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Collecting the file with the required details of the deal from Anna, Avni headed downstairs. strings of thoughts ran through her mind as she waited by the sidewalk ; mentally preparing herself to pitch a perfect proposal, one that he won't be able to refuse.

Giving a break to her train of thoughts, a sports bike screeched to a stop infront of her.She took one look at the helmet clad driver and his bike and moved a few steps to the right ; the guy must have mistaken her for someone else ,she thought to herself.
Strangely enough the bike moved with her and came to a stop infront her yet again.Not wanting to create a fuss over it, she moved a little farther brushing it off as a coincidence.But much to her annoyance, the biker stopped infront of her again.Not waiting for him to remove his helmet, she bursted out on him.

'' Samajh nai aa rha( can't you understand) ?? I'm not interested in whatever little act you are trying to pull off.Back off. '' As she walked away hastily she heard him call her out.

'' Avni''

She turned around instantly to see the face inside the helmet.

'' Tum!!!! ( You!! )''

'' Yeah! Tumhe kya laga koi road side romeo hai? ( You thought I'm some roadside romeo?) '' he raised his eyebrows at her with a smirk on his face.

'' How was I supposed to know its you? ''

'' Look at your watch '' he replied calmly.

'' What?'' she looked at him confused.

'' Look at the time. 8 am sharp like you said .Punctuality you see. ''

''Show off '' she muttered in an indistinct voice.

''Lets go then.'' he gestured her to sit as he restarted his bike.

'' Where's your car? No problem, I'll book a cab for us .'' She grabbed her from her bag to look for a cab.

'' Oh! You won't need that'' he snatched her phone away before she could proceed with the booking. '' We are going by bike.''

'' No we are not.Now give me back my phone '' Though she her reflexes were quick, his were quicker ; He moved the phone before she could reach it.

'' No.We are not going by car.The address you messaged is on the outskirts of town.It will be like the country side.If I'm going, I might as well enjoy the view.
So its either this '' he patted his bike '' or else you can find someone else ''

He wasn't kidding, Avni could make that much out from his face.Seeing no other around she reluctantly agreed for the ride.

'' Argghh...fine.''

'' Cool.Hop on .'' he flashed a winning smile.

30 minutes later they were travelling along the quieter road, both sides of which were endowed with the colours of nature.The greenery on both sides was a view in itself , sprinkled with seasonal flowers of every colour.

''Why did you want me to accompany you? '' Neil shouted back over the wind to make his voice audible .

'' Hmmm...that.. '' she shifted her eyes from the scenic views to look ahead. '' My colleagues told me about a certain...''

'' Who? Told what? '' he shouted back cutting her off midway.

'' My co- workers at the publishing..'' She carefully emphasised each word shouting out each at a higher frequency.

'' Co-workers said what?''

After several half successful attempts to make a coherent conversation ,Avni gave up slightly annoyed.

'' That's one of the things I hate about bike rides. '' she shouted at the top of her voice.

'' What are the other reasons then? '' Neil shouted back.

'' Now that you can hear. '' She threw her hands in the air frustrated at their attempt to converse.

A minute later the bike came to an unexpected and abrupt stop , next to a small tea stall by the side of the road.Getting down from the bike, both walked together towards the shop.

'' Do chai. ( Two cups of tea) '' Neil told the shopkeeper.

'' Chai!! ( tea!!). I thought you are a coffee kind of guy '' Avni quickly remarked.

'' And why is that?'' he turned to face her.

'' You know... You look lika a type A personality. Workaholic, punctual, organised etc.So coffee suits you more. '' she explained her observations.

'' You think a lot.....a lot about me..'' he almost suppressed a smile '' ..but in a wrong way.''

'' Uh...sorry '' the apology was less for what she said now and more for what she had accused him of yesterday.

The shopkeeper came out with two cups of tea. Neil sat on the wooden bench nearby without saying anything else.Avni followed suit.

'' So about your previous question. '' she began in an attempt to make him talk.

'' What about it?'' he replied without looking at her.

'' So when my colleagues came to know about the book deal and my meeting with the author..'' She deliberately stopped , till he turned to face her. Then she continued with an unusual smile. '' ...they all told me these stories about the author........ about how he is a know........ a little....over friendly with women.. '' awkwardness was spilled over her face as he tried to make him understand without going into details.

'' Oh! '' he cleared his throat '' So you are afraid?''

''No. I'm just a little apprehensive. ''

'' So you want me to there as your bodyguard ??''

