A Candy Dare~ Natsu x Multiple and Gratsu

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Hi guys! Just so you know, I got these jokes from somewhere else, but I did tweak them a little. Also, Natsu will have multiple moments with other guys, but the Gratsu will come in the end, as always. Enjoy!

AU High school

Natsu's pov🔥

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! R-Remember that time when,---- OH MY GOD, HAHAHAHA!!!" My best friend/rival, Gajeel, and I were laughing obnoxiously at our old memories from when we were kids.

My name's Natsu Dragneel and I'm a sophomore in Fairy Tail High. I'm supposedly one of the so called "nerds" who hides their face behind a hood and their bangs, wears glasses, and who everyone teases or beats up...well, tries to beat up.

My best friend, Gajeel, is one of the strongest students and bullies in my school, but also labeled as a nerd as well. We've been together since our childhood when Igneel and Metalicana were still alive so he doesn't, like, target me or anything. He most likely protects me like an older sibling.

In fact, we're almost like brothers since we're very close. He and I used to hung out with our other friends, Levy, Lucy, and Erza. Yeah, most of our group were girls but hey, at least we kinda fit in with them anyways.

However, over the years, two of our best friends, Erza and Lucy, started dating two of the "Princes of the School," Loke and Jellal. They turned into the "Princesses." Because they turned into one of the "populars," they rarely hang out with us and the only one left is Levy and the good thing is that she and Gajeel FINALLY started dating. Wait, we're getting off topic.

The point is that because people think that the "princesses" cut ties with us "nerds," they get to treat us like trash. I can tell they regret it so much, especially Lucy since she has to stop being with Levy, but they had no choice. If they, by any chance, stop being Loke's and Jellal's girlfriends, then they'll also become laughing stocks of the school and we, Levy, Gajeel and I, agreed not to let that happen to them.

When we told them our plan, they literally almost cried because we were sacrificing our friendship for their well-being. It was heart-aching, I know, but we wanted them to be happy at least. Actually, Gajeel was against the idea because he thought it wasn't fair, but sooner or later, Levy got him to agree. Ok, no more sad or boring stuff about our high school life, BACK TO THE PRESENT!

As I was saying earlier, we were laughing at our childhood memories. It turns out, we found a scrapbook hidden in my late father's closet and when we opened it up, it was filled with pictures that we never even knew about. He had more than five scrapbooks, actually!

"OH, OH!! I REMEMBER THIS!! Is this you Gajeel?!!" I exclaimed as I took off my glasses and put them on the table next to my bed. To be honest, I don't even need glasses. I just wear them for fun, but apparently, the idiotic students who bully me think otherwise...

"S**T, WHEN THE F**K DID METALICANA TAKE THAT???!!!" Gajeel said as he tried to get the scrapbook out of my hands, but I escaped and ran down the hall in my house. He chased me, threatening he would kill me if I ever show that picture to anyone, while blushing, which just made me laugh harder.

Finally, he tackled me and we both hit the couch before we were able to protect our heads.

"ITTE!!!" We both exclaimed as we rubbed our aching heads, now growing a small bump. Good thing my hair is spiky, otherwise it would be noticeable.

"I swear, if you ever show that picture to anyone, and I mean ANYONE, even Levy, I will kick your ass and leave it there for people to rape!!" He exclaimed. I raised a brow while chuckling. Leave my ass for rape? Oh hell no! If that was ever happens, I'll kick both his and the rapist's asses first.

"Nice try, Redfox, but we both know that I'M the better fighter here." I said with a smug grin while watching him fume.

"Says the guy who doesn't even bother to protect himself from others or show his face in public..." He mumbled, but I could still hear it. A shadow covered my eyes as I reached towards him and held his shoulder in a death grip. He flinched.

"Gajeel," He began to sweat, "you know why I do this, Levy knows why I do this, I know why I do this..." I raised my head up and force him to stare in my sharp green eyes, glaring into his soul.

"So shut the f**k up and accept it already. I thought we already agreed on why we began to act weak. It's for Erza and Lucy's sake, remember?" I said. He grit his teeth.

"You know Erza can protect herself and blondie is okay. I just don't get why we have to f**king suffer while they get treated like royalty in a f**king high school. I-It's not fair!!" He growled. I sighed.

"Gajeel..." I said and ended with a pause because I had nothing else to say... He started clenching and unclenching his fist as he tried to calm down. Once he was cool, I patted his shoulder and began to walk to my room.

