Chapter |27|

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The night wasn't bad. Toneri-san was confused on why Naruto-Kun didn't come down with me. But he seemed more pleased that way. We went out to eat. We talk about classes and what we want to do in the future. At some points he'd complement me.

Most of the time I tried to focus, but all I could think about was Naruto-Kun. The way his lips felt on mine. The way his eyes looked at me.

Now here I was sitting in Toneri-sans car, outside of the house.

"Hinata-san if I can ask, why are you going back to Uzumaki's house?" Toneri asked. I turned to him slightly.

"Well, I'm staying there for a while to..tutor him." I said, he looked at me slightly before nodding then smiling. He pulled out his hand for me to grab.

I gave him my hand. Before he kissed it. My eyes widened. His eyes then looked at me.

"You looked beautiful tonight, I hope we can see each other again. " he said. I simply nodded.

"Thank you, have a good night." I said before leaving the car. When I entered the house most lights were off. Except the kitchen light. I soon saw a head pop up.

Naruto-kun was leaning back to see who was there. I watched as a smile spread across his lips.

"Hinata.." I felt my heart throb from my name. I frowned wondering what was wrong with me. I bowed my head slightly.

"Come here and have some Ice cream." He said lifting his hand, a spoon in it. I shook my head.

"I-Its alright, Ill have some tomorrow.."  I said before bowing my head again. I made my way up the stairs before entering my room, getting changed and taking off the slight make up. I then sat myself at the end of my bed.

I soon heard a knock at my door.
"Come in," I said. Naruto walked in slight.

"So how was your date, lame?" He asked with his arms crossed. I furrowed my eyebrows. Before smiling.

"It was nice, it wasn't lame." I said. He seemed to frown more. He threw his arms behind his head. Holding them there.

"How can you have fun with a bastard like him??" He said with his eyes closed.

"He's not a bastard, he's..nice.." I then remembered when he kissed my hand. I felt myself blush slightly. I now felt his eyes on me.

"Nothing happened, right?" He asked, I shifted my eyes. He did hug me to him when we were walking and kissed my hand. But I had a feeling Naruto-kun wouldn't like that.

"Nothing happened." I said. He walked closer before sitting next to me on my bed. I uncomfortably moved slightly to my left.

"So about what happened earlier." The sound of his voice made me blush slightly. He sounded serious. He looked forward. Before turning his head to me. I felt myself gulp.

Today was a strange day. Suddenly my eyes opened wide before I remembered Naruto-kun getting attacked.  I stood up.

"Does your body hurt??" I asked. His eyes widened.

"Eh? No I meant about the-" I looked at his body. He was wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt.

I remember he could barely walk. I went to my knees gripping his legs.

"Whoa! Hinata don't you think it's a little too early for this!?" He said, I didn't get what he meant but I lifted his pants. Seeing wrap around his legs.

"You're already bandaged up again?" I asked. I looked up to Naruto-kun.

"Yeah, I've been in lots of fights. I know how to rap my legs." He said. I then stood up then cupped his cheeks before looking at his nose.

His cut was still there. I frowned.

"Who was that guy anywa-" I felt him grip my check before pinching it. I backed up.

"W-What was that for?" I asked my face flushing.

"I was trying to remind you about what I meant." He said, with a grin. I frowned.

"Then let me establish the miss understanding, you and I can't be going around locking lips. It is against body guard policy. " I said, taking all the emotion I felt away. I needed to bring my walls back up before it was too late.

He frowned looking hurt.

"Even if you have feelings for me?" He asked. I hesitated.

"Even..if I did have feelings for you..we can't.." I was losing my voice. I watched his feature but then I saw as he let out a sigh. Before smiling.

"There's no rule that I can't have a crush on you, so from now I hope you get use to my love. " he stood up, before gripping my hands.

"Hinata, I like you. Please go out with me." He said. I felt my eyes widened. I opened my mouth. Reject, reject.

"You don't have to answer right now, but please consider my feelings." He said. I looked into his eyes to see any lies. This Uzumaki was a player. But I saw no lies. I swallowed deeply. Before squeezing his hands with mine.

"Please consider mine..too.." I said softly. I looked to the side. This was wrong. I had grown a liking to the guy I work for. Even though he's loud and annoying. I can't help but care for him.

When I looked to face him his face was slightly red.

"Hinata does that mean.." He simply let out. "Do you like me back? "

I felt my face turn red.

"I-I've told you already, that we aren't allowed to have a relationship." I said. He nodded.

"I officially can't be your girlfriend your friend its ok.." I said with a soft voice.

"Friends can hug," He said. I looked up to him before nodding.

