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Chapter- 4

          I walk out of my room to see fire all over. "Mia come on, follow me" Zatanna's voice says. I cant see here because the smoke is burning my eyes. I pull my red cloak over my face so I can see better. Zatanna grabs my arm and we run through the fire. Me and Zatanna stop at the end of a hallway. "Mia lets go we have to get out of here" Zatanna shouts at me because I'm not moveing.

           "Somethings here" I say touching the wall. The wall was ice cold and then its started to turn red. "A portal" I wisper to myself in disbeif. I walk into it Zatanna follwoing close behind. The portal led to a huge forest. Fire surrounds me and I feel a wild sensation take over my body. I'm turning I can feel my teeth change into sharp canines. 

                  Zatanna appears and I step forwards away from Zatanna. I turn human again and go to step forward more. "Wait" Zatanna orders griping my arm.She gazes into my eyes and I see her calm face turn full of shock."Your eyes there maroon" Zatanna says suprized. I grin and say "so and your standing in deer dookie". She looks down and frowns. "Ehhhh gross" Zatanna shreaks like a little girl. 

                   I laugh and say "well Zatanna I gotta run".I turn back into a wolf and run away from Zatanna. I don't know what came over me, but I felt free again.I waited for a few minutes then ran some more. I heard Zatanna calling my name. I came to a stop and waitied again. I shift back into my human form.

           I look around and saw leaves of every color encircle around me. I just stare in amazment at the fall colors. I felt safe like I was floating on a cloud or I was in that one wolve's den. It felt welcomeing like it was my true home.

             Zatanna breaks my moment of grace by saying "Mia lets go". Zatanna's cold hand grips my arm trying to get my attention.I look at Zatanna trying to remember what just happend."Now your eyes have a tint of purple, your one freaky girl I hope you know that" Zatanna says. I grin and start running, to where? I don't really even know. I hear Zatanna's voice calling my name but I ignore it. After a few seconds I couldn't hear her any more.

                My speed picks up and everything becomes a blur. I only can hear the wind blowing past me, my own heart beat, and the leaves crunching under my feet. I continued to run forward untill I jump off a clift. The last things I hear is my own scream and my heart pounding in my chest. 

                I wake up in a cold sweat realizeing it was only a dream.Wondergirl swings the door open and runs over to my bed. "Are you okay I heard you scream" she says.I blush ashamed and embarassed of my childish self. I say quietly "yea I just had a bad dream thats all". She nods and says "would you like to tell me it might make you feel better".

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