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As the shining rays of the morning sun peeked through her curtains, she smiled lazily wrapped in her dreams. In the luscious green meadows she rested, her long white dress fluttering in the wind .Everywhere she looked books adorned the picturesque landscape.Everything was just perfect ; her dress, her hairs, the flowers ; it was her dreamland.Everything was perfect. ....until she heard something or someone calling out to her. She stood up and looked around.

'' Avni,  give me your mom's number. I have fixed a date for your engagement. '' Shweta was smiling devilishly at her.

Avni moved back a few steps as Shweta approached her, only to stumble upon a pile of books and...... sprang up from her bed screaming ' Nooooo' .Sweats forming beads on her forehead, breathing faster and heart pounding in her chest she woke up from her dream turned nightmare.

'' Just a dream Avni,  relax. '' she kept chanting it, till her breathing normalised.

An hour later.......

While waiting for her cab to arrive , Avni quickly dialled the most dialled no. on her list ; smile spread through Neela's face as she picked up her daughter's call.

'' Good morning Maa. How have you been ?''

'' Good morning my bacha.  I'm perfectly fine.But we both miss you so much. '' Neela never failed to tell Avni how much she missed her daughter every single day.

'' I miss you too Maa. '' hearing Neela's voice made all her worries disappear just like that,  her mother infused that much love just by her words.
'' Aren't you late for the office bacha? ''

'' Yes.I was just waiting for my cab to arrive. '' Avni walked absentmindedly from one side of the gate to the other,  when she saw Neil talking to the old guard.

'' Why ? Isn't your stubborn landlord giving you a ride today? '' Neela laughed imagining her daughter's antics which she had been kind enough to tell her.Though she still couldn't wrap her head around the fact that the landlord who had offered her daughter such a nice place at such a reasonable price, could actually be as stubborn and annoying as her daughter says.

'' Talk of the devil.There he is, right infront of me , talking to the guard or probably reprimanding him. ''

'' Why do you always assume things bacha? '' Neela tried to imbibe reasoning into her.

'' Because he is like that.Always fighting. ''

'' Avni''

'' Maa''

'' Avni '' that voice didn't come from inside the phone. There he was her designated Devil calling out to her from the rolled down window of his car.

'' Hold on Maa.'' she whispered to Neela.

'' Need a ride?  '' he asked on getting no response.

'' No,  thank you.I booked a cab ''

'' Alright. '' he turned his key in the ignition.

'' Wait!!  Why were you shouting at Guard uncle? '' she couldn't stop herself from. asking.

'' Shouting?? !! '' he looked confused.

'' Avni.Stop it!!  '' Neela who was hearing the conversation on the other ended tried to stop her daughter, but alas it fell on deaf ears.

'' Not shouting. But scolding him.What did he do?  Did he put a dent in your car?  "

Neela facepalmed hearing Avni's insane assumptions.Her daughter was going to get herself thrown out of her apartment.

'' Dent!!  No he didn't.But yeah, if ever there is any dent in my car, then I know where to look for you. '' he smirked.

Neela smiled on the other end hearing the comeback.

'' What.!!  Then why were you talking to him for so long?  Its so unlike you ? '' Avni's questions were far from over.

'' Not that it is any of your business but we were discussing the details of a case.His daughter is a victim of domestic violence .'' for the first time his face looked grim,  same as that of the guard.

'' You are taking his case? He can't afford your fees.Whats in it for you?  ''

'' Avni !! That enough. '' Neela was getting furious at her behaviour.

'' I don't do everything for  benefit. I'm doing it pro-bono if you have to know.
Anyways I'm getting late '' he sped away leaving Avni regretting her words.

'' See Avni he isnt that bad .Think before speaking bacha.He is good guy. ''

She wanted to disagree but she knew that was true.


Anna's office :

She had been waiting there for almost 30 minutes when Anna returned to her cabin.

'' I hope you are done with the book "  the question was thrown at Avni almost immediately, even before Anna reached her table.

''Yes. I have completed it.It was quite..'' Avni's excitement was cut short by Anna who was ready with her next job.

" Good.Next you have to meet the author, Mr L R Sinha.I'll tell my assistant to set you up with an appointment.Go meet him and convince him to let us publish his book."

