The One Where Everything is Chill

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Can I just really quick say; Omigosh thank you sooo so much for reading this! I seriously appreciate every single one of you! You guys reading this (and voting and commenting) really inspires me to write more for you! I really love the feedback I'm getting! P.S. If you want to you can read my other Hamilton fanfic, Its a more serious one and involves parts of the musical where I make parts of songs into dialogue between characters! Idk, Read it if you want! This is a cute chapter for you guys! :D

I was walking with Alex for our date. We decided to go back to the gas station and get slushies. Then we walked to the diner and picked up some BLTs because they're the ultimate sandwich for any time of day. Alex carried the slushies and I carried the takeout boxes with our sandwiches.

"Right here," I said.

"Here?" Alex said.

"Yeah, this fountain is usually running and its really pretty." I said, sitting on the edge of the fountain.

Alex joined me and handed me the cherry slushie and in return I handed him his BLT.

"This is nice." He said, taking a bite of the sandwich.

"Yeah, BLTs are really good."

He laughed at me, "No, this date." He said, "Its a nice day and I didn't realize how hungry I was until you mentioned going to eat." he sipped his blue slushie, "And these slushies are so good."

Alex and I were walking again, we had finished our lunch and were just walking in town. He reached down and grabbed my hand and I entwined our fingers.

Suddenly our date was ruined when someone with frizzy hair saw us. "Ew. Hey James, you know how I feel about homosexuals?" He said.

A large guy with not frizzy hair but a poorly done fade piped up next to him, "No, please remind me."

"We put 'em in their place." The frizzy haired one said. He had an awful fake French accent.

Alex tightened his grip on my hand and I straightened up a little bit. "What makes you think we're gay?" I said clearly.

"What makes us think you are?" the one with the bad fade asked.

"Did I stutter?" I spat back.

"Holding hands is what tells us you're gay, fags."

"You thinking that lets me know you two are ignorant douchebags." I rolled my eyes, "You probably haven't been laid in years." I added.

The one with the frizzy hair made some uncomprehensive noises before swinging a fist at me. Right before it hit my face, Alex let go of my hand and grabbed the wrist of the Wannabe Frenchman.

"Don't hit my boyfriend." He growled. "Or I will take you to court for assault." He let go and took my hand again. "Lets just go John, I'd rather not be around people of their type." He started to walk away and I followed him seeing as he had a grip on my hand. He shoved passed the two guys and muttered, "Southern mother fucking democratic republicans"

"Hey, Alex, I'm sorry about those two guys." I said, opening the door to the dorm.

"Who? Jefferson and Madison?" Alex said, "They hate me no matter what."

"You know them?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah, they hate that I win every debate in American History. Not to mention I run a side blog dedicated to roasting them."

"I didn't know that."

"Oh, and by the way, what you said- gold. I loved it. Jefferson's face was priceless." Alex smiled and I couldn't help but smile back because even though we were called out for being gay, Alex was happy.

"Jefferson was the Wannabe Frenchman with the frizzy hair?" I asked.

"Yeah, and James-"

"With the bad fade, seriously needs a new barber."

"Yeah," Alex said while laughing.

We were sat on my bed and Alex took both of my hands again.



"Thanks, for the date."

"Don't thank me, I loved it."

"Me too."

"You have work to do?"

"It can wait."

"Good because I was thinking..." I trailed off and Alex tried finishing it.

"We could cuddle?"

"No, I was thinking that we have to cuddle."

Alex smiled, "Okay, lets watch a movie."

"Okay you can pick since I picked where we ate."

"Its a weird movie."

"Your choice, completely yours." I said opening Netflix on my laptop.

"Legally Blonde."


"I love it." He said, moving over to the carpet. "It accurately depicts law."

"Okay," I said, trailing the last syllable.

"We don't hav-"

"Oops its playing," I said to keep Alex from trying to convince me to watch what I like.

I put the laptop on the TV stand and sat next to Alex, putting my arm around him. He leaned into me and put his head on my shoulder. I kissed his head and watched Reese Witherspoon portray a generic white girl for the first fifteen minutes of the movie.

By the time Elle was interrogating the frizzy haired girl Alex had fallen asleep on me and my eyes were locked to the screen. Elle finally cracked the girl and I celebrated for Elle with a over-excited fist pump. "Yes!" I yelled.

As I was celebrating Alex's head fell off of my shoulder and he woke up with a start, "Huh?" He inhaled sharply and his eyes shot open.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I said, hugging the sleepy kid, "I got a little too excited for Elle."

"Aww that's cute." Alex said, already drifting back to sleep. I leaned against Alex's bed and pulled him closer so his head rested on my chest.

We were both asleep within five minutes.

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