Chapter |6|

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I simply sat in the chair as I stared at the blonde women across from me. Naruto-kun fidgety and I could feel that he was scared.

The lady simply stared at us. Observing us. I only watched her back. She licked her lips before she closed her eyes then took a deep breath.

"Naruto," She spoke calmly.

"Y-Yes!" He replied instantly, she opened her eyes and brown met blue.

"How dare you bring a girl here to frame." Her voice sounded angry. He jumped up and stood.

"I-I didn't do anything! She's the one! I didn't even lay a hand on that guy!" He yelled before pointing behind him, where the man who attacked him sat behind the door in a chair.

"Psh, and you expect me to believe a sweet girl like this would do such a thing?" She said.


"If I may interrupt, Naruto-kun was not the person who had injured that boy. It was me. He was going to cause harm on Naruto-kun, that is not allowed." I spoke.

Both their eyes could be felt on me.

"A Yandere?" She suddenly asked.

(Yandere is a sickness that infests itself in the sweetest of characters, who become so absolutely infatuated with their love interests that they are willing to do anything for them, even if those actions aren't necessarily what their love interests desire)

"What is that?" I asked calmly . She shook her head before putting her hands on her head to massage.

But suddenly she stopped then looked up.

"Wait, don't tell me you are the body guard Minato-san assigned!?" She said shocked. Naruto quickly slammed his hands on her desk before putting a finger to his lips.

"Not so loud!" He said his teeth together.

"Sit down!" She then yelled.

"Yes ma'am!" He cried before sitting back down.

She then shifted through some papers before pulling out a file. She opened before laying it out on her desk.

"Oh my gosh," she suddenly covered her mouth. Naruto seemed to question this, I simply blinked.

"!" She suddenly began laughing. She then pointed at me.

"Ahaha this girl could totally kick your ass!" She laughed out loud, one of my eyebrows furrowed.

That's not something a principal would have said.

Naruto jumped to his feet.

"That's not true Granny Tsunade!" He yelled. She jumped herself.

"I told you not to call me that, brat!" She yelled. I just watched in confusion.

But suddenly a knock was heard. They both sat down.

"Come in," she said calmly.

Soon enough Kushina-san opened the door.

"Tsunade-san, I am so sorry for what my son di-"

"Let me stop you right there," She interrupted.


"Naruto has done nothing, Hyuga-san was the one who harmed a student." I turned my head to her.

"W-Wha?" Kushina-san asked.

"Well, Hyuga-san would you like to explain what happened?" The principal said.

I nodded. I cleared my throat.

"While I was in gym class I had noticed a few men looking at Naruto-kun, this had concerned me. So after school a man yelled out Naruto-kun's name as an distraction and another man tried to attack him. My job is to make sure Naruto-kun does not get hurt so I made sure I hurt the man the weakest I could."


This is not fair! Hinata got off the hook so easily! I mean yeah maybe she's my body guard and I'm kinda of impressed by her.

I sighed.

"Thank you so much, Hinata." My mom said. I looked over to my mom.

"It's no problem, this is my job after all."

"Don't count this much of a job! You're family now, yeah you might have to protect him but you are family!" My mom yelled, I looked at my confusedly.

Hinata looked shocked.

"T-Thank you, Kushina-san." She said looking away and being serious again. Mom knew something that I didn't, probably when talking to her dad.

I sighed. Suddenly I got elbowed.

"Ouch! Wha-!"

"Say thanks to Hinata," Mom said.

"I will not, I could have protected myself." I said then crossed my arms.

My mom gave me a mean look. I suddenly felt a shiver down my spine. Everything turned black and it came from mom.

"Naruto..." she said in a deep voice.

"Okay, Okay, fine!" I said then cleared my throat.

"Hinata?" I said, she turned her head. She looked plain as ever.

"T..Thanks." I said. Then looked away.

"Un, also Naruto-kun?" She said.

I turned back, she gave me a scary look.

"Thank you so much for showing me where to go around school." She said, nice words but she looked scary.

"What's with your face? Are you taunting me!?" I said. She tilted her head.

"I am smiling?" She said unsure, does she not know how to smile?!

"Eh really!?"

I got a elbowed.

"Naruto that's not nice.." mom said softly.

"I am trying to smile at you. Is it not alright? Am I doing this wrong?" She asked.

"Uh, its fine." I said then sighed.

When we got home I ran up to my room quickly before jumping on my bed. I pulled out my phone. I had gotten some messages from some girls who I don't really remember. I just decided to let some unread.

I soon fell asleep.



I jumped up after a nice nap.

My mom came rushing in. A paper in hands.

"What?" I asked.

"Your grades!" She yelled, out of breath from frustration.

"They are terrible!"

I just simply laid back down. She walked over. I just looked at her bored. She woke me up for this?

"You! You! You aren't going to graduate if you keep this up!" She yelled.

"What can I say I don't know how to study." I said then turned over.

"Oh boy I'm going to tell your father!" She yelled before stomping off.

"Okay good luck." I said then yawned, a spoon soon was thrown to my back and I jumped up in pain.

I sighed then sat at the end of my bed. Hinata soon walked to the front of my door.

"What do you want?" I said.

"I heard yelling, what did you do?" She asked.

"I don't have to tell you," I said then looked away.

I heard a deep sigh.

"I know you don't like me, but you can atleast try. Just like me." She said. I looked up to her then stood up. I walked over to her then looked down at her.

I was way closer then I was supposed to. She simply looked at my chest.

"You want to be friends. Hm I don't think we can I mean I'm so attracted to you what if I grow feelings for you." I said, lying so easily.

"Is that so?" She asked. Then looked up to me.

"Hey Hinata, why don't you come with me." I said. She took a step back.

She only squinted her eyes.

"I'm going to go for a walk why don't we get to know each other better." I said. She didn't look convinced. I sighed.

"I'm going out, so you have to come." I said. I turned around to get my shoes.

"Go get ready." I said she nodded before going to her room to get her bag.

I told my mom and then we walked outside.

She followed. I felt a smirk on my face. I grabbed her hand. Before I pulled her. I then gave her a smile.

"Let's go," I said in a smooth voice. She looked confused then looked away.


I could hear my heart beat in my chest, loudly. What was happening. I should just pull my hand back. But maybe like this we can become friends.

It'll be annoying if we kept a bad relationship. But is holding hands something friends do?

I'll just have to deal with this. We were walking on the side walk, to who knows where. But I just simply watched as he dragged me along.

We were going to the town.

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