Chapter |15|

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In all honestness I couldn't deny that I was a little nervous about coming to this party, after seeing some of it. Loud music blowing in your ear drums, people dancing with each other in appropriate or inappropriate ways, and people drinking like no tomorrow.

But when Naruto-kun snapped me out of my thoughts I still felt nervous. Then that one guy who clearly was half naked like almost everyone else got out of the pool and hugged me. He took a big whiff of me that you could hear it.

I snapped out of  my nervousness as I felt his wetness and felt incredibly annoyed.

After that Naruto-kun teased me and I felt annoyed yet flustered. The two of us then went into the kitchen to find Sasuke-kun and Sakura-san.

They weren't there and after Naruto-kun drank that disgusting thing you call alcohol after handing me his seconds we went into the leaving room and found them, but it seemed they said something's that I knew would hurt Naruto-kun.

I felt strongly and extremely bad for him for some reason something I won't understand why for many reasons. While talking to Sasuke-kun and Sakura-san my eyes shot to him many times.

And I made an excuse I wouldn't believe I did. I felt as if Naruto-kun was hurting more and more as he stood there. So with that I said I'd get changed to..swim.

I followed Naruto-kun now as he took me upstairs of the house that would lead me to the bathroom but suddenly when we entered a room I noticed it wasn't a bathroom at all but instead a bedroom. Before I could react the door behind me was shut and he pushed me to the door.

I'm not dumb so I cover my mouth with my hand before he planted his lips on them with my hand on my lips I pushed him back and he flew to the bed. The alcohol I held I put on a dresser before walking over to him as he sat up.

"Something's seriously wrong with you!" I yelled I felt completely frustrated. I actually felt bad for him and he pulls this. All he did was look down that I couldn't see his face.

"You really are something.." I heard him say. I still felt my eyebrows furrowed  but suddenly his head lifted.

And my eyebrows lift in shocked, my eyes wide.

"Don't you think I already know something's wrong with me?" He asked. I watched as tears streamed down his cheeks. I felt suddenly frozen.

He wiped his face before standing up he fixed his shirt. I stepped forward to him but all he did was pass me as he gripped the door.

"Change here and I'll wait outside." He said before with his other hand he grabbed the cup of alcohol I placed down. He then left.

He was crying, he actually was. My mind started connecting some things. I quickly got change before putting my bottom clothing on so only the top of the blue one piece showed.

When I stepped out of the room I looked for Naruto-kun then I saw his blonde hair looking over the edge of the stairs. I walked over to him and lifted my hand about to touch him. But I noticed what he was looking at and it was Sasuke and Sakura both with smiles on as they talked.

I looked down before I finally did tap him which caused him to shift.

"Let's go to the pool. " he said.

"All right.." I simply said. His eyes seemed cold. I followed him down and we ended up down there but once we stepped out I watched as a grin grew on his lips but it seemed sinister.

"Let's get this party started!" He yelled, people cheered. He basically started stripping in front of me I couldn't help but look away feeling my cheeks warm slightly. But it stopped when he started walking away, he entered the pool.

I stared at him as he began splashing girls in the pool. They laughed and he did too but it still felt off. But suddenly I felt someone at my shoulder and I turned to see a familiar face.

"You.." I suddenly said.

"Hello, My name is Toneri." He said. I felt my eyes widen slightly trying to remember him.

"I'm in your gym class and in a few more." He said. No I've seen you before somewhere else.

"Ah, is that so." I said then gave him a small smile.

We suddenly began talking but I didn't forget the most important.


I watched as Hinata laughed, she sat on the pool ledge while her feet were in the pool. I looked at the guy. I remember him, he's the guy who jumped in front of Hinata during gym.

I felt a little betrayed. Great now everyone is betraying me. But I'm not letting Hinata get away. I swam slightly to Hinata under water before I gripped her legs pulling her into the pool.

I watched as bubbles went all over my view. I popped out of the water with a small smile on my face at least I can try being happy.

Soon enough Hinata popped up with a loud gasp of air. I couldn't wait for the frustration that would come out of her mouth as I saw her eyebrows furrowed. She wiped her eyes.

Before looking around then at me.

"Naruto-kun," She hissed at me I laughed. But even this still wasn't enough to stop the hurting I was feeling. I watched as the guy reached out his hand and Hinata gladly took it not finishing what she was about to say.

I watched as she thanked him. I felt upset now. Hinata totally ignored the fact I did that. I thought she would react more.

Sasuke, Sakura-chan, and now Hinata and this guy. Good for them. I made my way out of the pool.

I thought Hinata only came to protect me but now she's over here with some guy. I need to find a girl..I need to find a...I need to fight.

I made way to the front of the house. Where, where is that gang? They have to be around here somewhere. I suddenly saw blonde hair who was talking  to some people. I walked over to him gripping his shoulder.

"If It isn't the bastard who stabbed me." I said, he turned his face just for me to punch him. He flew back slightly and people began to start making a circle around us. I watched as he looked up to me.

"Ha! You want to go again?" He asked. I lifted my fist. He smirked. I ran at him before punching again he punched at the same time so  we both got punched but I threw a kick to his side which shot him to the side.

People cheered. I wiped the blood from my mouth. I smirked. He looked at me.

"You're going to pay now!" He yelled, he ran at me, I punched him in the face again.

I watched as he pulled out his nife. I prepared myself I could see now so I could dodge and I did for awhile.

But suddenly I felt a large pain hit me right where I was stabbed before probably from the fact I wasn't suppose to be fighting in the first place.

Is this really it? I watched as he ran at me but Suddenly I saw a pale hand come to my view and soon enough I saw blood that didn't belong to me come to view. Two people had arrived. The nife stabbed his arm. I could feel my eyes widened extremely. But before I could react Hinata hit Deidara he flew back grabbing his his gut.

Sasuke lowered his arm that had a nife hanging from it. Hinata then walked to Deidara before throwing a kick that hit his face and basically knocked him out.

I couldn't help but not say a word, she turned her head to me, pain in her eyes. I looked at Sasuke who was in front of me. Sasuke soon fell to his knees as he gripped the nife and Sakura-chan soon came out after him.

Why do I always just end up hurting people, if I didn't have emotional problems that made me do these things to make me less stressed and upset maybe I could actually be loved...maybe that's why Sakura-chan doesn't love me..

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