The One With The Sad Ending

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Last Part!! Wow I can't believe how far this story came. Maybe I'll write a sequel if you want ;)

Peggy and I rushed to the hospital. It was almost ten and neither of us had any clue as to what this emergency was.

"John Laurens?" The receptionist said as we ran into the pediatric wing.

I nodded my head frantically.

"Doctor Hodgens!" She called from her chair.

Doctor Hodgens came out quickly. "John!" He rushed over and put his hand on my back. "We called you for permission to operate on Alexander. We're afraid you were too late."

We were sitting in Alex's room. They took Alex into surgery and operated on him without my permission. I would've said yes either way. he might've cheated on me but I loved him more than anything. I felt in my pocket for the small box. I pulled out the shell from the beach when we were in California and put it on the little table next to his bed. They transferred him to a different bed to operate.

Peggy's head was falling over as she sat in the plastic chair across the room. "Peggy, just sleep on his bed." I said walking over to her. I helped her up and into Alex's bed. She was asleep practically as soon as her head hit the thin pillow. I don't blame her. It was one in the morning and we haven't had any news.

A nurse came into the room. "He's still in surgery," She said quietly. "We'll tell you when he is out."

I nodded, "Thank you." I said.

She gave me a curt nod and left the room, closing the door on her way out.

I went into the group chat.

J.Ham: Alex is in emergency surgery. I don't know if he'll be okay.

FrenchieFry: We're flying in. Herc was coming back anyway.

J.Ham: I'll text when he's out.

FrenchieFry: Thanks

I put my phone on the table and let put my head on the edge of the bed and fell asleep.

I woke up at eight with three new messages.

Eliza<3: Angelica and I are on our way

FrenchieFry: We Just landed. On our way

FrenchieFry: Any news?

J.Ham: Not yet. Just woke up.

I put my phone away.

A nurse walked by and stopped when she saw I was awake. "John?" She asked.

"That's me."

"Alex is in recovery."

I let out a breath and got up to follow her.

She led me to a room with curtains as dividers. She pulled back the second one to reveal Alex. He was very skinny even with the bandages wrapped around him. He was hooked up to a heart monitor, blood and an IV. He had an oxygen tube and a finger clamp to test his oxygen intake.

I sat down on the edge of the bed by his feet. He was so peaceful when he was sleeping.

I watched his chest rise and fall for a while until the nurse made me leave to check on Alex. She promised to get me when he woke up. I wanted to be there when he woke up but I remembered John and Maggie.

I went back to the pediatric wing and stopped in Alex's room to see if Peggy was awake. She was still sleeping but I had two messages. So I checked them.

FrenchieFry: We'll be there soon :)

Eliza<3: Almost there. With Herc and Laf

J.Ham: He's in Recovery. Not awake. Peggy's asleep in Alex's room.

I put my phone on the table and went to the room with the wii.

John was sitting on the floor alone.

"Hey little man!" I said sitting next to him.

"Hey." He said.

"Why so glum?" I said nudging him.

"Ben is in surgery."

"Oh." I paused, "What kind?"

"He's getting a new heart."

"Oh that's cool." I said trying to cheer him up.

"I guess." Wow, for a seven year old he was really sad.

"My friend just got surgery."

"Really?" John looked up at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, he got a new lung."


"Yeah, he's fine so I'm sure Ben will be okay." I smiled at him.

"I have a question for you."


"Do you have a girlfriend?" He poked my leg, "Ben says he has one but I don't believe him."

"I don't."


"I have a boyfriend."

I hoped he wouldn't freak out.


"It's like a girlfriend but instead of a girl its a boy." I said.

"You can do that?" He asked me.

"Yeah of course."

"That's so cool!" He said, smiling.

"Yeah, I'm waiting for him to wake up."

"He got the new lung?"



"Lets play Mario, yeah?"


After almost six races (I let him win all of them), a nurse came in. "Alex is awake." She said quietly.

"Is Alex your boyfriend?" John asked.

"Yeah, you wanna come see him?"


I stood up and let John hold my finger. I led him to Alex in recovery.

When we got there, Alex's heart rate sped up a little bit. "Hey," He said softly.

"Hey, love." I said back.

"That's your boyfriend?" John said.

"Yeah, Alex this is John." I said gesturing to the tiny kid.

Alex waved to him. John let go of my finger and walked over to Alex, standing on his tiptoes next to the bed. "John told me about you." He poked Alex's finger clamp. "He says you're very pretty."

Alex turned red, "Did he?" Alex spoke very softly to John. I stood and watched from the foot of the bed.

"Yeah, he says he loves you." I didn't blame John for telling Alex because he was still young.

Alex leaned over and whispered into John's ear.

"I'll tell him."

John came over and waved me down to him. I kneeled down and let him whisper into my ear.

"Alex says he loves you more." He whispered.

I smiled and looked at Alex.

"Hey John, I know who can play Mario with you while I stay with Alex."


"Yeah, lets go."

I lead him to Alex's room and introduced him to Hercules. Lafayette, Eliza and Angelica were all there and Peggy had woken up.

After Hercules and Lafayette left with John to play Mario Kart I told the sisters that Alex was awake.

"Wish me luck guys," I said winking. Eliza gave me an excited thumbs up.

I went back to Alex and took a deep breath. "Alex?"


"Who did you say you loved yesterday?"

"My cousin. He got the wrong room and then we started talking. I haven't seen him in years."

I let out a breath of relief. "Okay."

I got closer and kneeled beside him. "Well I have a very important question."


"I love you."

"That's not a question."

"I love you though."

"I love you too."

"Okay," I let out another breath. "Will you marry me?"

Alex's heart rate sped up slightly.

I pulled out a ring pop and pulled open the wrapper. I held it out to him hopefully.

He laughed and took the ring pop. "Yes. Of course I will."

He slid the ring onto the first knuckle of his ring finger.

"You can eat it."

"Thank God."

I kissed Alex and he kissed me back. I felt a tear of relief fall down my face.

"God I love you." I said after we parted.

"I love you more." He said putting the ring pop in his mouth.

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