"Natsu..." He said all of a sudden. I turned around and saw him with an unreadable expression. I raised a brow.

"At least...do me one thing and I'll stop acting like this..." He stated. I sat down on the couch and he sat on the other side of the coffee table.

"What is it?" I asked. He was silent, but I noticed that he smirked just a bit before returning back to normal. He looked up.

"Do a dare." He said.....wtf? That's all? Ok...

"O-ok, sure. What do you want me to do?" I replied. He stood up and leaned against my ear.

"I dare you to......." He whispered in my ear. My eyes widened and I began blushing like hell.

"WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU???!!!! I can't do that!!!" I exclaimed as I b***h-slapped him. He began laughing his stupid gee-hee laugh and literally rolled on the fudging floor.

"OI!! You have to do it or else I will no longer support this stupid deal we made just to 'protect' the two 'princesses'!" He said. I face palmed with my face still red as f**k and flicked him off.

"Yeah, but that would just contradict the whole deal! It would make it lose its point! What the hell?!" I said. He just continued to do his fudging annoying laughter while an irk mark started appearing on my head.

"Screw you." I said. He began laughing harder as he started to exit out the door.

"Yeah, yeah. See ya, Dragneel. And please, don't show that picture." And with that, he shut the door while I just anime fall on the ground. I stood up and went to the kitchen. I took out some candy that he told me to do and growled.

'You are SO dead, Redfox!'

-----Time Skip to the Next Day------------

Lunch Time at School...

We were walking to our regular table and found Levy sitting there already. Gajeel went ahead as I saw one of my usual bullies, Bixlow, try to trip me while walking. Normally, I would have just pretended to fall for it, but because of my ass-of-a-brother's dare, I just did what I would have done a LONG time ago. I f**king broke his leg...

Yep, I kicked it and stepped on it multiple times and twisted it. I know, I'm brutal...but he deserved it for trying to land me in the hospital MULTIPLE times and he never got suspended even once!

Well...our school is like that anyways...we always end up with a lot of fights and some even get hospitalized. We also end up fighting other schools, which soon turned into a yearly game. It makes me wonder how our school never got closed. Our principal probably has connections to the council...we're still the best school though, don't know why...

"HOLY S**T, MY F**KING LEG!!!!!" He cried as he held his leg. The other two sitting next to him, along with the "princes," stared at me in surprise while everyone else in the cafeteria was staring at me with shock and a bit of fear.

Who wouldn't? It's not everyday you would see a nerd who looks weaker than most actually manage to break one of the strongest student's leg...screw them for misjudging me. And I can even hear Gajeel snickering at me from the table. Wait, is that a---?!! What the hell?! He's even recording this?!! Damn it!

"Leave me alone." I said as I glared at him. He shivered along with Freed as I walked to my table, scaring everyone out of my way. Once I sat down with the iron head and Levy, I sighed and began chewing on my bread.

"Natsu? Are you alright? Why'd you do that?" She asked with a worried look. I looked at her with an annoyed look and she flinched a bit.

"Apparently, we're going to have to break the deal today." I said. Her eyes widened and she gasped.

"N-Nani??!! Nande?! We have to do this in order to protect Lucy and Erza!!" She exclaimed, which made a few onlookers confused. Gajeel whispered to her what he wanted me to do and she finally understood...and giggled... I glared at her as she tried to keep it in, but couldn't hold it much longer as she started laughing along with Gajeel.

"Well screw you too Levy, I thought you would be the reasonable one in the group." I said. She wiped a tear as she looked at me with a cheery look.

"G-Gomen, Natsu, but this is something I have to agree on, even if it meant breaking the deal." She said. She leaned towards me as she she gave me a sly look.

"So, which of the princes are you going to ask? If you want my opinion, try one of the ones who would most likely think dirty!" She said. I blushed as I looked at her in shock with my eyes widened behind my bangs.

"Oh! And you probably shouldn't be looking like this when you go up to them! They wouldn't take it seriously!" She said as she signaled Gajeel to hold me down and started to bring out a pair of scissors. I panicked as I tried to get out of my brother's grip, but he wouldn't budge. Oh No!!

Everyone was busy looking at me thrashing around while Levy was cutting my hair. Because we sat on the farthest table, they couldn't see my face, actually, they never saw my face, but who cares. They were anxious to look now!

