Chapter |5|

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As I entered the Highschool I quickly greeted the people around me, shinning a bright smile, then winking to a group of girls.

I then made it to Sasukes locker. By surprise, Sakura-chan was there too.

"Oi! Sakura-Chan, Sasuke!" I said with my hand in the air. They turned to me.

Sakura smiled.

"Good morning, Naruto." She said, Sasuke only had his same old cold face, he only gave me a nod.

"So where's Hinata?"

I looked at her questioned at first, suddenly I turned my head around. She wasn't there. I turned back then to them.

"Uh, yeah. I guess she's getting use to the school." I said sheepishly. They looked at me suspiciously.

"Are you friends with her?" Sasuke asked, before closing his locker. I bit my lip to think.

"Uh, yeah! She and I are really close!" I said. We all then started walking.

"Well, that's nice, but don't get any ideas." Sakura-Chan said. I frowned slightly.

"What's that mean?" I asked. As I walked in front of them, walking backwards.

" She's way out of your league." Sasuke butted in. 

"Oi!" I growled. Sakura-Chan only laughed. But then suddenly stopped then shot me her eyes. Sasuke walked into the classroom, leaving me and her

"But seriously, you better not try making her one of  your fake girlfriends." She said, I smirked as I leaned on the wall next to the door.

"What's this? Are you getting jealous ?" I said, Sakura quickly whacked my head before walking pass me to enter the classroom.

"In your dreams." She said. I gripped my head before entering. Instantly Sasuke's eyes were on me, he had his elbows on the desk and his hands interlocked, they were in front of his face.

I frowned before walking back to my regular seat up the stairs in the 7th row.

"What's with him?" I whispered under my breath.

When I sat, I quickly looked over my shoulder to Hinata.

She was reading a book. I tilted my head slightly. She lowered the book and our eyes met. She had no emotion.

She gave me a nod, I then gave her a smile to see if she reacted. Nothing. I stopped then turned around.

"Hey Hinata, how did finding your way here feel? It's only been one day." Sakura-chan said.

I quickly tried ignoring their conversation. I grabbed my pencil then looked forward, fidgety the pencil in my fingers.

"Well Naruto-kun helped me very much the day before, That I wrote down an exact map so he wouldn't have to worry about me. " she said.

I then heard a shift in papers.

"Wow! That looks like a good map!"

This time that was a different voice. I slightly looked behind me. It was Kiba. He and I aren't that close but we consider each other friends.

He was leaned over, his body slightly on her. He pointed at her paper. Sakura then stood up and walked behind me to then lean over.

"Wow that is cool!" She said.

I suddenly felt curiosity fill me. Finally Iruka Sensei walked in and class began. Sakura-chan went back to her seat.

The class went normal as usual, along with Sakura-chan and Hinata again aiming for the answers. When class ended I felt a nudge at my shirt while following Sasuke out.

"I'll be following you to our next class," Hinata said, I furrowed my eyebrows. Then simply turned my head to leave, and she followed.

I walked by Sasukes side this time and Hinata slowly followed. Sakura-chan had left and gone to her own class. As I walked the halls I waved to a few girls, now that I'm back I should get back to the job.

Sasuke shouldered me, as a stop and a group of  girls gasped in amazement, then "KYAA!" 'd

Damn that Sasuke, he doesn't even need to try. Once a few more classes passed it was once again Asuma's class. We were once again learning about the human body and I simply put my head between my shoulders to sleep.

But before that I watched as Hinata looked completely focused, even writing things down time to time. This girl probably doesn't even know what real sex is.

I sighed before closing my eyes. She's a goodie two-shoes alright.

I had fallen asleep, but I had awaken up from a slight commotion. I slowly blinked.

"H-Hey what's the big idea? Just trying to wake him up with a little slap."

I looked over to Hinata, who was up from her chair, I turned my head, Suigetsu's hand was held by the wrist. His other hand tried to make her let go. He was leaned over the desk.

My eyes suddenly widened. She was preventing him from hitting me. I sat up. She had a serious look on her face.

"Hinata let him go,"  I said. The two looked over to me. The class had ended and Suigetsu was in the row behind me.

Hinata like in command let go. Suigetsu quickly gripped his wrist.

"Come on man, learn how to control your girlfriend better!" Suigetsu said before grabbing his bag and dashing off.

Hinata and I both watching as he left. I quickly looked at her with anger.

"What the hell Hinata!?" I said, she didn't flinch.

"My job is to protect Naruto-kun," She said.

"But I wasn't in danger," I said.

"He was going to hit you-"

"To wake me up, it wouldn't have hurt!" I said before pushing through her to leave.

When I got to gym class I for some reason noticed a group of guys giving me bad eyes.

I mean I had already beaten each one of them separately but now their in a group? Once I changed out I noticed them again, I would easily take them on but my guts would come out.

I sighed. I felt another pair of eyes on me. I turned and it was Hinata. She soon walked over and fanned for me to come closer. I frowned but I was curious.

"Those group of men, have been eyeing you. " she said. I quickly backed away.

"It's fine, those guys are weak," yet big "they aren't a threat at all," unless they work together.

But soon enough I left Hinata, to go hang out with my buddies Lee and Shikamaru. Sasuke was in this class period but he usually does some stuff for class president.

When gym ended I was excited about lunch, I would be seeing Sakura-chan again. When lunch came the girls were talking and the guys were talking.

"Oh right, guys . This is Hinata Hyuga, she's one of my friends who was home schooled, if you haven't noticed her here she is."

Sakura-chan had said. Everyone introduced themselves but suddenly Sasuke spoke.

"Hyuga..." Sasuke paused before he shot me a look. "Your family is known for its army group, no?"

I swallowed deeply.

"Yes," Hinata innocently replied.

"Your family is known for their great engineering, if I am correct,  as well as their fighting style from their older army that got cancelled." Hinata replied

They stared at each other before Shikamaru cleared his threat loudly. Everything went back to normal.

When the day had ended for some reason Sasuke and Sakura-chan had left before me. So Hinata and I were walking out together. But when I was outside a guy called me out.

I turned my head to see another guy running at me. I held up my fist ready to punch but when he threw a fist his hand was caught then soon enough he was flipped on the ground in a arm lock.

"You may not cause any harm to Naruto-kun!"

"I'm in so much trouble.." I said knowing I'd be the one to blame.

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