Chapter |14|

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I still felt a little angry at Sasuke about what he said earlier but it didn't matter as I got into the front seat of my car. I was driving there this time. I might be rich but I like driving too.

But I'll have someone pick me up after the party just in case I get drunk. Hinata sat in the seat right next to me. I grinned.

"Haha! You ready for the best party ever?" I asked then looked at her she simply blinked. Damn her she could at least try.

"YEs my LOvEly NarUto-kun! I'm soooo excited." I said in a girly voice. She simply rolled her eyes and shook her head and turned it away, I didn't miss the small smile she had though. She then looked outside the window. My car had a roof top that opened and closed so I had done so before driving off.

After about 25 minutes of driving and mindless conversation we arrived at the end of the street where you could clearly hear a loud beat buzzing in the the night. Luckily my normal parking spot was there because I'm pretty sure no one wanted to get slapped.

When I turned off the car I turned to Hinata through my sunglasses.

"Listen, be sure to not make a scene or anything, you're going as my date but I'll be trying to pick up some girls on the way." I said. She gave me a dark look judging me in her mind. Before looking up and sighing.

"Alright, by the way?" She asked. "Why are you wearing sunglasses when it's already night?"

I turned my body to her more before grinning lifting my hands as I talk.

"Well you see 1. I look awesome 2. When I see a smoking hot girl I can do this," I gripped my glasses before pulling them slightly down the bridge of my nose.

She let out a laugh before she insulted me before opening the car door. I followed after. Closing the top and locking it. The two of us then made it to the back of Suigetsu's house.

The reflection of the blue water glowed on the wooden fence and the music was blasting, like always Suigetsu was already in the large pool with two girls by each arm. Everyone was dancing and drinking.

These really are my favorite things in the world. I turned to Hinata and watched as she looked around she looked completely amazed. I smiled slightly before walking over to the pool.

"Hey there buddy," I said and Suigetsu's eyes turned to me, he shot up from the pool grinning.

"If It isn't Uzumaki Naruto." He said he both then clasped hands.

"Cool party don't'ja think?" He said his shark teeth exposed. We let go of hands as he put his hands to his sides.

"Yeah if I say so myself, " I said.

"Have you seen Sasuke anywhere?" I asked. He looked up trying to remember.

"Ahh..hmm..I think I saw him in the kitchen with that Sakura." Suigetsu said.

"Ah thanks." I said.

"You gonna swim or what? " he asked before falling back into the pool for the girls to simply grab hold of him again.

"Nah not now," I turned around to Hinata who simply stood in the same position she was in holding her bag as she looked around.

"Oi! Come here!" I said she looked over at me quick before walking over.

"Do you want to swi-?"

"Hah!? Is that Hinata!?" I turned around to Suigetsu's slowly and watched as he pulled his arms out of the girls grips before standing up and pulling himself out of the pool. I watched him slightly with my eyes squinted.

He walked over to Hinata and I felt her move slightly behind me. I wonder why. I looked around and some people were looking our way.

He suddenly walked over before grinning. He then put his wet body on Hinata as he hugged her. I felt my lip lift in annoyance. I watched Hinata's uncomfortable face. She must not be use to this kind of thing.

"I'm glad to see ya here." He said as he backed up from her, Hinata slightly wiped her body and her face turned slightly annoyed.

"U-Uh yeah, it's nice to see you too." She said her voice clearly annoyed as she faked a smile.

He smiled with eyes closed before scratching the back of his head. I felt annoyed for some reason Suigetsu just wants to get into Hinata's pants he doesn't actually like her. I mean I do that but it's different.

"Hehe, so you wanna get a drink?" He asked but suddenly I put my arm in front of Hinata.

"Sorry Suigetsu but Hinata's coming with me to go find Sasuke and Sakura-chan." I said. He opened his eyes annoyed . But he pushed it off. With his two finger he pointed at us.

"You two here together?"

I nodded. I mouthed "As friends" he nodded.

"Ah alright, then see you guys later." He said winking at Hinata, before going back to the pool. His home.

I turned to Hinata and she held her left arm with her right. I furrowed an eyebrow.

"What was that all about? You suddenly became shy?" I asked, I saw her cheeks flush in embarrassment she frowned and scoffed closing her eyes.

"What are you talking about, I clearly was acting normal." She said.

"Hmph, yeah normal after he hugged you because you realized you got wet." I said. She opened her eyes and opened her mouth ready to speak and I suddenly put my hand on her head.

"Don't worry little Hinata, papa Naruto will protect you." I said in a baby voice. She suddenly turned more embarrassed and angry that she pushed my hand off her head hard.

"Let's just go find Sasuke-kun and Sakura-san." She said, and that's what we did.

We walked past the dining tables and made our way to the kitchen where red plastic cups were displayed I quickly grabbed one and was about to grab another but suddenly a buff African American man wearing all black approached me crossing his arms.

I smiled nervously.

" Only one drink." He said in English.

"Ahh tis fur irlfriend." I replied before shooting my eyes to Hinata who wasn't looking. He watched me through his black glasses before walking away.

"Damn, Sasuke wasn't lying. " I said out loud I walked over to Hinata then gave her the cup her cold face looked at me ready to speak in disapproval.

"Just hold it for me." I said. I began drinking mine looking around at the same time. With my free hand I took off my glasses and put it in my shirt.

After chugging it a loud "Ah" came out of my mouth.

"They don't seem to be here let's go to the living room. I said. We walked there and many people were watching a anime on the tv.



Was all I heard as I looked around. But suddenly I saw hair that stood out most, Sakura's. I walked over and Hinata followed. I watched as Sasuke drank from his cup as he looked around. Sakura was talking about who knows what but she seemed incredibly happy.

"I'm so glad you invited me to come here with you." I suddenly heard her say. Sasuke stopped drinking before looking at her.

"Just don't tell Naruto." I heard him say. I felt my eyes widened but I pushed my way through and put a fake smile on my face.

"What about me?" I asked. The two slightly jumped from seeing me.

"Ah Naruto! Hinata! I'm glad you two made it." Sakura said with a smile. A little shocked from me suddenly coming after their conversation. Sasuke on the other hand watched me. I felt betrayed, hurt, and pissed.

I can't believe he'd actually do this to me.  They started talking and I just stood there with my eyes closed and that smile.


My eyes suddenly widened and I turned to Hinata and for some reason she gave me a sad look. I for some reason felt like crying as I looked at her. I hadn't noticed she was looking at me as they talked.

"I need to use the restroom so I can change could you take me there?" She said, sounding like it was in excuse because I knew she didn't want to swim at all or even be here.

"Ah sure," I said then looked at Sasuke and Sakura, I hadn't noticed that Sakura had the bikini straps on her shoulders showing she was changed and I'm pretty sure Sasuke had his swim suit on under too like me.

"Well I'll see you guys later," I said with a smile before turning to Hinata.

"Let's go." I said. She nodded. I still felt hurt but for some reason as I walked away with Hinata it hurt slightly less.

Hey everyone I just want to let you know I'm so sorry for not updating and I truly want to apologize, school started and I'm completely done with everything now, all summer I just slept a bunch and was super lazy and now it's like 1 am and I have to wake up in like 5 hours. Well anyways I'll try updating more, sorry again.

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