"Hello students of Fairy Tail!" Came a familiar, but annoying voice. Blond hair was waving in the air as sparkles started shining around him. The girls blushed as the men were admiring him like always. It was Sting Eucliffe, one of the "princes" in Sabertooth High along with their students. Yup, today was the yearly fight between all the schools in Fiore.

"Hey now, don't take the ladies attention away from us, Eucliffe." Another "prince" from another school said. This person is Hibiki from Blue Pegasus High along with their students.

"You people are still ignorant, I see." Said another one. Lyon Vastia, one of the "princes" from Lamia Scale High and with their students.

"Hmph, I am only here to see Erza..." Kagura, one of the "princesses" from Mermaid Heel High and with their students.

Basically meaning, all the schools were gathered here in Fairy Tail with their selected students to participate in the fight. Even their "royalties" are present as well.

"What are you guys doing here? Come to disrupt our lunch with your annoying faces?" Loke said as he ate his bento with Lucy.

"Yeah, it's not even time for the fight yet..." Gray said as he tried to eat his ramen next to a clinging Juvia. This earned multiple irk marks on the other schools.

"It seems you guys have already forgotten. This fight is suppose start earlier because all our teachers have meetings today, remember? They'd be gone before our usual time and wouldn't have them be able to watch or cheer us on!" Ren said as he fumed with a pout. Fairy Tail just rolled their eyes as a silence was soon filling the entire cafeteria.

They all stood their ground with intimidating auras surrounding them as the weak willed students backed away to the farthest wall, putting their fighters first. The silence was suffocating, until a certain blue haired bookworm squealed of pure joy. All attention was on Levy as they saw her fangirling, but it was not directed to the "princes or princesses," but to me...

"Natsu!!" She squealed with sparkles in her eyes and her hands joined together, with the scissors in her hands. I sweat dropped at the massive attention she's getting, but ignored them. Gajeel went right next to her to look at my face and he whistled.

"Damn salamander, puberty hit you hard. You're no longer the cute little brother I had from childhood..." He said. Levy only squealed louder, making me and Gajeel cover our ears.

"OMG, you're even cuter, no, HOTTER!! Why didn't you ever show your face to me before?!!" She exclaimed as she switched from excited to dejected and nearly fainted. I flinched her sudden mood swing as I put my hands up in order to protect myself since she was still holding the scissors...

"O-Oi, shrimp, calm down..." Gajeel said as he put his hands onto her shoulders. He then looked at me.

"But I have to agree, why would you hide your face when you look like this? There's nothing wrong with it." He said. An irk mark appeared on my head as I slammed my hands on the table, freaking out everyone in the room except for the teachers and principals, who just arrived a few minutes ago, and the two in front of me.

"Because of how Levy reacted!! Do you really think I'll be able to show my face now that I've seen the terror of fangirls?!" I exclaimed. He sweat dropped and shrugged. He noticed that so many people were looking at us, just now.

"Ehem, do you people mind? We trying to have a conversation here." He said.

"Ok, what is this about Natsu's face, Gajeel? I know we just came, but this sounds serious for some reason." Our principal Makarov said as he walked towards us. Gajeel backed away with Levy in his arms and my glasses in his hand.

"...This is all on you." He suddenly said to me as he ran out the back door while I just stood there with a betrayed look on my face. I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled.


"Natsu?" I heard our principal say. I froze in nervousness as I debated whether to turn around or run out the door. I prefer the latter.

"Natsu, don't even think about it escaping, what's wrong my child?" He stated.

'S**t....' I thought. Oh well, just get it over with, this atmosphere is not good for me... I gulped as I began to turn around.

"H-hey, sir...how do I look?" I asked. Everything looked so clear now that my long bangs and phony glasses were out of the way of my vision. The first thing I saw was red...

Third person's pov

Everyone in the room was silent. They had never known that Fairy Tail had another beauty in their school.

Their so called nerd, Natsu, was a natural hottie. He had unruly, spiky pink/salmon hair, big olive green/hazel eyes with a hint of black, lips too thick for a guy's but thin for a girl's, a soft looking face, and long lashes. He was like a perfect model.

The students started to nosebleed as they were too busy gawking at their classmate. Natsu had a disgusted look on his face as he backed away slowly. His hand was soon grabbed by Blue Pegasus's Prince, Hibiki. He kissed his hand as the background behind them started sparkling.

"And what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you?" He said with his signature charming smile. Natsu only felt creeped out and his instinct told him to punch him and run away like hell, which he did. Once the playboy was down, Natsu was already out the door with new fans chasing him.

