The One With The Cheat

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I went back to the hospital the next day carrying Alexander's laptop. I was hoping that if he had his laptop he'd be less sad about his condition. He's been really distant and he hasn't been talking as much as he used to. As I entered the pediatric wing, I heard the sounds of Mario Kart and kids laughing. I walked passed a room that had what I assumed was a one way window on the wall, through it I could see three kids sitting on the floor. Two of them had controllers for a wii and the other one was sitting between them. The entire pediatric wing was very colorful and had lots of paintings of animals and balloons and other fun things on the walls. The nurses that worked with kids all wore colorful scrubs or patterned scrubs. I found Alex's room and took a breath before walking in. Before I could I heard laughing and talking.

"I was actually in here to see my daughter," A voice said.

"You have a daughter?" Alex said.

"Yeah, she's in for a surgery to remove a tumor."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, and besides I found you here!" The voice said, "God I've missed you so much."

"Yeah I'm so happy to see you!" Alex said back.

"It's a bummer that I found you like this."

"I think its just fate that we're back together." Alex said quieter.

"I love you Alex."

"I love you too."

I didn't know what to think. Alex was with someone else?

"Sir, can I help you?" A nurse said behind me.

"Yeah, give this to Alexander, yeah?" I handed her the laptop, "I gotta run, campus emergency."

"Okay," The nurse said taking the laptop.

I pulled out my phone and texted the group chat.

J.Ham: I think Alex is cheating on me. :'(

PegLeg: No way! I'll kill him

Eliza<3: I'll get the ice cream <3

J.Ham: I'll be back at campus soon.

J.Ham: Don't tell Alex I know.

Eliza<3: Okay :(

PegLeg: Will do ;(

FrenchyFry: Sorry M8. I won't tell Alex.

I put my phone in my pocket and started walking the way I came.

As I walked passed the room with the wii, a kid walked out, running into my leg.

"Sorry!" He said quickly.

"It's cool little man." I said back.

"You're very tall." He said. He had to tilt his head the whole way up to look at me.

"I bet you'll be as tall as me when you grow up." I said, kneeing down to reach his level.

A voice came from the room, "John hurry up!" The voice said.

The boy turned to the room and looked back at me, "My friends want me to find someone to fix the wii." He said. "You're tall, can you fix it?"

I couldn't say no to that. "Yeah I can fix it." I said standing up again.

I followed him into the game room and let him explain what happened.

"We knocked down the sensor and we can't reach it. Its behind TV." He said.

I looked behind the TV and sure enough, the little black sensor bar for the wii. I grabbed it and set it back on top of the TV.

"Thanks!" The boy said. "I'm John. That's Maggie." He pointed at a little girl with one arm in a cast. She waved with her good hand. "And that's Ben." He pointed at the other boy in the room. He had a saline pack hooked to him. All three of them couldn't have been older than eight years old. "What's your name?" John asked.

"John." I smiled when John's face lit up.

"We have the same name!" He said.

"Yeah isn't that cool!" I said back.

"Maggie isn't that the coolest thing?" John said.

Maggie just nodded her head.

"She doesn't talk much." John said.

A nurse walked into the room. "Ben, honey time for your medicine."

"Aww, but it makes me sleepy!" Ben whined. He reminded me of Alex when he whined. Alex; the guy who cheated on me.

John's face fell. "Aww, Maggie can't play Mario until she can feel her arm again."

"Bye guys," Ben said letting the nurse wheel the saline pack out behind Ben.

"Can you play Mario?" John asked me eagerly.

Once again I couldn't say no so I just nodded my head.

His face lit up and he handed me a white controller, sitting on the floor. "Maggie likes watching." He said as Maggie sat back down.

He started a race and I tried to get the hang of the wii controls.

By the time I had been beaten three times I had gotten used to the controls.

"Can we play another?" John asked. I just nodded, unable to say no to him.

I almost won the race and John cheered when he won by three seconds.

"Yes! Another win for the Amazing John!" He said getting up and running around the small room.

A nurse came into the room again and took Maggie and John both. "Sorry guys, you can come back tomorrow and keep playing." She said to the two kids.

I waved bye to the kids after promising to play another race tomorrow.

I left the hospital and went back to campus to be greeted by Peggy in my dorm.

"Where have you been?" She asked frantically when I got back.

"At the hospital." I said simply.

"Its been an hour!"

"Sorry, I was playing Mario Kart with kids from the pediatric wing."

Her face softened when I mentioned the kids. "Oh."

"I didn't see Alex."


"I don't wanna see him."

"I got slushies but your melted." She said handing me a red drink.

I drank the juice.

Peggy and I had finished two Disney movies and were halfway through High School Musical when I got a phone call. Peggy answered it.

She ended the call and turned to me.

"Your Alex's emergency contact." She said, standing up.


"There's an emergency."

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