting.

I sat on one of the customer's seats and took out my sketch book. Hopping this time it would keep my mind occupied.

I thought of sketching a bee. No maybe a butterfly or a chicken.

Unzipping my bag still arguing with myself on what to sketch, I couldn't fund my pen. I was certain that it was still somewhere in the bag.

I shoved my hand in the haphazardly arranged pile of books but still couldn't find it.

I flipped my bag up side down and poured on the table all its content still looking for the pen. Where could it be?

I shoved my hand in all the other pockets in the bag but still couldn't find it. The only sketch-rated item I could find was a rubber.

I gave up and threw the bag on one of the chairs groaning in disappointment.

Under one of the streetlights outside Cheese and Burger I noticed someone. He or she was more like a silhouette than a clear image. If I couldn't tell better it was a man by the built body.

He was in a vast black raincoat that ran from the tip his head to his toe covering all of his body.

His face was covered in a whitish indistinct mask. Squinting my eyes to make a better view of him, I caught a glowing pair of eyes glaring right at me.

He had been starring directly at me. His spine tingling glare was complemented with lighting, then its aftermath, an ear deafening cracking storm. Jolting sheer fear deep into the core of my spine.

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