He soon slammed into one of the princes of Fairy Tail, Laxus Dreyer. He looked up and saw him staring down at him with possessive eyes. Laxus picked him up by the arms as he almost threw him over his shoulder. ALMOST. Natsu used his secret weapon, a weapon he promised never to use in his entire life. The puppy eyes.

"P-please, don't hurt me!" He stuttered as little tears filled his puppy eyes  and a big blush spread across his cheeks. Laxus felt guilty all of a sudden, like as if he kicked an injured puppy, and started blushing. Natsu saw that he let his guard down and used this chance as an advantage. He swung his leg up high, kicking Laxus in the head with a direct hit.

Once he let go, he ran out the building and out the gates. He was SO not prepared to come back to school tomorrow...but it turns out, he had too...

-----------Time Skip-----------------------

Next Day...

Natsu was sitting with his group as he tried to burn the multiple love letters he received earlier in the morning.

"Gee-hee! Seems that my little bro has finally gotten some admirers." Gajeel said as he teases his brother. Natsu only glared at him while stuffing the letters in his bag. He sighed and face palmed.

"Why does this always happen to me? Just yesterday, I was a nerd who everyone wanted to kill, now, I'm someone who everyone wants to marry?! That's so messed up!!!" Natsu exclaimed as he threw the fake rings that were attached to some of the letters in the trash can. Gajeel only laughed harder as Levy gave him a pity, but also supporting look.

"It's alright Natsu. Now that you're counted as a 'popular,' I guess this means that we can now finally hang out with Lucy and Erza without making them laughing stocks." She pointed out.

"Yeah, this is a good thing. They even allowed us to sit on the table next to the 'royals' own. Shouldn't we have done this sooner instead of making that horrible deal to begin with?" Gajeel continued.

'Dang, they have a point!' Natsu thought. Suddenly, Gajeel just realized something and smirked.

"Oi, Dragneel. You know the princes from the different schools are still here, right?" He asked. Natsu only raised a brow as he nodded.

"Yeah, why? And what's with that look on your face?" He asked. Gajeel had a smug grin as he crossed his arms.

"I guess this means that you can do the dare now." He stated. Natsu then remembered about the dare Gajeel had given him and blushed with fury and embarrassment. He tapped his pocket to find that the candy he got from the fridge yesterday was still there, all okay. He wears the same pants at least twice a week. He sighed as he stood up.

He walked towards the Sabertooth students and the cafeteria was silent again. He stood in front of the prince, Sting, as he began to blush of embarrassment, both being real and part of an act. He twiddled his fingers, making a seductive face as Sting began to feel hard.

"S-Sting-san, I have a question to ask..." He started.

"W-what is it?" Sting replied, trying to keep his composure. Natsu's blush only deepened as he looked up with a nervous look. The nosebleeds have begun...

"If I were to give you something, would you prefer kisses or a blow---" and that's the cut. Jaws were dropped everywhere as blood flew from people's noses.

"J-J-J-Jotto-matte!!! W-what do you mean give me---EH?!----HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO RESPOND TO THAT?!!! I-I can't accept!! I'm sorry, but we'd have to date first, get to know each other for a while, and then move on to that!! So if anything, not right now!! I don't want to force you to give me kisses nor a b-blow job!!!!" Sting exclaimed as he blushed with drips of blood coming out from his nose, thinking about naughty things of what he could do to Natsu.

Then came the unexpected part and Gajeel was enjoying this as he recorded every single moment on his phone.

Natsu tilted his head with an innocent look. This confused the hell out of everyone.

"Eh? What do you mean a blow job?" He asked. Sting, along with everyone else gawked at how innocent Natsu can be, or at least act...

"W-what do you mean? You were asking me if I were to prefer kisses or a...b-blow job..." He said. Natsu only shook his head sideways as he pouted, which almost made Gajeel burst into laughter. Everyone was just as confused as Sting. Why, wasn't that what Natsu intended to say?

"No, you didn't let me finish. I was going to ask you if you would prefer kisses or a blow POP from me." Natsu said. Everyone had a WTF face and wondered what the hell was that thing he just said.

Natsu just sighed as he took out candy from his back pocket. It was the chocolates called "Kisses" and a lollipop called "Blow Pop."

...The awkward silence has begun.....

It soon was broken when a burst of laughter came out of a certain man with piercings and a little bookworm and all the students shouted out in unison.

