Chapter |8|

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I woke up with a slight yawn. Something I usually don't do.

I moved my legs to my right, getting off my bed. I quickly went to my closet to take out my school uniform. I got dressed then brushed my hair and brushed my teeth.

I opened my door and I was surprised to see a large amount of blonde hair leaning against the stair railing. But I simply closed the door and brushed it off. I gripped my bag before I began walking.

He quickly turned from the sound of my shoes.

"Good mornin Hinata!" He said in english, then smiled. I just lifted a brow.

I bowed. Before walking past him down the steps. I heard him quickly walk down with me.

Is he trying something again? I thought I made myself clear yesterday. I walked into the kitchen and greeted them. Even though I've been here for basically the whole week I feel still a little weird about living here, as well as being treated kindly.

Kushina-san soon came and greeted us.

"It's finally Friday! What will you guys do for the weekend?" Kushina-san said with a smile. She then stuffed a fork with a slice of pancake in her mouth.

I only looked over to Naruto-kun. He looked up trying to think.

"I might go to a part- I mean I might go study with Sasuke." He said, I lowered my eyes at him.

"That's great, Hinata could help you too." She said in a evil tone. I simply continued eating waiting for an outburst from him.

"Seriously even on weekends!? Uh that's great.." he said quickly changing his tone. Kushina-san didn't seem convinced. Neither I but I was surprised he didn't just say what he wanted.

He just simply looked at me, before sighing. He then pushed himself from the table to then stand. Before pushing the chair in and walking away.

"I think he's starting to get use to you," Kushina-san said. I simply looked at her.

"Is that so?" I simply said before finishing my plate. I stood up before I bowed.

"Thank you for the meal, Kushina-san. Also thank you for treating me so kindly." I said before walking to the sink with Naruto-kun's and I's plates.

I then started walking away.

"Wait! Hinata," I heard sadness in her voice. I turned.

"What is it Kushina-san?" I asked. She then suddenly put her hands on my shoulders.

"Hinata, I know your life hasn't been the best and you've struggled. But I just want you to know that I care about you, not just because of my son, I just want you to know that you can count on me as if I am your own mother-ttebane!" She said. My eyes widened.

" I want you to open up and blossom, I don't want you to be in a bird cage!" She yelled. I felt my eyes began to sting but I quickly turned.

"Kushina-san, I-I'm very greatful, b-bu..but I'm only going to be here for awhile. " I quickly stopped my foolish tears from leaking. Then turned to her.

I bowed my head.

"I'll try my best for the time being, but that is something that is hard for me." I said in a low tone before I looked up. She had tears in her eyes. I don't understand. Why is she so sad? Why does she feel that way?

I quickly turned away before running off outside. I met Naruto-kun in the car.

"Did something happen?" He suddenly asked. I looked up from my hands.

"What are you talking about?" I asked softly. He put his finger to his chin.

"Hmm, something seems off.. oh! It's your ribbon, it's crooked." He said pointing to my chest. I looked down before gripping the red cloth then fixing it.

For a second there I thought he noticed something.

When we got the school I let him leave first. It had been about 4 days and I've gotten use to how he works. He usually waves to a group of girls before going inside to do the same, then he meets up with Sasuke-kun and Sakura-san.

After awhile I leave to then follow behind slowly. His bright hair was in my lane of sight. And I watched him and around him for anything suspicious.

"Hey it's that girl!"

"Yeah the one who beat up Zetsu-Senpai!"

"Some one even recorded it look!"

I looked around me, suddenly I felt like I was surrounded by all seeing eyes, and I looked at myself and it seemed like there were holes all over me from their glares.

I suddenly felt my stomach curl. What was this feeling, I heard voices. I gripped my head and I fell to my knees. But suddenly snapping me out of my trance was a grip on my shoulders and a pull that made me stand up, it shook me out.

I looked up to the face of whom.

"N-Naruto-kun..." I said softly. He had a concern look.

"Is something wrong with you?" He asked. But suddenly he was pushed and Sakura-san soon filled position.

"Hinata! Are you okay!?" She asked. I was slightly confused. I have never felt that, maybe once but that was a while back.

