Kaz Jakovchuk{Orchestra AU}

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For Ruler_of_the_Thieves and their lovely orchestra AU.

Name-"Kaz Jakovchuk!"

Gender-"I'm a male."


Sexuality-"Now, that's just none of your business."{Straight asexual}

Personality-{Kaz is usually very cheerful and talkative. He's kind of a jokester, and very hard to embarrass, so he'll often make a fool of himself to get his friends to laugh. He can be secretive when he believes you're prying, and turns cold and distant within the second. He acts like he's some brave macho man, but in reality, he's a little bit of a coward. He can't read people well, so he never knows when he's pushing the limit on things, and sometimes does, but he's quick to apologize and make up after he realizes that he's hurt somebody. He gets overprotective and even a little bit violent if someone hurts anything or anybody he cares about. He's very blunt and straightforward, and accidentally offends people easily.}

Likes-"The trombone because I play it, fantasy, cupcakes, exploring, making people laugh, mythology in general, technology, Disney movies, and the color green. Don't start telling me it's not creative. Also cats."

Dislikes-"Ah...deep water, nosy people, math, science, prejudice, rock music, bullies, hate, and cows for some reason."

Hobbies-"I like to draw and write, play my instrument, of course, but I also like to knit. Don't tell anyone."

Instrument-"The trombone, of course!"

Spirit Animal-"Only the most bestest animal ever! A chimpanzee!"

Power-"I can make storms and wind."

Extra-{Kaz was born in Russia, but his parents decided to move to the United States because they believed they'd have a better life there. He was 7 years old when they moved, and he still misses his old home. He can still speak fairly fluent Russian, and nearly fluent English.}

Theme Song-


"I'm not staring, I just noticed that your shirt's kinda tacky and it doesn't look go-NO NO WAIT I'M SORRY I DIDN'T MEAN IT!!"
"Honestly, this fighting is pointless, because I'm so gonna win."

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