The One Where Lafayette Leaves

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"What do you mean you're leaving?" I asked is disbelief.

Lafayette was standing in our dorm, along with all of our friends. He made us all meet up because he had 'big news'

"I get to go back to France and see my sister!" He said smiling. "I'm taking the rest of this semester in France."

Eliza spoke up, "I'm very happy for you!" She said smiling.

Angelica and Peggy just nodded in agreement.

Hercules didn't say anything. He just sat on Alexander's bed, staring at the floor.

"Thanks guys!" He smiled, "I knew you'd understand!"

Before any of us could react Hercules stood up. "I don't understand, Laf, you're leaving. You're going to a different country." Before Lafayette could comprehend what was happening, Hercules stormed out of the room.

Before anything could get worse, I stood up and put my hand on Lafayette's shoulder. "We're all happy for you. Even Hercules. He may be upset now but he's happy for you." I went to follow Hercules and stopped in the doorway, "I'll talk to him and then we'll all go out to celebrate."

Everyone nodded and I left, running off in the direction Hercules went.

I finally spotted him under the tree we normally meet at, sitting on the ground.

I got to him and sat down on the grass. "Talk to me," I said putting one hand in his shoulder.

He looked up at me and I saw tears in his eyes, "He's leaving, John."

"He'll be back at the end of the semester." I said.

"What if he doesn't?"

"I doubt his sister will let him move in, he eats too much." I joked.

Hercules laughed, tears streaming down his face. Lafayette and the Schuyler's walked up behind us. "Hercules? Mon amie, I'm going to France, I already have the ticket. But I will, how you say, face chat, you all the time."

Hercules laughed again and stood up, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hand. "God, I'm gonna miss you." He said.

"Me too." Lafayette said.

I stood up and laughed, pushing Hercules towards Lafayette, "Oh my gosh, just hug him already." I said.

The two hugged tightly and Peggy jumped on her feet and silently squealed.

I noticed Alex hadn't come down. I walked over to the girls and leaned over to Angelica, "Where's Alex?"

"He said he had to write something." She said.

I sighed, "Let's go get him." I said, I turned towards Hercules and Lafayette, "Come on you two. We gotta celebrate!"

They let go of each other and followed us back up the dorm.

"Really, he writes so much." I said before I opened the door.

"Are you coming?" I said walking into the room. Everyone followed behind me and we were crowded in the doorway.

"Yeah, yeah I just have to say something first." He said. He was holding a crinkled piece of paper.


He took a deep breath and let it out shakily. "John, I knew we'd be friends since we met. But I didn't know that I'd soon develop a massive crush on you. I'm always typing, yes, but what you don't know is that a lot of the time I'm just typing my feelings or things we did. I want to remember everything I've ever done with you. I want to remember in such detail that when I reread them I can close my eyes and feel like I'm reliving the best moments of my life. I'm sorry I'm always writing, but I promise I'll spend more time with you. If I don't what will I type about? Other than how much that Wannabe Frenchman makes me mad. John Laurens, I want you to be my actual boyfriend. Not just when I'm fighting homophobes uptown." He paused, "So John, will you make me the happiest man in this dorm and be my boyfriend?"

"I can make you the happiest man in this dorm," I started, "because you're still a kid." I smiled, with tears in my eyes.

He walked over and playfully punched my arm, "Then make me the happiest kid in this dorm,"

I smiled, "Yes, yes of course I'll be your boyfriend,"

He smiled wider and I leaned down and kissed him, I didn't even care if everyone was watching.

"Omigosh!" Peggy squealed, "Lafayette and Hercules owe me twenty bucks!" She yelled.

I smiled, breaking the kiss.

Hercules groaned, "Gross, let's go eat," he joked.

"Yeah, you guys can be SuperGay™ later" Eliza said.

I grabbed Alex's hand and followed everyone out the door.

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