Omg.... + Chapter 15 Concernity

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This book actually hit 1k thanks to  you guys! I never thought this would happen. And I'm so surprised honestly.😊
A sonorous noise could be heard afar.
A male was screaming for his life. No, he was more like shrieking to be truthful.

And by the stroke of midnight you could hear...
Nothing. Nothing at all. Nada.Not a peak from the male screeching insanely.
Flash Back:
Only an ominous noise of a $2 coin being disposit in a slot of a snack despinser tinkered after it slipped in.
The man that stood in front of the machine then swiftly placed his hands in his pocket of his suit. He then shifted his large amount of weight on his right foot. Syncing his other foot closer to the cement.

Right there in a deserted boulevard stood a chubby man whistling away without a care in the world. Then a rattle came from the inside of the machine. A few moments later spare change spewed out of a tube and landed on the sturdy surface of an exposed box. He then took his sliver and bronze cents and then heard a soft yet hard thud!. The person smiled licking his upper lip and kneeled down to receive his token.
Bad move. When he hoisted up to claim the chippie packet, his upper body fat collided with his other fat. "Eekkk!" The early adult squeaked then quickly covered his mouth with the palm of his hand with sudden embrassment. He hastily stood up.

A chuckle was heard from the corner of the wide street. "You scream like a girl, Droy" there he was Chet laughing at his friends failure attempt of getting chips. Droy snarled and retorted back "Hey I don't! And can't a guy have a 2pm snack?!" Silence then occurred. "Droy, it's 11:47pm

After that the two work mates heard foot steps coming their way. They froze their little quarrel and immediately they straighted up their posture ready to present themselves.
Who was this person I tell you? The one and only Natsu Dragneel, don't forget he's a gang leader as well!

Appearing from the pitch darkness the street light struggled to flicker on. The only light they could see in was the moon, the brightness from the vending machine and the orange street light.
But when the source of light illuminated the man's features, something was wrong, really wrong.

The two men noticed that macticuliously and just stared at him, hoping their boss wouldn't pull something on them like last time. They both shivered with the thought of that.

Natsu took sharp, bold staggered steps towards his fellow subordinates. His aura seemed.... what was the word again? Ah! Thats right, horrific. He seemed really horrific at the mean time. (What is he on, his man period?) His hair was even more messier then usual and it covered half his face including his eyes. Natsu took a step closer to them until they were about a few metres apart.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU LAZY F***KS!". Geez, that dude needs to take a chill pill. Anyways he screamed at the two men making them shake even more. "B-boss yo-u you told us to guard your territory" Chet spoke up nervously but cautiously, hoping that he won't get slapped.
"I CLEARLY TOLD YOU TO-" He stopped and glared with his piercing onyx green eyes stabbing them mentally. Natsu specifically glared at Droy. "WHat.Is.ThAT!" The man spoke harsly at him. "Wha-" Droy exclaimed.

"ANSWER. ME!" Natsu interupted with venom dripping down each word.

Droy gulped. "I-I AHHHHHHHHHH!" The man cried tipping over backwards due to the contact of Natsu's shoe and Droy's belly. The ground shook and cracked with immense damage and tension.
Flash Back Has Ended:

That night Droy received the beating of his life while his friend watched helplessly.
They have never accounted Dragneel this mad before. Last time they saw him that infuriated was... Oh. Lucy. It was when Lucy left him.
Now what was it this time now?
Natsu stormed into his bedroom where Lucy laided tucked in sleeping soundly, but then stirred when Natsu flung the door out of the way and ended up having a broken door and a dented wall.

He just shook it off and growled. He angrily began to strip his clothes off and was left with only his fiery red boxers on.
The male then kicked the door back in place creating another loud Slam!
Natsu then proceeded to aggressively throw his suit, tie and socks in the hamper near a corner. Now mixed in with Lucy's dirty clothes. He just scoffed and strolled to the other side of their bed and saw his fiance curled up in a fetus sleeping position, facing away from him. He only just sighed and admired her beauty from afar. Now distracting him from his pure anger and hatred to someone.

Natsu lifted up the corner of the comforter and pulled the fabric even further away from him. The man then placed himself in bed and closed the gap between the two engaged lovers. Then he covered them both and Natsu cuddled her the whole entire night.

'I lost that fuckin bastard' Natsu thought growling and closed his eyes falling into slumber.

When Lucy woke up she had awaken to her handsome fiance next to her in bed. She turned around and returned the cuddle. The woman admired her soon-to-be-husband and kissed him on the lips. She then squealed in surprise as her boyfriend smirked into the kiss and returned it greatfully.

The two ended up making out in bed for the morning. Afterwards they had a shower together.( can't believe Natsu didn't pull anything there😆)
They got changed into their formal clothes and headed out for breakfast in a newly opened cafe called The Moment.

The two walked there like they'll always do in the morning and down the pavement they go. Hand in hand, step by step the two chatted about their day yesterday. Well Lucy started it sense she could feel that Natsu has been acting stranger than before everyday.

She guessed it was ethier work he won't tell her, not enough sex or just having a plain bad day. And trust her all of those things have had happened to him before.

However, Everything she had concluded hasn't worked. 1. They mostly never kept secrets when they began dating 2. They had sex like 1-2 days ago and lastly he seemed fine in the morning and afternoon yesterday.

What could be wrong with her fiance? That answer was plain simple. For Natsu and his brother, Zeref atleast. Lucy couldn't get her head around it and decided to keep quiet. For now. But she did feel upset and concerned for Natsu.

She thought she wasn't trust worthy and that Natsu might get super stressed because of his issue and that will effect his health.
She'll ask him tomorrow.

When they stopped around the corner and saw the cafe, Natsu noticed Lucy concentrating on something like a child calculating a complicated equation for a test. He didn't interfere knowing she was thinking about him.
The two then exchanged sharp eye contact. 'You okay' Lucy's brown orbs screamed at him. Natsu then sighed never taking his eyes off her. ' I'll be fine' Natsu replied.

If only Lucy knew what the problem was....
Thank you for reading! ❤
and I also took a blurry picture of one of the displays for a light festival I went to 2 days ago (it's on the media). Ikr my photography sucks.😜


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