~Chapter 2: Wandering Minds And Looks Of Desire~

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*Jeremy's POV*

Demitri started to walk down the hall and I assumed to his College Classroom. My eyes started to drift to his nice round ass in his jeans. I knew I needed to look away but honestly, I couldn't because I didn't want to look away, he was far too perfect for this world and too perfect even for me but I needed him, I wanted him in more ways than one. The warning bell rang and took me out of my trance I was in. I walked into the office to get my locker combo and locker number. The only thing running through my mind was him. 

The lady behind the desk was trying to get my attention because I had zoned off just thinking about what could Demitri wanted to talk to me about. I took my paperwork from the lady then exited the office and went straight to my first class. The teacher was Demitri himself. I felt butterflies in my stomach and also felt my cheeks starting to heat up.

I stood in front of Demitri's college classroom door almost afraid to go in. I was unsure about what really happened in the hallway and thought that maybe it was a dream or some kind of delusion. I was confused and unsure and at this moment I knew one thing... I had a lot on my mind.

I pushed open the door and everyone turned around in their seats to get a better look at me. It wasn't the college kids that made me embarrassed, it was Demitri. He looked me up and down and I even saw a hint of desire in his eyes. I was only 21 and I'm guessing he is some years older than me, I now wondered that if I was going to do 'stuff' with him... was it wrong and gross because of our age difference?

I wouldn't have thought so but not everyone's opinions are the same. I looked at Demitri and I stood inside the college classroom in front of the door. His stare didn't make me uncomfortable at all. His stare looked like as if he was trying to get to know me better from far away. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear him talking, I don't know if he was talking to me or to someone else in the class.

I snap out of my staring into thin air and saw Demitri walking a little closer to me each time he talked. By the time he got done talking he was already in front of me and he slowly leaned in to whisper something in my ear.

"Are you alright?" Demitri asked as he whispered the question into my ear.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shocked you're my professor because of what happened in the hallway" I said as I looked from his eyes to the ground. 

"Come on sit down anywhere. I have a class to teach," Demitri laughs as he walks back to the front of the room, still eyeing me up and down.

I walk down the aisle towards the of the room and sat down. I looked around me at everyone but they paid me no more attention. Professor Demitri started to talk about a topic of which I barely cared for so I zoned out instead. I looked out the window in high hopes to distract myself from Demitri's occasional looks and stares but I always found myself looking for him then glancing and staring right back at him.

Demitri turned on the projector for notes but I ignored it and stared back out the window but before I knew it a bell rang signaling class was over and then I remember Demitri wanted to talk to me about something and I wondered what he wanted to talk to me about. I wondered if it was only one thing he wanted to talk about or more than one thing.

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