Chapter- 2

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Chapter- 2

                                I wake up at mid-night hungrey for meat. I know I'm a vegatarain but something was different. It was an odd sensation that I felt but it felf so familar. I silantly sneak out of my room trying not to wake anyone up. Once I get into the kitchen I pull out some raw steak and start eating it.I hear the kitchen door open and I hide all the evadence so no one knows what I was doing.

              Zatanna walks in and says "let me guess 'late night bite', Mia". I say a little too quickly "I didn't eat alot at dinner". She gives me a suspicous look and says "what did you eat". I quickly say "A sandwich", now she knows I'm hideing something. I quickly run out of the kitchen, past Flash who is now wide awake. He starts chaseing me wondering why I'm running. I realize I'm almost faster then him till he grabs my sholder and I fall to my knee's. "Why.... How are you so fast Mia" Flash says.

              Zatanna runs up and I look between both hero's. "Whats happening to me first the flip, then the speed and now the craveings for raw meat and I'm a vegatarian" I say. Zatanna motions for me to sit down on the couch. We sit in silance for a few minutes and I can feel Zatanna is trying to find how to explain it. "Listen you mom Raven found you six years ago in a wolves den.When no one said they were missing their child so Raven said she will take you as her daughter.We never really thought you might have powers." After Zatanna stops talking I let all the information soak into me.

             "I most be either going insane or dreaming because I don't have powers and I lived with Raven my whole life" I say my voice shakeing. "I'll tell Raven so she knows you have power" Zatanna says. I quckly shake my head in disagreement."Why don't you want her to know" Zatanna asks. Before I can answer Zatanna says "can we have some privacy Wally". He leaves and we walk into my room so no one else hears us."Every night I dream of a wolf, its always the same wolf just different things happening. Ever since I started art class I have been drawing the same wolf and I can draw the back around and they look like I took a picture of a place with the wolf always there".I say and after I finish Zatanna frowns.

                 "Can I see some pictures" she says and I give her three paintings and two penceil drawings. She stares in amazement at my pictures. "Sometimes when I'm alone the wolf talks to me. Its voice talks to me in the wind. I never wanted to tell anyone because I thought they would ruin it or think I'm crazy. Do you think I might be a wolf?" I say wanting answers but knowing I should tell her. She stays silent and then says "Yea you might be a wolf or maybe a werewolf". I wait for her to say something else but she doesn't. Soon it becomes a very akward silance. "I'm posative that I'm a wolf and plus werewolves don't exist" I say to brake the silance.

                              Why don't you say something, stand your ground let her know your not a child.And get away from her she is dangerous to us. Tell her your sorry about this to take the tention away. I ignore the two different voices in my head. Wait why are there to voices in my head!? I know one is my human consions and the other must be my wolf consions. So my wolf voice likes to challange people and trys to higher the way I think of myself. My human one is kind and cares about me and also about others. Its a weird feeling knowing your consions is talking to you and you have two consions.

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