"Uh, yeah. I'm fine." I said softly, she then hugged me.

"Are you sure?" She asked. I felt sudden sadness fill me. Why am I feeling emotions these days, why?

We walked to class and I noticed eyes watching me. It was Sasuke-kun.

I looked over to him. So it seems he still has a grudge. Sasukes family is a lot like mine. So I wasn't surprised to have seen him here, but I kinda forgot how he looked like thanks to age.

But we once battled at the age of 10 and I had simply flipped him to win. I did it with my eyes closed because I was scared yet I successfully did it.

He was shamed for losing by his father and I felt pity, my father would do the same.

Our eye contact stopped thanks to Naruto popping his head in between. I also feel like Sasuke-kun is suspicious about me being here. Is he trying to find out why I'm here?

"You guys both are weird." He suddenly blurted out. Sasuke just sighed and we entered the room.

Class had started and Kiba-kun had randomly started talking to me. I simply replied and tried my best to talk to him softly.

When Iruka-Sensei came I had stopped talking.  By the next class I noticed Naruto waited for me to leave the room. Then we had walked over to our next class.  I found this strange, but I didn't say anything about it.

We entered the class then sat in our seats.

"Oi, Hinata?" I looked over to him.

"What is it?" I asked. He opened up his folder.

"Did you do last nights homework?" He asked before pulling out the empty page. I blinked before opening my folder up and pulling out the filled sheet.

"Yes.." I answered. I looked up at him and he gave me a nervous smile.

"I'm not so good at science is it okay if you..uh let me copy off?" He asked. Is it a bad this to let him copy off? Hmm?

"Okay, but do it quickly." I said then handed him the paper. Right as I did so he got right into it very fast. Once he gave it back he gave me a smile.

"Thank you! I owe you one!" He said before turning his body. I simply sighed. There's definitely something different. He's actually being nice?

"Okay class pull out the homework." Said Asuma-Sensei. He went around. Then stopped in front of Naruto.

"You actually did the homework?" He asked. Naruto shifted slightly.

"Yeah! Of course!" He answered. Asuma-Sensei watched him before moving along.

"Aye, Hina girl." I heard. I turned behind me. It was someone I didn't know.

"Who are you?" I asked. He looked offended.

"Really!? You literally almost broke my hand!" He said out loud. I tilted my head.

"Oh, well it's Hinata, not Hina." I answered.

"I know I know, That's what I said, Hina." He said again. I simply sighed.

"Well anyway, since you almost snapped my arm why don't you go on a da-" he then got elbowed. Then red hair came to view.

"Leave the poor girl alone, fish-boy." The girl with glasses said. She then leaned over the desk to then poke Naruto.

He turned around.

"What do you want?" He asked. One eyebrow furrowed.

"Fish-boy over here is trying to take your girl are you okay with that?" She asked. I honestly lost interest then turned away.

"Oh Hinata has a chance to have a boyfriend? That's great." I heard him say.

"Also she's not my girlfriend, I like Sakura remember?"

"Really!? She's single!?" The guy had said. Even though I didn't turned I looked to the side to try seeing them.

"Ow!" He hollered. Guessing she hit him again.

"You'll date anyone, she's too good for you." She finished.

"Well not you Karin," Naruto interrupted.

"Good I don't want to anyway! I only have eyes for Sasuke!" She said. Class soon started. But this time I had already learned the subject so I just looked away. It also seemed like Naruto had too.

"Naruto can you answer the question?" Asuma-sensei asked.

"Uh.." He looked around. I softly whispered the answer. He held his head up. Trying to not make it seem like he heard. He then answered with my answer.

"That's wro-! Wait.." Asuma-Sensei was shocked and I simply looked away.

"That's right..moving on." He said trying to shake the thought of Naruto getting it right.

The class gasped. When the class ended I was off to gym. Naruto usually didn't like when I walked with him. But I felt a grab to my shoulder and I turned.

"Thanks Hinata! You saved me again! " He said with a smile, but this time I suddenly felt my heart throb but I simply blinked at him. I'm seriously starting to feel things I never really did before.

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