'' Convince him? ''

'' Yeah.You see he has been considering another publishing house too. That's where you need to step in. You need to make him believe we understand his story better.Also throw in a better offer.I'll get you the details of the offer first thing tomorrow ."

'' Okay.'' that was all Avni could muster the strength to say.She was more nervous than excited, this was nothing like she expected.

'' Get this Avni.This book is really important to us.So this deal better be ours." She meant every word she said.This woman meant business.

" Yeah...okay.I'll try my best. ''

'' No trying.I need results.''

Avni just nodded her head in agreement.

'' You are new here.So you can ask someone to accompany you there, if they have time. ''

'' Thank you.I'll go and try to get the details of the other offer now, if I can ."
Avni took her leave and headed out determined to succeed .


Evening ,
Inside the residential building :

He had just parked his car,  when he saw two girls stepping out from a cab .Sheltered from the pouring rain under the umbrella they walked towards the building.Everything was the usual, up until now.As he looked on, one of them walked fast as the other halted midway. Unnoticed by her friend off came her umbrella revealing the person underneath.

  Raindrops splattered on her radiant face as Avni looked up towards the sky, the broadest smile adorning her face.The cold drops of heaven presumably brought a warmth to her heart.In the unfamiliar city, she had found something familiar ; the rains.He leaned on his car and took in the serene view as thousand of similar thoughts crossed his mind.

She closed her eyes and inhaled the earthy smell of the rain.Holding her umbrella down in one hand she twirled around extending her other hand in the rain.Every other soul was running to get some shelter,  but not her.

' So that's how happiness looks on her face ' Neil wondered.This shade of Avni was something he couldn't ever imagine,  until now.He was sure the children there were jealous of her, she was doing what they wanted to do ; playing in the rain.Their mothers had a hard time preventing them from running towards Avni,  who was now happily helping their paper boats sail smoothly.

  Neither her drenched self nor her peach coloured Kurti which was now clinging to her shape, could persuade her to run back inside. The angry looks of the parents went as unnoticed by her as the voices of concerned elders went unheard. The more her friend tried to pull her inside the umbrella,  the more she tried to pull her out of it.

    She was so  lost in the moment,  that she didn't notice the eyes that were now staring at her in a not so decent manner.Neither did she see Neil who was feeling irrationally protective of her .He wanted step infront of her right away and pull her away from the ogling eyes .But he couldn't bring himself to wipe away the shades of pure joy from that angelic face.

  After a few more moments of splashing the rain drops,  she finally walked inside,all too reluctantly.

'' Neil " 

He stopped at the sound of her voice and turned around. There she was his girl next door completely soaked in rain.

'' Neil. I have been calling after you since when !!.'' She stopped trying to catch her breath before she spoke again. " I need a small help. ''

'' You need my help?'' he raised an eyebrow.

'' Yes.''

'' With what?''

'' I need you to accompany me somewhere tomorrow morning.''

'' Why would I do that?  You think I'm some jobless person who will go anywhere you say. '' he knew she would pounce back but then that was what he liked about her.

'' Listen Mr Khanna !! '' she moved a few towards him pointing her index finger at him.He stepped back almost reflexively hitting the wall on his back.

'' Your mother is out there somewhere planning our engagement,  wedding and what not .You are the one who has landed me into this sticky mess and yet I haven't even complained once.And you can't help me once?'' She was breathing fire ; in contrast  her clothes dripping cold water on him.

'' Okay .''

'' No its not okay.I have to meet this author tomorrow and I don't know anyone else here.Meera is busy.So you have to go with me. ''

'' Okay ''

'' No you can't say No '' she continued.

'' Shhhhh.'' he closed her mouth by his hand to make her stop,  only to make her go more red in anger.
'' I said 'Yes'.Yes I'll go with you.Stop talking like an insane person and calm down.''

''Oww'' she stamped on his foot, making him release her.

'' Meet me infront of my office at 8 am  sharp , tomorrow ''

She walked away leaving him to attend to his hurt foot.


A/N :

Thank you everyone who has voted and commented for the previous part.

Keep loving the story .😃

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