'' No!!! No fights !'' she shrieked. '' I want you to go as a friend.I don't have many friends here and you are the only person I know besides Meera.''

'' You know you should report him, right? That's the right thing to do.You shouldn't do things that you aren't comfortable with.'' he never sounded this serious before.

'' Firstly, this is my first book deal and I don't want to mess this up.I don't want to fail. ''

''But....'' he started only to be cut off by Avni.

'' Secondly, from what I have heard he isn't some sexual predator.He is just a little handsy kind of person.Besides I can't judge him beforehand.Its not fair ''

'' But you always judge me!!! '' he pointed out grudgingly. '' Actually misjudge me ''

'' Yeah yeah I know.I don't just turn me into that person somehow....that angry bird kind ''

'' Seriously !! Now you are blaming me for all of it !!'' he swayed his head in disbelief.

Paying the shopkeeper for the refreshments, they continued the remaining part of their journey.


The house stood alone on a large plot of land.Its wasn't very lavish but it wasn't ordinary either.The one floored house was simple yet artistic.The white exteriors with its beautifully carved walls looked straight out of a fairy tale, as did the swing on the porch. The vast acre of land surrounding it was blossoming with green grass and colourful flowers. Neil and Avni waited by the door appreciating the architecture.

Soon a man in his mid fifties answered the doorbell.He was smartly dressed for his age, had a round face which was complimented by round spectacles.He welcomed them both into his house with a warm smile.

'' He looks old enough to be your father or older .'' Neil whispered to Avni .
She looked at him sternly hinting him to be quiet.

'' Anna told me you are coming '' He said looking at Avni.His voice was soft and pleasant. '' Didn't know about him though. '' he said looking at Neil.

'' Hello Mr Sinha . I'm Avni.Thank you so much for meeting with us."

"Avni! What a beautiful name!! Just like you" He said lovingly shaking Avni's hand with both his hands.

'' And I'm Neil'' he intervened extending his hand, forcing Mr Sinha to leave Avni's hand.

After the introductions were in order, he offered them seats.Avni and Neil made themselves comfortable on the big couch, while Mr Sinha took the single seat next to Avni.

'' So tell me .What do you have to say my dear '' He looked intently at Avni , as Neil stared at him in return.

She went on to tell him about the details of the deal they wanted to offer and recited the points of highlights that she had practised the night before.Mr Sinha looked vaguely interested in the whole thing.Finally having had enough of the business talk he stood up.

'' How rude of me to not offer my guests anything.I'll make you some of my world famous coffee '' throwing in a smile ,he started walking towards the kitchen .'' Avni, my dear, would you help me? ''

She nodded her head out of courtesy and accompanied him to the kitchen.Neil who was becoming increasingly restless couldn't sit at ease for long either. Getting up from his place his stealthily moved closer to the kitchen, keeping a fair distance and pretending to appreciate the interiors.

" Have you read my books? All three of them? '' Mr Sinha asked as he searched for the coffee powder.

'' Yes sir '' Avni kept her reply short.

'' Good. So which character do you like the most? ''

'' Nadia '' She replied instantly with the brightness on her face returning.

'' Why is that? ''

'' Complexity.I love how her character has so many layers to it.She isn't all light or dark.She loves with all her heart but when she fights, she is a ruthless queen.She is strong and fearless.She has that strive to achieve something ; to win against all odd. '' Her face glowed as she went into the depths of the character. '' I love that she has a vulnerable side.Her love is on the opposite side of the battle and she is unaware of it.....yet she can feel the danger approaching him....the danger being she herself.''

He was looking at her with admiration in his eyes by the time she completed '' brilliant.Absolutely brilliant.Nobody has understood her that well.You have the same fire in you as well ."

Next he reached out behind the counter that Avni was leaning on to fetch the jug of water.Starled by the sudden movement, Avni stumbled away abruptly causing her jug to tilt and the water to spill all over right arm.

'' Oh I'm so sorry !'' exclaimed Mr Sinha.In the blink of an eye he picked up a clean kitchen towel and patted her sleeve covered hands dry.

Neil who had been witnessing all this from far, had immediately walked upto a visibly uncomfortable and awkward Avni.

'' 354 A ;Unwelcome physical contact '' one out of context, yet so in context remark was enough to distract the old fellow , grab the towel from his hand and hand it over to Avni.

'' Huh?!! '' Mr Sinha looked flabbergasted. '' Who are you again? Anna didn't mention about you.Are you this girl's lawyer ?'' he seemed to have a reasonable doubt.

