Chapter |28|

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The ride to the mall was quiet. What the hell was I going to do, I felt embarrassed and shy for some reason. I've gone on many dates, yet this was different. I needed to impress Hinata. Though Hinata can easily impress me.

When I drove and parked in the parking lot, I want to quickly get to Hinata's side to open the door but Hinata was already out. Mission number

When we were about to enter the mall, I opened the door first, before moving to the side. Hinata blinked.

"What are you waiting for?" She asked. I sighed.

"Ladies first," I simply said, her mouth made a 'o' shape, before I saw her face blush slightly as she passed by me. Her lavender scent passing by me as well.

As I followed in, we began walking around. She simply followed me.

"Hinata what kind of things do you like to buy?" I asked, she turned to me before thinking.

"I like buying groceries," she said. I shook my head.

"Besides that, silly." I said. She squinted her eyes, before trying to think. Suddenly a crane game was visible. I smiled.

"Hey Hey, lets go to that crane game, I'll win you something!" I said grinning. I gripped her hand before pulling her along with me. This time Hinata didn't pull away.

I felt my cheeks blush slightly. We stood in front of the game. I let go of her hand before reaching into my pockets to pull out change. Before putting in the two quarters.

Without looking at her I spoke.

"Which one do you want?" I asked.

"U-Uh I don't mind." She responded. I looked at her before she sighed.

"A bear would be fine." She said, I grinned before turning back.

"One bear coming right up!" I said, I actually was a pro at these games. Me getting two toys coincidentally was proof.

I got a bear and a fox. (I know it's cheesy just deal with it ) -Author

"Here for you," I said handing them to her. I watched as she looked at them. She then looked up to me and smiled, causing my heart to stop.

"Thank you," She said, her cheeks blushed slightly. "I'll treasure these."

I scratched the back of my head, before looking away, grinning. I felt embarrassed again. My heart was beating.

"What else should we do on our date?" I asked.

"Date?" She repeated. I simply nodded.

"But-" I stopped her "Hold that but, there's a candy store over there." I pointed to it as I gripped her hand.

"Let's go!" I simply said. When we entered, I turned around to her before watching as she looked around. I wonder if she had ever been in a candy store.

"What kind of candy do you like?" I asked. She snapped out of her trance.

"I-I don't usually eat candy." She replied. I grinned.

"Then let's try some! First some of my favorites. " I said. I walked to the counter before asking the cashier to give me the candy pass, that let me try as many candies as I wanted.

After paying a fee for Hinata and I, I returned to her.

"Did you pay for me?" She asked frowning. It's best I lied for now.

"Of course not, I'm not made out of money. These are free for new people. You're new." I came up with it quick. She viewed me with her eyes.

"I see, " She said before wrapping the band I gave her on her hand.

I, Instead of pulling again, stuck out my hand. The chances were low, of her grabbing it. I watched as her face turned slightly bright before reaching for my hand but instead gripped my jacket sleeve.

I smiled, good enough.

"Ok, follow me." I said as she clinged onto me. We went to gummy bears first.

"I prefer the orange ones but try the red ones. " I said. She opened the lid before scooping some gummy bears. She watched them for a second. Before letting go of my sleeve, putting one in her mouth.

I watched as she chewed happily. I smiled. I got an idea.

"Hinata," I said, she looked over to me. "Ahhh" I said opening my mouth. She furrowed a brow.

"What?" She asked. I sighed. "Give me one." I said.

"Oh," she simply responded. I opened my mouth again, closing my eyes.

She then threw the gummy bear into my mouth, causing me to choke. Challenge number

She soon was concerned. But I was ok. Dammit Hinata! I gripped a filled bear from a pile before lifting it for her.

"You have to do it like this, " I said "Now say ahhh."

She frowned, slightly embarrassed.

"I don't want-" I put the gummy in her mouth. Her eyes widened before she blush chewing.

"Mmm." She simply made out, enjoying the taste.

"It's good right?" I said smiling. "Now say ahhh." I repeated.

"But I can get it on my own.." she said softly.

"But I want to feed you " I simply said. I watched her blush and I felt myself get embarrassed. In defeat I ended up just giving her some in her hand.

She really like the gummy bears so I got her a bag and she chose. I went looking for the candies I liked. I liked sour candies so I got a bunch of sour fruit roll ups.

I had Hinata try some but they were too sour for her so I watched her face as she tried not having any emotion. I almost couldn't tell but the dents in her cheeks gave it away.

Eventually we had bags full.

"Are you sure this doesn't cost money?" She asked as we walked out. I smiled sheepishly. This months allowance was being drained.

"Of course." I said. She smiled before putting a Loli pop in her mouth. Even if this was a lot of my beer money, I'm glad Hinata is happy.

But this happy might have came to an end. I saw one of my ex girlfriends. And she saw me. She soon marched her way over to us.

"Well well well, if it isn't Naruto douchumaki." She said. I sighed, she was one of the angry ones.

I turned to Hinata, who simply watched with a solid expression.

"H-Hey, how've you been." I asked forcing a smile. I didn't remember her name but her face wasn't one I forgot. She was pretty but greedy.

"Don't act friendly with me! Who's this." She turned and eyed Hinata. She then rolled her eyes.

"Always with a new whore I see," She said smirking. I frowned.

"Hey don't call her that." I said calmly, she was getting on my nerves. A reason I dumped her. "Just because you're one doesn't make her one." This made her more mad.

I braced myself for a upcoming slap, but I didn't receive one. I looked over to Hinata holding her arm.

"It's better that you calm yourself. I don't want to hurt you." Said Hinata's monotoned voice. I heard her bite into the Loli pop. I simply watched as the two girls then eyed each other . Oh no, this isn't going to be pretty.

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