Chapter 5 To Humor Them

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       Marinette's POV:
      Marinette can not believe this Alya expects her to go on a date with Adrien.  She wonders what on earth the girl is thinking to suggest such a thing. Then, again her best friend must mean well, right? 

     She thinks I suppose I could go to on this blind date with Adrien to humor her and Nino.  

      "Yes, I will do it, after all, I did say that I would," Marinette says. She sure hopes that the guy will be willing to meet up with her. Otherwise, what good will it do anyway?

       Adrien's  POV:

        Adrien thinks, I rather meet the girl who was the store.  He recalls how she makes him laugh and the funny face she makes when she is annoyed.  He wishes it could be her for him to go on a date.

      Adrien's  text to Nino

      How do you expect Marinette to agree to all this?

 Nino's text to Adrien

 Leave that up to Alya, will you?

 Adrien's text to Nino

Okay.  Now, forget to tell Alya that I am working tonight.

 Nino's text to Adrien

 I will be sure to tell her.

Nino's  POV:

"Oh, Alya, Adrien says to tell you he is working tonight," Nino says.

  "Is that all he told you?"  Alya asks.

   "No, he says he will meet Marinette, but on his terms," Nino explains.

 "Okay, good then, it is all set," Alya remarks.

 "What is?" Nino asks.

    "Oh, you know what I mean," Alya responds with eyes rolled.

     Nino thinks, what did my best friend just agree to anyway?  He sure hopes the whole thing does not go south.  If something should happen to his buddy he does not know what he will do. He paces the floor in a back and forth motion for ten minutes to show how nervous he is now.

 Adrien's  POV:

  Adrien thinks well since I am at work now there is no way the girl can meet me yet.  He is glad since today is quite right for it. Then, again, to be honest, he is only agreeing to this to humor them. 

   He starts to sweep around the pitcher's mound as he has done so for the last few years.  He recalls it was while on a night like this one he met Kagami.  It was by chance he thought that he had seen her.  Turns out she was just a fan who stayed after the games every Tuesday because she wanted an excuse to talk to him.   

  Adrien starts to daydream a bit as he sweeps.

  Adrien's Flashback

        Adrien notices the team won and thinks well good for them. His job is not as nice as there or so he thinks.  He sweeps up after them every evening.  He gets right to it since everyone is gone home.  He finishes the stands an hour later. 

    "Great, now for the pitcher's mound area,"  He says to himself.

    Adrien gets to work, but hears laughter behind him. He thinks odd no one else is supposed to be here.

   "Hey, you what brings you here after hours?" Adrien asks.

    "Ha, I see you caught me,"  She grins.

    "Yes, so I did, now mind telling me," Adrien says.

     "Fine, I come here every week and stay extra in the hopes to catch your attention.  Well, it looks like tonight I finally did," She states.

    " I am Adrien Agreste, and you are?"  He asks.

   "Oh, I am Kagami Tsurugi," She tells him.

         A few years later, the two are on a date when he pops the question and she accepts!  Adrien thought for sure they were set for life!  Nothing could go wrong, or so he had thought.

      End of Flashback

      As Adrien finishes his nightly rounds to clean up the stands he thinks great why of all nights did I have to recall that one to my memory now.  It is not like it does me any good anyway.  He sighs as he realizes he has few memories that do not involve Kagami as part of them.

      Adrien reaches the pitcher's mound but stops when he sees her out of the corner of his eye.  He sees a young lady just a few inches shorter than him standing at first base.  He wonders what on earth she is up too. He hears her sing the first few words to a familiar song then grins when he recognizes it as the national anthem.    He thinks, wow, if my boss heard her sing he would hire her on the spot. 

     He backs away slowly so as not to disturb her, but wonders who she is and what brings her here so late at night.

     The Young Ladies POV:
 She recalls how she sneaked into the stadium after the game and over to the pitcher's mound. She thought no will mind.  It is not like it could cause any real harm anyway. She sees a small microphone is already set up not far from the first base.  It is almost like it was put there just for her.

    She walks over to the base and speaks softly into it. She grins when she realizes it is on as she hoped it would be.  She begins to sing loud, clear so that the sound is picked up by the microphone.  She pays no attention to the man in the stands.  If she had seen him she probably would have lost her nerve and gone on home.

    She finishes, grabs up her purse, and runs. She leaves in such a hurry she does not notice when she drops two items. One is a box of tick tacks and the other a photo. 

     Adrien's POV:

      Adrien watches in surprise as she leaves and wonders who on earth was that woman? It is not like he recalls having seen her before because he was sure he would remember her if he had.  What was it about her that makes him wish to see her again?  

    He grins as he sweeps behind and under the mound, then sets it back in place.  This night might have begun as a dull workday, but it sure ended with a nice mystery.  He laughs and decides to write about it as soon as he gets home.

*Author's Note: Who is the mysterious woman that shows up just to sing in an empty baseball stadium?   Will Adrien ever find her, or will he forget all about her?

  Find out more in Chapter 6

-Summer out!

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