Just as I did that his arms wrapped around me. I felt my heart beat quickly. His smell, his warmth.

I closed my eyes. Even though I knew these feelings were wrong I couldn't help it. Suddenly when we back up slightly we kissed once again. I felt my body almost melt. But it wasn't long.

When I finally snapped out of it I asked him to leave.


That morning I woke up feeling calm. I sat up before looking at my clock. It was early and I felt hungry. I stood up then made my way out the door. I looked at the room next to me. I felt my cheeks slightly.

What the hell?? Am I a girl!? I frowned before making my way downstairs. Last night I technically was rejected by Hinata. But at the same time, Hinata slightly confessed back to me. So here I was, technically still single. But the difference was that I wouldn't be doing anything with anyone else.

I have to prove to not only myself but to Hinata that I can be in a relationship. Even if Hinata I aren't in a relationship, our feelings are mutual.

I gripped my mouth. For now we are friends but we can hug and kiss. Hey it wasn't like I told Hinata that. Last night we shared a kiss.

It would be easier to just hide the relationship but Hinata is too thick-skulled that she wouldn't be able to because she follows the rules. Even though making out with the client is basically the same thing.

When I entered the kitchen I saw from the door, Hinata who was outside training. I forgot she did that in the morning. My legs still hurt but I endured it. I've faked being fine for awhile.

I will repay Yahiko and Nagato for this. The maid soon brought me breakfast at the table before going off somewhere else.

Mid way when I was eating I kept thinking about Hinata then the whole fighting thing. Soon I heard the back doors open, and a sweaty Hinata walked in. She drunk from her water bottle before finally noticing me.

I watched her eyes expand. I smiled. Feeling my face heat up slightly. Why did I feel embarrassed.

"Good morning, Hinata." I said. She bowed slightly. Her pony tail swaying.

"Good morning Naruto-kun. Did you sleep well?" She asked. I was about to answer.

"Though I heard idiots always sleep well." I felt as if my body cracked. I frowned and she smiled.

"So I see you don't change so easily, even if we-" I felt her eyes tighten on me. What's with her cold treatment. Though I didn't expect her to be acting all cute 24/7

She still was raised as a cold girl. But that didn't stop me.

"What about you? You look like you didn't sleep." I stood up facing her "Don't tell me you couldn't sleep because of me?" I teased.

She frowned, I saw the small tint in her cheeks. It's strange how we can hate each other at the same time as liking each other.

"I'll let you know I slept perfectly fine." She said. I smirked.

"I didn't, I felt really happy." I said being honest. She seemed shocked before frowning once again.

"W-Well good for you." She said.

"I'll be taking a shower, let me know if you are heading out afterwards." She was just about to leave.

"Yeah I think I'm going to head out, wear something cute we're going to go watch a movie!" I said. She slowly turned to look at me.

"What?" She asked.

"I feel like watching a movie." I corrected. She nodded before going to her room. After eating I put my plate away before going to my room to get ready too.

I waited down stairs for Hinata. It looked like it was going to rain. When Hinata finally came down wearing her body guard uniform jacket over her cute outfit. I frowned.

"My father called earlier telling me we have to wear the jackets to make more business." She said. She didn't look like she was lying.

I grabbed a umbrella before the two of us left. 


I initially didn't know what Naruto-kun was scheming but I couldn't help but feel slightly happy. I didn't understand why.

Let's just say. What I did last night wasn't right, but I couldn't control my feelings. I had feelings for Naruto-kun. I truly did. But I had to control my feelings.

"Say Hinata, do you want to know why I want to kiss you to hug you?" My eyes widened as I turned to him.

"Eh?" I asked. He turned to me. Before smiling.  I felt my body tense. What was I supposed to say?

"Why? " I simply asked. He looked forward as te light was on green.

"Because I like you. " he said. "When you like someone you what to be affectionate."

My eyes widened from his words. Did I want to be affectionate? Last night I did. This was new to me. I remembered last night, my face flushing. I had tried my best to not think about the day before because of all the kissing.

I then remembered what Toneri did. Toneri and I were friends.

"G-Give me your hand." I said. He did as I said. I then brought his hand slightly to my lips before kissing it. I felt Naruto's body shake slightly. When I looked back at him he looked confused yet red.

"What the hell!? Why did you??" I watched him feeling a smile creep on my face. I let go of his hand before shifting my body. Before my face turned red from embarrassment.

"I-I'm being friendly?"

"Then give me your hand!" I heard him say I turned to him shocked. Before doing as he said. I watched as he kiss my hand and my body felt like I was shocked.

After that we rode to the movie theater not saying a word.

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