Chapter |16|

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I watched in shock as everything hit me at once. Why would Sasuke? Suddenly I heard my name being called out, I looked around. Who was it?

"Naruto-kun? H-Hey come to."

That eyes opened and I then let out a cough which lead to me coughing out water. I looked around me to simply seeing a kneeled down Hinata and a few people around me.

Was I laying on the ground?

"Oi! He's awake!"

Everyone cheered. What the hell is going on? I sat up but I suddenly felt hands on my back.

"You really are an idiot, you know that." A deep voice said. It was Sasuke. He wasn't bleeding, I looked over to Hinata who had her eyebrows quirked and she was biting her lip, looking down and guilty.

"What's going on?" I asked. But suddenly Hinata stood up then pulled me up and she soon pulled me out of the party and before I knew it we were walking to my car. I was stuck in words confused feeling dizzy really dizzy. I felt my head stung and I lifted my hand to my forehead to soon feel warm blood.


After Naruto had pulled me into the pool, Toneri had helped me get out saving me the time to properly kill Naruto-kun. He asked me if I was fine and I said I was.

"Thank you, if it wasn't for him this-" I turned to were Naruto-kun was but he wasn't there but suddenly I heard screams in the pool I stood up to see what was happening to only see a passed out Naruto-kun who seemed to have tried getting out of the deep pool to only slip and hit his head.

I instantly ran and jumped into the pool and pushed the girls who simply watched him basically floating head down to help him get out. I wrapped his arm around my neck then pulled him but I soon got help from some people to lift him up. I pulled myself up on the pool ledge to soon start pushing his chest.

How did he swallow water so fast almost as if he passed out before hitting his head.

I could feel people's eye. Is no one going to call the damn ambulance!? But before any thing I pulled a piece of my hair behind my ears to the push my lips on to his as I pushed his chest.

People whistled as if I was like not doing CPR, seriously are people dumb? I did it until he finally coughed out. Waking up.

I couldn't help but feel the deep guilt that filled me. Why would I let him be alone? I knew he was hurt but I got distracted thinking he'd be fine because he was with girl and that was something that made him happy, right? I hadn't noticed that Sasuke-kun and Sakura-san had came. Sasuke-kun helped Naruto-kun. And Sakura-chan looked at him worried and asked if he was okay.

But I couldn't support being here any longer so I lifted Naruto-kun up before I took him with me. He didn't seem injured as we walked to the car. I held onto his naked arm.

I completely ignored Toneri-san as he asked some questions. Once I put Naruto-kun in the car I quickly made it to the other side and drove to the house. I hadn't even noticed that he was bleeding until we got there and I panicked and took him to my room. He was half asleep probably because he drank.

Once in my room I grabbed my towel.

" Put this on your head for now!" I said as he sat on my bed, he wasn't bleeding a lot but bleeding enough that it dropped down his cheeks like tears. He simply did as told he looked....drugged.

I quickly went through my stuff and grabbed my first aid kit and pulled the now red towel off his head. I felt my heart in my chest beating as I felt tears swell up in my eyes, As I watched him. I gripped the bandages with shaking hands and with a different wet towel I wiped his head and the cut was on the side of his head.

I wiped it clean and Naruto-kun simply watched me his eyes fuzzy, the towel had alcohol so he should be wincing. This was weird.

I stood up in front of him, before gripping his head softly with my hand, soon putting a white bandage on his 5 inch cut. I hadn't even realized that tears were already running down my cheeks as I held the bloody towel in my hands. Why was I even crying? I felt hurt in a way seeing him hurt? Was the also the mix of guilt.

I then felt his hand grasp my cheek.

"Don't cry Hinata... I'll start crying.." He said before passing out. I placed him on my bed. Before soon contacting his parents.


When I woke up I noticed a familiar white ceiling, I was my room. Suddenly I saw Hinata's head come into my sight.

"Ew It's you." I said as a joke. She looked at me strangely. And soon my mothers head came to view.

"Naruto, you all right?" She asked.


"Anything hurt?" She asked, I furrowed a brow.

"No nothing hurts." I answered.

"Good!" She yelled before punching her fist down on my stomach, I sat up.

"Ouch! Why did you!?"

"You took not only drugs but also drank! You're only 17 Naruto!"

"Drugs!? I didn't take drugs! I drank but I didn't take drugs. " I yelled. What the hells going on? All I remember is that dream of Sasuke getting stabbed and waking up a little.

"Then explain why the doctor said you did!?"

"I didn't!"

"You did!"

"I'm sorry to interrupt but I was with Naruto and he didn't take anything but I do feel like he was drugged which caused him to pass out and hit his head."

We both looked at Hinata she still had a guilty look like from yesterday. My mom looked at Hinata believing her with her eyes, wow she trust her more then me?

"I passed out?" I asked. The two looked at me.

"I was drugged?" I suddenly began remembering things. I then remembered feeling dizzy trying to leave the pool. But Suigetsu wouldn't have drugged the drinks.

Suddenly I remember after trying to kiss Hinata a guy gave me an extra cup seeing me upset.

"Here, you look like you need this. Not everyone can have Hinata-sama."

I ignored what he said but still drank it. Did he drug me?

"This one guy did give me a cup of beer, so I think he could have drugged me. "

My mom looked at me seriously.

"Do you remember who it was?" She asked.

"No not really.." I gripped my head but it was all fuzzy.

"Dammit not again, you got hurt. But at least It wasn't that big, the doctor said you didn't even need stitches but it'll take some time to heal." She said. I sighed.

But before mom and I could do anything, Hinata bowed her body which caused mom and I to freak out.

"I am truly and deeply sorry! If I had watched Naruto-kun better he wouldn't have gotten hurt! This wouldn't have happened! If you want a better guard I understand completely!" She said in voice I've never hurt.

"What are you talking about? That's a little too far don't you think?" Both mom and I said before we looked at each other. My mom gripped Hinata lifting her body but I widened my eyes when I saw her eyes ready to burst.

"You know for a smart girl you're really dumb." I said, both girls looked at me. Hinata frowned, her wet eyes glistening.

"It's not your fault that I took a random guys drink plus I did try to kiss you without your permission." I said.

"Eh!?" My mom yelled, Hinata looked to the side as her cheeks turned pink but she frowned. But at least she wasn't crying.


"The point is you don't have to leave, just stick with me more often and teach me how to fight against weapons, okay?"

My mom looked over to a no longer almost crying Hinata, yet she had wide eyes as she looked at me. But she then closed her eyes and smiled. And I smiled too. But after Hinata excused herself my mom told me that the cops would investigate the case.

I for one am glad I didn't get stabbed or saw Sasuke get stabbed. Then it hit me. And I felt depressed.

After my mom left the room I pulled the covers over my head. That's right, Sasuke and Sakura-chan might be seeing each other. There it goes again, my pain only can be solved by two things that make feel slightly less empty.

Making love with women I clearly don't love and the rush of fighting. Both that let me release my aggression. I sighed deeply. I wonder if my dad came to see me, I wonder if Sasuke actually did get with Sakura-chan, I wonder if Hinata got herself a boyfriend now.

If what I have for Sakura-chan isn't love then what is it? Is it in excuse for why I'm like this? Is it because I want to feel love? Yet girls do fall for me but solely because I'm rich and good looking, those bitches.

I ran my hand through my head feeling my hair. It was hard probably because the chlorine from the pool. I wasn't wearing my bathing suit though or maybe I was just had clothes over it.

I soon simply closed my eyes. Might as well have sleep. In a way I would feel okay with Sasuke and Sakura-chan but I'd never admit it. Never.

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