Chapter |13|

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I sat on the 1st step at the top of the stairs. I didn't know what to do in this situation. Naruto-kun is clearly upset and he called me his friend so if I'm his friend am I suppose to comfort him?

Or do I just give him some space? I didn't know, but I suddenly saw the front door open a long red hair came to view.

"Ah! I need to hurry back!" Kushina-san said as she set down her purse but soon enough she saw me on the steps.

"Hinata! What's up? Why are you sitting right there?" She asked. I stood up before bowing my head slightly.

"Hello Kushina-san." I said before looking at her. "I'm just waiting for Naruto-kun."

Her eyebrows lifted.

"What's he up to right now?" She asked. I looked up for a second.

"He's a little upset because of some things Sasuke-kun had said." I said. She looked down then nodded but her eyes shot up to me.

"Like what kind of things? Anything that envolved Sakura by any chance?" She asked. This time my eyebrows lifted.

"Yes in fact." I answered.

"Ah," she said closing her eyes with her arms crossed before nodding a few times.

"I don't know what to do in this situation." I suddenly said. She opened her blue eyes to me before smiling.

"You should try cheering him up." She said. Before putting her arm as if she was going to flex then put her hand on her bicep.

"I know when a Uzumaki needs some company-ttebane!" She said with one eye closed.

I nodded. She suddenly realized something and she quickly ran off.

"The papers! I forgot to go get the papers!" I heard her yell.

I turned away from the steps then looked behind me to Naruto-kun's door. I walked up the one step before walking closer and closer to his room.

I felt my heart beat raise slightly as I lifted my hand to nock. I finally put my hand on the door before I nocked slightly.

"If that's you Sasuke, fu*k off!" He yelled.

"N-No it's me, Naruto-kun." I said loudly.

"Hinata?" I heard him ask. I heard some fast steps before the door swung opened in my face and a load of his scent invaded my nose.

My eyes widened slightly before his hands grabbed my shoulders before he pulled me into a hug.

"Hinata! You don't understand how hard it is when people always tell you, you don't like someone when you do!" He yelled before pushing me back still with his hands on my shoulders.

"Do you know how hard it is!?" He asked. I still shocked shook my head forcefully. He walked back letting go of me before plopping down on his bed.

"Of course you don't." He said with a sigh. I fixed my shirt from his ruff hug. He's honestly so touchy.

I watched him as he looked at his hands.

"I really like Sakura and now Sasuke's actually going with Sakura as a date." He said in a low tone.

"Now Sakura will never like me back because Sasuke will take her." He continued. He threw himself back on his bed.

"He always beat me at everything! It's not fair!" He yelled. I honestly didn't know what to say. So I slightly leaned on the door ledge.

"Hey Hinata?" He suddenly asked. He then sat up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Wanna make out?" He asked, my eyebrows furrowed fast before my mouth opened.

"What?" I asked, does he honestly want to die? He talked all this talk about loving Sakura.

"Well you see when I feel like shit or something I either go fight some one or I hook up with a girl so-" he stopped talking as I crossed my arms and gave him a glare.

"Fine, I'll just call a girl over so don't come out of your room until I'm done." He said. I shook my head before walking away.

Right when I thought he was a little human. I closed the door behind me but for some reason I tried listening to him as he talk on the phone.

"Yeah, hey. Oh yeah I remember you, of course babe, your sister was just a one time thing won't happen again. Well wanna come over? Really? That's great, see you until then."

I could feel my eyebrows twitch. Don't tell me he did stuff with this girls sister and she'll still come over. How low are these girls??

I walked over to my room before I sat myself on my bed. Before laying back. Whatever, this doesn't involve me at all.

I closed my eyes yet I still felt a little annoyance still in me. Probably because of him thinking I would do such a thing with him.

I opened my eyes when I heard a feminine voice I sat up.

"Hey, it's been some time." I heard her say.

"Yeah, it has." I heard his voice, it sounded weird.

"H-Hey don't touch-"

"It's fine let's just continue in my room." I then heard his door close.

I felt incredibly uncomfortable so I left the room and went down stairs with some books to study. He got off my mind before I knew it.

It was easy. But I was reminded when I suddenly saw his back covering a girl in front of him as I sat in the kitchen.

"I'll call you," she said.

"Sure anytime." He said before she waved goodbye and left.

"What a dumb bit-" he turned around and his eyes locked with mine. He smiled with his eyes closed before he waved like a child.

"Get ready for the party, we're going in a hour so pack a bathing suit and some nice clothes." He said before rushing up the stairs. I sighed.

"Nice clothes." I suddenly said out loud. Do I really have any dresses or anything. I mean the only parties I've gone to were the ones my fathers hosted those are at home.

I might have to go home to go get things I need. I left the house after telling the driver to take me home but on my way there I saw Sakura walking out of a store.

So I decided to get out to ask her if she could help me. And that's what she did. We entered the store.

"Sorry to be asking you for something like this." I said. Sakura shook her head, she then lifted her bags.

"I was shopping earlier and maybe I might find something more that I'll like by doing this." She said then smiled. I nodded.

She helped me for awhile and the clothes she picked seemed way different from the ones I usually wear. At one point when we were looking at undergarments she seemed slightly jealous.

I wondered why but she didn't tell me. When we left her driver took me to the blonde Uzumaki's home after I told her he was giving me a ride.

The clothing I will wear was simply |INSERT|skirt and a white |INSERT| shirt and a sweater. As for the bathing suit it was just an ordinary |INSERT| piece one. I most likely wasn't going to wear it all but I put it in my bag that I bought.

I was only going to watch Naruto. I had to remember that. Naruto soon came down he wore |INSERT| pants and a |INSERT| button up then we left the house.

I sighed. I honestly didn't want to come but a deal was a deal the faster I get him trained the faster I get to leave. Not like I don't like any of them it's just that it feel weird being there sometimes.

They're so nice and different to my family but also I've been getting distracted.

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