Not This Time Sting Chapter 16

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Inside a very busy cafe, The Moment,
There layed a couple sitting across each other on one of these tables.

The room bustled with noise. But it was drowned out by the two. Lucy hummed in delight as she bit into her strawberry cheese cake (where's Erza at) with her sliver fork, she released it out of her mouth. Meanwhile she dug in for another bite, Natsu stared at the blonde beauty in front of him. She was in her own little world.

He already ate his food.. in less than a minute and decided to watch his fiance, Lucy, intently. Analysing every single bit of detail from her. How she sat naturally straight with her right leg over her left leg, how her eyes gleamed with joy. He smiled but it quickly vanished as he noticed that ever since they got here. Natsu sensed that Lucy knew that he is stressed. disappointment and concernity filled the rest of her golden brown orbs.

Natsu sighed, He will take care of the trash once in for all. He is certain.
I sighed looking back at yesterday. I totally flipped out on the two morons. What were their names again? Couldn't blame them but myself for the damage. But Sting Ecliffe that dirty FUCKING scoundrel. HOW FUCKING DARE HE SET ME UP.

Flash Back:

I rushed to give him a mighty punch in the face but that Dumbass quickly ducked and tried to take me down by tackling... The cement alleyway floor. That fool.

I then kicked him a couple times,

there he laid still on the ground his stomach and body full of bruises and cuts after I taught him a lesson for trying to flirt with MY girl. I then proceeded to slowly kill him, inside and out. As I went in for a punch in his face, he hastily stopped me by saying those lewd words as I tackled him on.

"Noooooo Natsuuuu I only did it for yoouuu~"  Bullshit! I growled knowing he was trying to distract me with his... whatever. he then chuckled sickly "ya know what Dragneel? Last night before ya got home to your beloved girlfriend~" I paused and glared at him my expression seeping in through my viens, Infuriation. How dare he mention MY Luce! I was about to rip him apart. When he abruptly said those sentences, I exploded more than I already had. "I recorded Lucy~ taking a lovely bath and not to mention she looked so ravishing. I wanted to-" Before he could get to that I choked him til he couldn't say anything. Whether it was true or not. NEVER.DISRRPECT.MY.FIANCE.
The amount of control I barely had was hard to not MURDER him into ashes since I had to interagate him, E.N.D didn't show up... this time.

I tried so hard not to kill him, I was in the brink of insanity, until he somehow got away from me and ran...

Flash Back Ended:

I growled then took my gaze at Lucy. I had to tell her. Now. After Lucy was done, I stood up and so did Lucy. I then rushed to her side and held her hand tightly. We then stormed forward to the counter where a cashier was dealing with what it seems like an unsatisfied customer.
I didn't give a fuck and used my free hand to thumble around my trouser pocket to fish out a few bills from my wallet.

At lightning speed I whipped out a 50 and flung it to the workers face, almost in his nostril and we quickly left. "What was that for!" Luce cried unhappy with the way I acted or whatever we then crossed the street. Jaywalking then a


Hope you all enjoyed reading. But the last part though 😣 What happened? IT better not be STING! Or is it?....

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