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Chapter- 5

"No...I mean I'm fine its nothing" I stammer. She says "nothing isn't what woke me up is it? You were scared of what you saw in  you dream and if you tell me maybe it'll help you get over that fear. I gaze up and our eyes meet, I just want to tell her every thing. But I don't because I can't.

          I quietly wisper "there was a fire, my wol...Wolf side.........I just". I stoped because I was too scared to talk and my words wouldn't come out right. She looked at me and says "so your scared of your wolf powers". Then she adds "I'll come back later to check on you just get some sleep". 

                 She leaves but I don't go to sleep (I can't), so I read Red Ridding Hood. The girl in the story was a wolf so maybe tonight won't be so lonly. After what feels like ten minutes I glance at my clock. Its only been one hour since Wondergirl left my room.I got back to reading and I hear a knock on my door and I sigh. I close the book and hop off my bed.

           "Mia are you sleeping" Wonderwoman says. I walk across my dark room and opened the door. I grin and say "if I were sleeping would I have opened the door". Wonderwoman smiles and says "no I guess you wouldn't". Then I say "I thought you were on a mission with my parents". She nods and says " I was, can you come out of you room for a few minutes". 

              I ask "did someone die, if so I hope its.....Ahh nevermind". She shakes her head and steps out of my doorway. She guides me to the entertainment room and I see my parents siting on different chairs. "I heared you have powers, why didn't you call me" Raven says. "I didn't want to distracked you from your mission and it isn't important" I say. I felt like she was mad at me and I felt tears slide down my cheak. I'm so pathetic right know I don't know why I'm acting like this.

                "It's okay wolfie" Obsidian says. As soon as I heard those words I shited into a wolf and growled at him. "Don't ever call me that!" I snap. He steps back away from me and I felt a pang of guilt inside me. My own father is scared of me, this isn't right. After a few silent minutes I shift back into my human form.

             "Sorry for getting mad like that" I say shyly but I'm still mad. The room stays silent for what felt like hours but I know its only been a few minutes. I shifted again because my father hasn't forgave me yet. My mother walks up to me and pets my midnight black fur to try to calm me down. She sang something in my ears and I shifted back into a human. I hum along to the song. "We'll talk about this tomarrow" Raven says and walks me back to my room.

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