'' No no.He is a colleague.He is working on some detective novel of sorts'' she tried to cover up , frowning at Neil for his over smartness.

With the coffee now ready everyone was back to the living room.

''They are offering me a better deal you see " Mr Sinha started.

'' Sir this book is precious to our publishing house.We have a relationship with the book. Even all your fans recognise the collaboration.This is my first ever book deal and I don't want it to be Fallen Leaf's last one with you.So please.. '' Avni tried a final attempt at convincing the stubborn writer.

'' I like you.I like your spirit. Tell you what, will you personally handle everything from the book cover to the book release?''

'' Ofcourse I'll. '' Avni replied cheerfully. '' I'll look after everything. ''

'' Okay then.Tell me one last thing about the book.''

Avni looked at Neil before speaking again. " Amongst all the glory and the gory, you have entwined a pure eternal love story.Nadia's impending decision between duty and love, is the crux of the story, more so determines the winner of the battle.The ripple effects of her decision marks the future of many. ''

'' You stole my lines'' Neil mouthed the inaudible words to a smiling Avni , who in return mouthed a ' thank you '

'' Love it.You have understood my story the best. Take it.This story belongs in the hands of someone like you '' declared a exuberant Mr Sinha.

'' Thank you so much Sir.Thank you. '' Avni's happiness shined through her eyes.

Mr Sinha placed a hand on her forehead and gradually patted her cheeks lovingly. '' You look my daughter '' he said happily.

'' Oh you are married!? '' Neil's sarcasm was evident to Avni, but a little confusing for the other person.

'' As a fact I'm.My wife and daughter stay at our ancestral home." He immediately delved inside his wallet and took out a picture of his family and his daughter was almost the same age as Avni.

Avni and Neil exchanged confused glances.Were they mistaken about the author.The guy was referring to Avni as his daughter.Were the notorious stories about the author somebody's figment of imagination, there was no way to tell. Avni's new colleagues had probably pulled a prank on her to spook her out , no way to find that out either.

'' Just one problem though.I almost had a verbal agreement with the other publishing house.You might need a lawyer. '' he added.

'' Just verbal, not written? '' Neil jumped in.

'' No. Just verbal.''

'' Was there any recording?'' Neil enquired.

'' I don't think so.The meeting was in my home, here. '' Mr Sinha replied.

'' You will be fine then.No legal complications. '' Neil cleared the confusion.

'' You are a lawyer.'' Mr Sinha was assertive.

'' No sir. Just a bit of research by him.'' Saying so, both of them got up to take LRS's leave, after signing the contract .

'' So what is it with you two? '' Mr Sinha spoke as they reached the threshold of the house.
'' You two aren't in a relationship nor are you the best of friends.Yet he feels protective of you and you..'' he looked at Avni '' feel safe with him.There something unsung between you two.Intriguing. ''

'' Nothing like that '' both replied in a sync.

Exchanging some uncomfortable smiles, they took the observant author's leave.


Coming out of the farmhouse all composed, Avni jumped up and down like a child.Holding on to Neil she dragged him a circle shouting '' I did it. I did it. I did it '' .

Neil silently smiled at her antics. It took her a good 10 mins to come out of the excited trance.

The return journey was smooth and peaceful until Neil abruptly hit a speed breaker, causing a lost in her thoughts Avni to bump into him.

'' What was that?!! '' she asked straightening herself.

'' Speed bump '' he replied casually.

'' You do that with every girl who sits behind you on the bike, don't you? '' she was back to being miss judgy around him.

'' Yes I do that knowingly '' he replied sarcastically.

The next thing Avni knew, she bumped into him again. Before she could straighten herself, she was plastered to him again, all thanks to his abrupt brakes.

He continued this every 5 minutes till Avni shouted back the words he wanted to hear.

'' Okay, Okay, I'm sorry.I won't misjudge you again. Now stop it !! '' she shouted.

As the words flew out of her mouth, the ride was smooth all over again.

'' By the way, you are the only girl lucky enough to ride on my bike , Miss fake girlfriend. ''

Both smiled at the mention of their fake relationship , not knowing what it had in store for them.


Hey guys ,so sorry for the late update.I hope it's long enough to compensate.

For those who don't know, section 345 A of Indian Penal code deals with sexual harassment that includes unwelcome physical contact and sexual remarks. It is a punishable crime.

Do tell me how this was.

Thank you all those who had voted on the last chapter and those who sent me words of encouragement.It helps a lot.😃😄

Keep sending love.
Happy reading 😄

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