~Chapter 3: Talking Amongst Other Things~

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*Demitri's POV*

I was standing in front of the classroom with everyone in their seats except one person. The guy that I protected in the hallway, he was supposed to be in my classroom but he was late. Maybe he had gotten lost. Maybe he was a bad boy and didn't care about anything. The first time I saw him was in the hallway and he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life. 

I was slightly lost in my thoughts when someone walked into my classroom. It was him. That beautiful man that I saw in the hallway. His muscles and abs showed through his shirt. His body looked amazing in his dark blue jeans and they were slightly tight but not too tight. I couldn't stop staring at him. I could feel he was uneasy because he doesn't even know me.

I walked up the aisle to greet him and I slowly lick my lips then bite my bottom lip slightly in an attractive way. The close proximity was nerve-racking, I felt nervous yet excited at the same time. He started to look around the room because everyone was staring at our contact, it was obvious that this intense feeling wasn't a teacher-student relationship no make that professor-student relationship.

I wanted more than a professional relationship with him. We were human though and not creatures of the night such as vampires and werewolves and hybrids. No such creatures couldn't exist in our world, right? It didn't matter what or who we were all that mattered at this moment were the feelings. The feelings I had no control over.

Was what I was feeling wrong because maybe we were about 9 or 10 years apart? Was this lust or was I actually in love? A ton of questions rush through my mind yet I had no means of stopping them from coming even if I tried I knew I couldn't stop them from coming anyway so what was the point of stopping something that in reality can't be stopped? Also sometimes I think to myself 'am I good enough to love again even after my late boyfriend's tragic car accident?' that same car accident that left him for dead with no one around to save him anyway.  

If only I was in the car with him, could I have saved him or would I have died with him? I can't think about the past that I had endured, all I should think about is the future and I hope this man is a part of my future. I loved him already and I only met him a few minutes ago or maybe time slipped by me and it was an hour ago that I met him.

I started to talk about a subject I was teaching, as I talked, I had felt walk closer to the man. Each word I spoke brought me closer to him. With each step, he grew anxious and fidgety.

 "Are you alright?" I asked as I whispered the question into his ear.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shocked you're my professor because of what happened in the hallway" he said as he looked from my eyes to the ground. 

"Come on sit down anywhere. I have a class to teach," I laugh as I walk back to the front of the room, still eyeing him up and down.

I return to the front of the classroom but my eyes stay on him. He started to walk closer to me. He sat down directly in front of me in the first row of seats. He looks around himself and saw that everyone was paying attention to me and not him, soon after he starts to look out the window in deep concentration as if he was trying to avoid listening to what I taught. 

I sat down in my chair and kept talking, taking occasional glances towards him. I knew that he was trying to avoid eye contact with me but once in a while our eyes would meet and I would give him a small smile to encourage him to pay attention to me but he only looked back out the window. I started to turn the projector on so I could do notes but yet again he paid no attention to me and he tried to ignore it and me. Before I knew it the bell rang to signal the end of class and for everyone to go to their next class.

Before everyone exited the room, he walked towards me and placed his lips upon mine. I was so startled at first that I couldn't move my lips but then I gained control of my body once again and by this time everyone was out. I kissed him with passion and need and he did the same if not more. I broke the kiss and took his hand and lead him into my classroom's storage room and sat him on a table.

I started to take off his shirt but that's when he stops me and pushes me away. I had a confused look on my face. He was hot one minute then stone cold the next but I knew what his actions meant before he even told me... he was a virgin.

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