"WHAT THE F**K!!!!!"

"Holy s**t! I can't take it anymore! That was far more better than what I had expected, Dragneel!!" Gajeel bellowed as he doubled over with laughter as Levy fell on top of his back.

"W-what's the meaning of this?" The teacher, Jura, from Lamia Scale said as he looked shocked along with the other elders in the room who just witnessed one of the weirdest things that has ever happened in their entire life...

"*sigh* Gomen sensei. This was a dare that Gajeel made me do when we were still 'nerds' and when I didn't show my face yet." Natsu said as he face palmed with a blush. Everyone felt like an idiot...especially Sting...

"Oh, um, okay..." Was all the elders said as they awkwardly stood there, not understanding teenagers these days. Then, Makarov suddenly began to laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! You have to admit! That was pretty clever you three!! Outstanding show, Amazing!!" He exclaimed as he continued to laugh. Soon, Gajeel, Levy, and Natsu joined in. Then, the elders and then students. Soon, the whole room was filled with laughter and joy.

After School When The Final Bell Has Rung...

Natsu was busy walking through the halls to exit the building when all of a sudden, someone tapped his shoulder. Out of reflex, he swung his fist to try and punch the stranger, but he was easily caught by a cold, pale, but strong hand.

"Woah there, flame brain! It's just me." A familiar voice said. It was one of the princes, Gray Fullbuster. Natsu saw his handsome face and almost got lost in his eyes. He then snapped out of it and tried to get away from his charm and proximity, but the ice prince wouldn't budge at all.

"L-let me go, you ice freak!" He said as he kept struggling to get away.

'No one has ever been able to talk to me like that before.' Gray though as he tightened his hold. Natsu cried out in pain as he held Gray's wrist.

"Y-Yamete! That hurts!!" He exclaimed as he tried to get his arm away from his hand. Gray finally snapped out of it as he loosened his hold, but didn't let go.

"Go out with me." Natsu froze as he looked at him with shocked eyes.

"E-eh?" He said. Gray sighed as he wrapped his other arm around Natsu's waist and kissed him fully on the lips. Natsu's eyes widened as he just stood there in shock. After they separated, Gray let go of his hand as he cupped his chin.

"Do you understand now?" He asked. Natsu only blushed and looked down. Gray smiled a bit before pecking his cheek.

"I suppose that should be a yes." He whispered in his ear and nipped it before pulling back. Natsu stifled a moan as he felt his hand slither down his backside, towards his rear. He regained his movement as he grabbed Gray's shoulders and pushed him away.

"Stop...please..." Natsu whispered as he began to tear up. He felt so emotional all of a sudden and started to sob into Gray's chest.

"Shhh, it's ok, Natsu. I promise I won't do anything until you at least trust me." He said. Natsu nodded as he let go of the prince.

"Fine. I'll go out with you. What date and time?" He asked as he crossed his arms, trying to look tough, despite his previous appearance. Gray only chuckled in interest.

"How about this Saturday at 7:00? It should be a good start. I can pick you up if you give me your number and text me." He said. Natsu only looked at him suspiciously.

"How do I know I can trust you?" He said. Gray rolled his eyes and looked at him with a look that said 'seriously?!'

"You just let me kissed you a while ago with no regards of pushing me away and if I wanted to do something with you, I would've pinned you to the wall and raped you right here by now. Are you really sure that you still don't want to trust me?" He pointed out. Natsu cursed in his head as he sighed.

"I guess you do have a point. Here, give me your phone." He asked.

"How do I know I can trust you?" Gray mocked, which earned an irk mark on Natsu's forehead.

"Do you want my damn number or not?!" He nearly yelled. Gray gave him his phone and Natsu imputed his number into it with a pout.

"There, you happy now? Great, you can call me whenever you want, see ya." Natsu said as he turned around and was about to walk away.

"Wait." He said. Natsu groaned and was about turn around to yell at him to stop bothering him, but he was silenced by the lips that stole his first kiss once again. He blushed and almost leaned into the kiss, but held back.

"See you later, Dragneel~" He seductively whispered as he handed Natsu a note. He walked away and disappeared into the corner he just turned to as Natsu hesitantly opened the note.

"Be sure to save some 'kisses' and 'blow pops' for me, sweetheart~"



Happy Halloween everyone! It's probably late for where I am right now and for other countries/islands/parts of the world, but hope you still enjoyed it.

Until then💕

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