The One Where Everything is Okay

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I woke up entangled with Alexander.

I was with Alex.

He didn't leave.

I smiled and sat up. I felt Alex stir at my side. "Crap, what time is it?" He asked. He sat up and squinted because of the sun shining through the window.

"Relax, it's Saturday." I said putting my arm around him. He stiffened at my touch and then relaxed, leaning into me. "You shouldn't work as much as you do, you'll give yourself worry lines."

Alex smiled back at me, "There's just so much I have to get done."

I laughed lightly, "Alex, dear, if I had finished what you've finished by the time I was 18, I would be retired already."

He laughed too. "One day." He said.

"One day?"

"Yeah, I'll take a break for the day." He said. "With one condition."

I sighed, "What condition?"

"Kiss me again." He said.

"Maybe you don't need a break." I joked, looking down at Alex.

He gave me a face that was sad, shocked and in confusion. I laughed and leaned down to kiss him.

Right before I could press my lips to his again, I felt a hand against my chest. "No, you're right John, I don't need a break." He said seriously. He stood up, escaping my grasp and walked over to the desk and sat down.

"Alex." I whined, sitting in my spot because I couldn't believe he was denying a kiss.

"John." He mimicked, not looking up from the laptop, which he was typing on- again.

I huffed and got up. I practically stomped over all of three steps to him and crossed my arms over my chest. "Alex." I said grumpily.

"John," He said pouting dramatically.

"I want a kiss."

"Maybe I don't wanna kiss you."

"Fine, I didn't want a kiss anyway." I said dramatically, closing my eyes and flailing my hands.

I felt Alex's lips against mine and I nearly fell over. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer, standing up as he did. I moved my lips with his and put one arm around his waist. I tried to pull him even closer, but I failed because he was already on his toes. Instead I pushed his laptop aside on the desk and lifted him up, sitting him on the desktop.

He instantly wrapped his legs around my waist and tangled one hand in my messy hair. I felt him pull away and  suck in some air. "John," he said quietly.

My eyes were still closed, "Yeah?"

He pushed me away and I opened my eyes. His face was bright red and he was looking towards the other side of the dorm.

I looked over and saw Lafayette standing with his eyes wide.

"Lafayette!" I said, straightening up instantly. I fixed my hair and smoothed my shirt out.

Alex was frozen in his spot on the desk.

"Vous auriez pu me prévenir." He said.

Alex started rambling in French before I could say anything.

"Lafayette, John et moi obtiennent le long ouais? Je lui ai embrassé et, bien que vous venez arrivé à marcher dans au mauvias moment. Mes chers excuses." He said quickly.

"Je pence que je sais qui est votre plus cher est, Alexander." He said back, raising one eyebrow.

Alex's face flushed even darker and I walked over, pushing Lafayette out the door, "As you can see Alex and I have much studying to do for midterms." I lied.

Lafayette laughed and let himself be pushed out.

As I closed the door I heard Peggy and Hercules' laugh. "They were totally making out." Said Lafayette.

"Man I knew it!" Peggy said.

"Ten bucks Herc," Lafayette said.

"Sorry Alex," I said walking back over to him. He was still on the desk, swinging his legs like a child.

"S'okay" He mumbled.

"Is the moment ruined?"

"A little."

I laughed so Alex laughed too. I stood in between his legs and leaned down, pressing my forehead to his. He flashed me his teeth in a smile and my heart melted a little bit.



"I really like you."

"I really like you too."

"I'm in love."

"You are?"

His face turned red and he smiled a little bit.

"With food," I finished, standing up straight. "Lets go get something to eat."

He looked at me with a face so done with me that I couldn't help but laugh.

"Please?" I asked, taking his hand.

"Fine." He slid off the desk and walked with me- hand in hand -to go get food, "You're paying."

"Okay. Call it a date." I said back without missing a beat.

"Date it is," He said back instantly.

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