Chapter |9|

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|Naruto| Unedited

I took a nice deep breath before my eyes shot open. I looked straight across the gym before I threw the ball super hard.

Just like I wanted I hit the guy right in the gut.

"Out!" People yelled.

"Yes!" I shouted. There were only a few more people left most girl got out thanks to my team who were killers.

My eyes fell upon Hinata who just finished tying her hair up before it was her turn and she stood up and walked on that side.

I grinned slightly.

"Hey it's that girl who's always with Naruto-senpai!" I heard some of my underclass mates say. Girls to say.

There were 4 people on their team while on ours we had 6. It was 3 boys and Hinata while on our team was 3 girls and 3 boys.

Without me knowing people already started trying to get each other out. I caught one ball then aimed for another guy near Hinata. I hit him. People cheered. The girls tried getting Hinata and failed.

Some of the boys called out her name in a cheer. Some girls started bad mouthing her.

I frowned my eyebrows then grabbed a ball.

I know I was being all nice to Hinata but I still have some beef but these girls don't know Hinata so I'll show them what Hinata can do.

"He's going to get the two out just watch!" Yelled someone. I quickly threw the ball and but  a guy got in front of Hinata and took the shot. He quickly walked off after.

Strange white hair guy! I watched as Hinata picked up a ball then aimed at one girl, in almost super speed I watched as the girl got hit and fell to her knees.

I grabbed the ball.

This was It, if she caught this ball she's definitely going to cause a commotion. But I won't let it happen so easily. I did in my full strength pull my arm back ready.

I'm going to show Hinata my strength! Hinata and I caught eyes.

She knew what was coming. She spread out her legs and held her arms in front of her.

"Ahaha she's actually going to try?"

"What a fool!"

I threw the ball. There's no way. And like I said the ball hit her hands but flew up. I watched as the ball spun.

I felt a smirk on my face. But she soon after kicked the ball and it hit my other team mate in the face. Poor guy had a mark on his face. People went quiet. The two girls on my team held each-other and soon got Hinata's power.

I looked over to her she then threw. I dodged them the best I could. I picked it up and did the same. It lasted for a while. It was intense.

We both picked up the ball. And our eyes met fire in them. Both of us breathing heavily threw and before I knew it I was hit right in the face and when I looked over to her and she
Was hit too.

Before I knew it class ended and we both walked over to each other.

"I'm disappointed," she suddenly said with a soft smile. First time I see it but she's making fun of me!

"Hmph, I went easy on you!" I yelled. She just turned her body. But she turned her head to me.

"Well next time I won't hold back either, I mean my job is to protect you, not harm you." She said then began walking.

"Hey! You-I-You'll see!" I yelled before storming off.

As I walk into the locker room I felt eyes on me. When I turned it was that one white hair guy. I only brushed it off. I then began talking to Lee.

After Gym I didn't wait for Hinata because she already was following me.

"You know you're a total nerd," I said.

"Aw, and here I thought we could've been friends, Naruto-kun." She said, making my name sound different. I turned around to her. She sounded almost seductive. I turned my head to her.

"You know, Naruto-kun people think we are dating." She said.

"It's funny, like why would I be interested in you." She said, I felt my f-boy side come on and I leaned over to her ear.

"W-What are you doing?" She asked.

"It wouldn't be so bad if we made them think that." I said in her ear, when I back up, I watched as her eyebrows furrowed and her face began to turn red. Oh what's this?

Is she actually having emotions now?

She quickly pushed me to the side before turning back to normal.

"Stop your foolish games," she said before walking off. "Class is about to start."

I sighed. I don't know why but Hinata's not being able to fall to my feet makes me a little angry. I mean I get what I want so I make any girl fall for me, except Sakura of course. I'll make Hinata like me!

She's not allowed to not like me. I dug my hand in my hair before walking to Kakashi-Sensei's class.


What is wrong with me? Am I sick? The mere smell of Naruto-kun caused me to feel weird. But it wasn't only him. Many men at this school seem more attractive then they use to.

It almost makes me nervous. I dozed off during math that I didn't notice Naruto-kun left the classroom. I began to fell nervous that he'd get hurt thanks to my foolish feelings.

I stood up before walking down the steps then left classroom. Kakashi-Sensei called my name. I ran down the hall but a soft groan caught my attention. I peeked slightly to only see Naruto-kun leaned against a girl on the lockers. They were kissing.

I watched before I walked behind me. And sat my self against the math hallway locker while Naruto-kun was on the other side. I simply blinked. I don't really care, at-least he isn't in danger. When he turned the corner I stood up.

"You know,"

He jumped.

"Oh hey Hinata." Naruto-kun said trying to play it cool.

"You shouldn't skip class with the grades you have."

That got him mad. He just walked away. When he walked in I followed.

Everyone watched us.

"Naruto, Hinata, you two have detention." Kakashi-Sensei said.

"What!? No way!" Naruto-kun yelled.


I sighed before slamming my head on the desk. I hate detention.

"Slamming your head, will only make you more dumber then you already are." Said a low voice. I lifted my head then shot Shikamaru a look.

"Shud up Shikamaru," I said, he just sighed. I wonder what he did to get here, but judging by Temari a senior, here too. I could guess it has something to do with them.

I looked to my side where Hinata simply was doing her homework in silence. It gave me the idea of maybe doing my homework. I pulled up my backpack that was on the floor then put it on my desk.

I pulled out my binder for my science homework.

"Alright, let's get started." I said before pulling out my pencil. For about 3 minutes I sat there doing nothing with my eyes on the paper.

I felt a tap at my shoulder. I looked over to Hinata who pulled back her pencil. She was sitting at a seat next to a empty one she was leaned over on it.

"Do you need some help?" She asked. I had to stop myself from saying yes.

"No, I'm fine." I said a little coldly, I turned away. But before I could say anything she sat in the chair right next to me.

"You haven't even started." She said.

"I told you I-"

"You mother requested I help you with your studies, just let me help, okay?" She asked. I just sighed.

"Fine." I said. Right away she started explaining and I simply watched her. I actually understood what she was explaining, I mean a little. But at some points I couldn't hear anything, I simply watched her.

Now that she's closer, she's actually really pretty. I felt my heart stop a few times when her eyes shot up to me. I quickly shook my head forcefully.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"Uh nothing can you explain this again." I asked, and she did so.

"Like this?" I asked after a while.

"Yes," She said then her lips lifted and she smiled slightly.

At the end of detention I understood a little more. When we were picked up and taken home my mom instantly got mad at me. Of course not at Hinata because Hinata explained why she left the classroom.

Leaving out the fact that I was making out with a girl who I didn't even know the name to.

Hinata went to her room and I went to mine. But before she could I stopped her and  thanked her.

"You know Hinata,"

She looked at me.

"You're not so bad, a little annoying, not bad looking, and when you aren't cold all the time I find you better." I told her. I watched as a shocked looked appeared on her features before she looked down.

Did I say something wrong? She simply bowed before going to her room. Tomorrow I'm going to a party, I don't care if Hinata goes, But she'll have to not be in my way. Maybe I do need help for the time being. Maybe letting her protect isn't so bad. Maybe even being her friend.

I can get use to Hinata...

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