Chapter |10|

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|Naruto| (UnEdited)

I woke up from the sun in my eyes. I yawned deeply before sitting up on my bed. I soon stretched my arms before getting up.

Scratching my head with one hand, the other rubbing my stomach I walked into the bathroom.

After I was done with my business, I grabbed my phone before opening my door to then walk down the stairs to simply hear small laughter. I looked to the kitchen where my mom and Hinata were there.

I lifted a brow.

"What's with all the commotion! You guys don't let anyone sleep, huh." I said they both looked at me. My mom gave me frown.

"Naruto it's 1'clock in the afternoon." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm suppose to wake up at 2, remember?" I said before walking into the kitchen. To then grab a plate to get some eggs and sausage. I then sat myself to eat.

While eating I looked up to Hinata who was simply looking else where, but her eyes then turned to me so I looked away.

"We'll hurry up I have an idea for you two today." My mom said said. I lifted a brow. I continued eat while watching her.

"What is the idea? If I may ask. " Hinata asked. I watched Hinata, she was focused on my mom.

"Well~I had the smartest idea! One that I thought of before and now I know it's going to go good!" My evil mother said.

"And what's that?" I asked. She clapped her hands together.

"Hinata's going to train you~!" She said, at the same time Hinata and I "Eh"ed

"W-What do you mean!? I know how to fight!" I yelled standing up.

"Yeah and look what happened to you," Hinata said softly as she looked away.


" She's right, plus, Hinata's style of fighting is better then fist to fist, you saw didn't you?" She said. I frowned before sighing deeply.

"I mean I got no problem with Hinata right now, but seriously she's going to train me?" I said.

"How do you feel about this Hinata?" My mother asked. I looked over to Hinata. She looked down, her finger curled like a hook on her lips as she thought of it.

"Umm, I'm okay with it I guess." She said. I lifted a brow.


"I've trained children before so I think it'll be alright." She said then flashed her eyes at me.

"You saying I fight like a child?" I asked my brows furrowed. She looked away.

"Who knows." She simply said. I made my way to her putting on hand on the table looking down at her.

"You wanna go, Hinata." I said she didn't flinch one bit she simply looked to the side.

I suddenly felt my moms hand pushing me back.

"Yeah, you guys can fight! But more like train and spar!" My mom said as she looked at both of us. Hinata simply looked at my mom before looking at me.

"Fine!" I said.

Before I knew it Hinata and I were in my back yard. She looked around. My mom sat herself on a chair near the pool.

"Alright, let's start with the basics." Hinata started.

"Wait, Wait, Wait, " I said stopping her, I then punched my other hand in front of me.

"Me and you, right now." I said, she lifted a brow.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" She asked.

"ARe yOu sUre? Of course I'm sure! " I said I got my self ready. Never thought I'd have to beat up a girl.

She sighed, before getting to position. This is it.

"On the count of three we start." She said.


I dashed at her before throwing a punch but my eyes widened when my body was pushed to the side. Her hands had pushed me.

What the hell. I turned around to simply watch her looking at me, a serious face she has.

I tried punching again, this time I saw her hand grip my arm up, before I felt her palm hit my stomach and I flew back slightly. I gripped my stomach.

I looked up to her.

"Is that it?" She asked.

"Like hell it is!" I dashed at her again punching the air repeatedly but she dodged. When I tried again she simply went down and I felt my legs get kicked and I fell on my ass.

I looked up to her.

"You-You..." I stood up before actually taking it seriously this time she was playing offense. I dodged her hands. What is this? She's only using her palms. She hit my arms as I blocked, she's fast but yet not fast enough.

I caught her wrist raising it, before I opened my hand and hit her stomach with my palm. She flew back a little.

"W-What the.." I looked at her as she looked at me. She back up a little. She then smiled slightly. That feeling was weird when I hit.

"So you caught on?" She asked. I felt my eyebrows lift. I crossed my arms.

"What was that way of fighting anyway?" I asked.

"It's the Hyuga style," she said.

"The..Hyuga style?" I asked.

"It's a fighting style that you only use your palms to strike." She said. I suddenly didn't know but I was actually interested in it.

I heard my mom start clapping as she walked over to us.

"That was a great show!" My mom yelled.

"What! Were you just using us as an entertainment!?" I yelled as I looked at her.

"Of course not! Maybe just a little." Mom responded.

"Well who won?"

"Uh.." I looked over to Hinata who simply look at the sky.

"We didn't finish it." I said. My mom lifted a brow.

Hinata looked back to us.

"So are we going to continue?" She asked. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

"Well I have to go sign some papers," my mom said before starting walk to the house.

"I'll see you guys later! Hinata train him well I leave him in your hands." She said before she turned to me. A scary look on her face.

"Naruto why don't you go with Hinata to her dojo? " she said. I swallowed, if I don't do what she asked I'm screwed.

"Yeah, ok." I said.

Hinata and I got in the car to then drive to Hinata's dojo. She has a big house but it looks like a traditional Japanese compound.

"Alright, will you listen?" She asked. I sat myself on the wooden floor.

"Yeah," I said. Why am I even doing this? She had given me one of her training suits, she wore one herself. I didn't change into it though.

"It'll be better." She said as she handed it back to me.

"No thanks," I said. I eventually just put it in my bag.

"Alright, rule one to fighting traditionally, is learning Taijutsu." She said.

"Tai..jutsu?" I asked. That's sounds like something straight out of a manga.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's the way of fighting without using a weapon," she said. I lifted a brow.

"Isn't that just like punching and kicking?" I asked. She walked around slightly back and forth.

"How should I put it? Well it uses kicking and I guess you could use punching but it's more..hmm."

She really tried making it so I could understand. She's actually trying to teach me.

"Your Hyuga style, does it have to do with how your eyes are different?" I asked. She stopped moving before looking at me.

"I guess you could say that." She simply said. I sighed.

"What's so wrong with my fighting?" I asked.

"Well, its more sloppy, you can be as strong as a bull but fighting with Taijutsu could win anyone." She said. She sat herself across from me.

She closed her eyes.

" I know you are strong, and I know you can protect yourself, but maybe learning Taijutsu you'll be even better at dodging weapons like a nife." She said softly.

I felt my eyes widened, I didn't know why but my heart raced slightly.

"You think I'm strong?" I asked, she opened her eyes before tilting her head. She smiled slightly.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"I mean! Of course I'm strong, like come on!" I said then looked away.

"So will you let me teach you?" She asked. She stood, I looked at her then to the side a few times. I felt myself stand up. Then I looked at her.

"Only in one condition." I said. She looked at me plainly.

"And that is?" She asked.

"You have to go to a party with me tonight. "

"Eh? Asking me out already?" She asked tilting her head, I felt my cheeks tint slightly.

I closed my eyes, then crossed my arms.

"In your dreams.." I simply said.

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