Chapter 4 Alya's Ridiculous Notions

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        Alya's  POV:

        "Well, Nino what do you think?"  Alya asks after she tells him the rest of her plan.

      "I think it sounds risky to interfere in others' lives this way," Nino replies.

      "Risky, it is not a dangerous spy mission or anything," Alya states with a laugh.

          Alya thinks, honestly, Nino worries more than necessary sometimes.  

    She grins as she asks, " Why are so against this idea?"  
        Alya believes the idea she has in mind is the best one yet.

     Nino's POV:

      Nino sighs as he looks at Alya and sees the excitement in her eyes.  He shakes his head in disapproval as he recalls the reaction Adrien had to both yesterday's article and the one published today as well.

    "Alya, are you sure this is wise under the circumstances?"  Nino asks her.

     "Wise, Nino, good grief it is not like were suggesting they get a tattoo or a new hairstyle," Alya scoffs.

        "I know that Alya.  It is just this seems a bit extreme. It also seems too soon," Nino tries to tell her.

         Nino sees Alya stick her lip out to show her dismay at once.  He hates it when she does this because it is hard for him to feel bad.  He wonders sometimes if she does it on purpose to get him to buy her more things. Then, again perhaps it is Alya just being Alya.


   Adrien's POV:

        Adrien frowns when he re-reads today's article.  Just when he thought the one from the day before was bad and the company pulls something like this. So much for his private life staying well, private.  He is not sure if it is because they have only half the facts, or it is because they left out the part where he was good to her, but he is ticked off.

     "Ah, can you believe it?" Adrien asks no one in particular.

     "I know it is like the magazine company's get a thrill on interfering in other's lives,"  The lady behind him in line says.

      Adrien notices she looks familiar which is strange since he could have sworn he has never met her.  He can see her looking at him as if she waits for a response.

       "I agree wholeheartedly,  I mean they did not interview me to see how I felt," Adrien states.

        "Oh, my goodness, so you are the Adrien Agreste," The lady says as if it suddenly dawns on her who she speaks to now.

      "Yes, that would be me, guilty as charged," Adrien says with a laugh.

        Adrien makes his purchases and as he leaves he notices the young woman frowns.  He leaves in a hurry to get ready for tonight.  He might as well be on time for work.  This way he can not say he is out of a job.  

       Marinette's  POV:          

        Marinette thinks it is a good thing I wore a hat, sunglasses, a jacket, and long pants today.  She sure hopes  no one recognizes her for the previous scoop as the other customers rudely refer to the piece in yesterday's  People ad.  She also, hopes she was not rude to Adrien Agreste.  

      She buys the chips, dip, a few sodas, and a package of gum.  She pays for cash this time so the store clerk will not ask for id.  This way she hopes he will not recall her to his memory to quickly.  She leaves with her purchases and drives home in silence.

     Marinette hears her phone buzz to show she has a message.  Should she listen to it now or later? 

    "I suppose now is as good as any," Marinette says as she puts away the snack items.  

       As Marinette listens to the voice message, she feels her face go red with anger.  She thinks, goodness Alya and her ridiculous notions.  She can not help but wonder why Alya insists she meet Nino's best friend.  She rolls her eyes as she thinks about how ironic it was she saw in the store only a few moments ago. 

    Marinette's text to Alya

       I saw your text.  I must say it came as a real shocker.

     Alya's text to Marinette

   Do not be such a drama queen, girl.


 Marinette's text to Alya

   I have this feeling you are going to pester me.

  Alya, can not see it is a bad idea as in the dude just got over a break-up.  I hardly think he qualifies as a person who would agree to a blind date right now.

   So, thanks, but no thanks, Alya.

  Nino's  POV:

     Nino laughs as he reads the response Marinette gave Alya.  He notices this only because he has a bad habit of reading over her shoulder.  This happens to be one of her pet peeves, but he could care less right now.

      "Alya, Marinette does not seem to agree with you," Nino says with a chuckle.

    "Laugh, all you want too, but mark my words our best friends are just in need of each other company," Alya responds.

    "Alya, why can not you just let it go?" Nino asks.

       Alya gives him a look that shows she is not ready to give up this easily.  She knows there has to be a way to get Nino to see her side of things, but how?  She smirks as she thinks of just the thing.  She knows he has a weakness for food especially donuts.  She hands him a bag of donuts with an amused look on her face.

     "FIne, I am in, but do not come crying to me if the whole thing falls through,"  Nino tells Alya as he holds up an apple filled donut.

     Adrien's  POV:

     Adrien shakes his head when he reads the text from Nino. He can tell Alya put him up to this why else would his best friend want to set him up with Marinette?  He laughs as recalls how the girl in the store tried so hard to disguise her voice.  He is not sure why, but he thought it to be rather cute.  

    Adrien's  text to Nino

  Fine, I will meet her just to humor, Alya, but it has to be on my terms.

    Also, tonight I am working, so I am to busy to see her then.


   Nino's text to Adrien

    Sounds good, I will let Alya now.

   She will be just thrilled to know you agreed to meet Marinette.

 Find out more in Chapter  5

  -Summer out!

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