Chapter |11|

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I watched him as he watched me. I didn't know but I found it funny, I'm training such a fool.

"All right, " I said then I stuck out my hand in front of me. He then did the same. He looked down at his arm.

"Am I doing it right?" He asked. I held in a laugh.

"Mm hm," I simply responded with.  He nodded.

"You will need to practice striking with simply your palm." He was standing in front of me about a few feet away.

"And how will I do thattt?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"Like this," I said before switching my extended right arm with my left, then put my right hand below my chest still in palm.

He tilted his head before he tried the same, he pulled back his right arm then stuck out his left.

"How da hell is this gunna hurt someone?" He asked. I sighed.

"This is the basics, just do what've told." I said. "Repeat these two steps, Thrust one arm, pull back, thrust other arm."

I then turned my back on him.

"That'll be all for today so just practice that." I said before I walked to the back of the dojo to enter the small kitchen.

"You know! You shouldn't be leaving me here all alone! I mean what if I'm doing it wrong! Or worse! What if I'm attacked!"

I heard him yell. I turned my head behind me then turned back to the hot pot of green tea. I poured it into two little cups then added two packets of crackers.

Something that is always ready when needed. I was going to make the tea, but I guess father hasn't came in today.

"Onee-sama are you here?!"

My eyes widened then I turned my head quickly towards the dojo.

"Hey! What are you doing here!?" I heard her yell.

I quickly ran into the room sliding the door loudly.

I watched as both eyes were on me. Then Hanabi smiled widely. She quickly ran to me pushing Naruto-kun out of the way.

"Oi!" I heard him yell, but suddenly I felt her arms wrap around me. She rubbed her head on my chest as her head was to the side.

"Oh onee-sama! I've missed you so much! " she yelled. I patted her head.

"oNII-SaMa! Shud up, brat!" He yelled she let go of me .

"Who the heck are you?" She asked pointed at him. He crossed his arms.

"I'm Uzumaki Naruto!" He yelled. The put his thumb to point at him.

"And? Why the heck are you here?" She asked.

"Cause your sister invited me," He responded. She turned to me.

"You like these kinda of guys, Onee-sama?" She asked I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"Yeah right, no robot can love." Naruto-kun said, I closed my mouth. Hanabi turned around to him.

"I'm uZuMAki nAruTO ANd I lIkE mY oNII-SAma!" She yelled I watched as Naruto-kun's face frowned.

"I do not like Hinata that way!" He yelled. Hanabi stepped closer.

"But you like her?"

"Yeah! Hinata's my friend, of course I like her." He replied. I felt my eyes widened. "Friend" I'm his friend. I felt sudden joy fill me. He then looked to me.

"Right Hinata?" He asked, Hanabi turned to me.

"U-Uh Y-Yes that's correct." I said then looked away. From the tip of my eyes I saw as Hanabi's face had one eyebrow furrowed while the other was up.

"See!" He said. Hanabi turned to him. I took this chance to walk back to the kitchen to grab what I was preparing.


Hinata came out of that room she was in before , she was holding a tray with two cups and who knows what.

"Sit down. " I heard her sister say. I sat down. Her sister stepped aside as Hinata bent down to put the tray down. She then stood up straight.

"Let's take a small break. " she said. I would have whined because I still wanted to go at it but I just kept quiet.

I picked up a cup before sipping it then pulled back.

"Ah! It's hot!" I yelled. I looked up at Hinata who looked who knows where but she then turned to her sister.

"Hanabi, let's go outside and talk for a bit." Hinata said, her sister smiled before nodding the two of them soon left the dojo, leaving me in there.

I sighed, I blew on the tea before sipping it, then I opened a packet of the crackers.

"You have stay there for that long!?"

I turned my head to the exit. They must be talking about her being a guard. I continued to crunch before grabbing another packet which was probably hers then soon opened it and down the hatch it went.

When Hinata and her sister came in I noticed a grin on her sisters face. She then turned to me.

"Uzumaki! You will lose to me!" She yelled I lifted a brow as I chewed.


"I'll train you and Hanabi and you two will fight, or I'll train you a little and you'll soar with her soon." Hinata said. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I'm not fighting some brat!" I yelled. Hinata furrowed her eyebrows before walking over to me to then soon grip my collar then pull me up.

"My sister is not a brat." She said, I felt slightly amused. I smirked.

"She seems like one." I replied. I felt her tighten her fist.

"Take i-it back." She said. She soon found out how close we were, I watched as her cheeks flushed slightly before she let go and pushed away and crossed her arms.

I fell to the ground when she let go and just grabbed my cup to sip my tea, it hit me, Hinata wouldn't fight me, and I know she won't harm me, so I kinda don't fear her as much.

"Fine, I'll do whatever you say, you're still going to that party, I have to go." I said. She looked down to me.

"Eh? Onii-sama, you're going to a party!? You've never been to one!" Her sister said. Hinata turned to her.

"I-I'm not going there to have fun, Hanabi." She said, I furrowed my eyebrows. Hinata's stuttering.

"Sureeee." Her sister said sarcastically.

"I'm not." Hinata said, frowning. Her sister smiled before turning to leave.

"Just let me know when you need to see me to beat this guy up, k? Tou-san will be home soon, so you should go."

Hinata let her arms drop to her side.

"Okay, Hanabi I'll come on Sunday to visit, okay?" Hinata said. I felt kinda awkward so I just scratched the back of my head.

When Hinata and I left I finally asked.

"Do you miss home?" I asked as I sat next to her, Hinata simply looked out the window.

"I guess you could say that." She said.

"Huh? Don't you miss your dad and sister?" I asked. I knew that her and her dad don't get along that well but..

"I do miss them, but being out of the house makes me feel free." She then turned her head to me.

"And it's thanks to you," I felt my heart speed up. Suddenly sparkles were all around her.

"It's all thanks to you being a idiot and getting stabbed." She finished. The sparkles died. I furrowed my eyebrows.

I sighed deeply.

"I hate you," I said.

"I hate you too." She said then smiled.

For some reason I doubted what we said.

I Sketched it quickly but I couldn't get it out of my head!

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