The Wedding Theme Ball pt.1~ Natsu x Multiple

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Hi guys! ALL pictures I show in the media are NOT MINE! Just making sure because I'm afraid someone might sue me for not mentioning where I got these. They're from Google Images and some were only just cropped so the pic would actually fit in the media. So I'm sorry if I didn't say anything, please don't sue me!

Now, onto the story! Also, Natsu will be paired up with multiple people in this, not only Gray! Hey, I did tell you that I'm a Natsu-x-almost-anyone yaoi shipper. So don't be so negative, it also says in the description that I will put other pairings in here.

And this will also be a two shot! The very first one! Enjoy!

AU where Natsu is not part of the guild yet!

Natsu's pov🔥

Birds were chirping as the sunlight has woken me up from my fine slumber. Yep, it was a good morning so far. I got out of my hammock and went to wake my cat, Happy. I petted his fur and gently shook him.

"Ngh, Natsuuuu~ five more minutes~" Happy slurred as he turned around, showing his green guild mark on his back. I sighed as I continued to shake him.

"Come on Happy, Wake up now. You need to go to your guild, they're probably waiting for you or wondering where you are." I said softly. I treat my exceed like a child, not a pet. He's my family and I would do anything to protect him. I promised never to make the same mistake again...

"But Natsuuuu~ I'm still sleepy though..." He said as he rubbed his eye and yawned really cutely, making me want to squeal. Yeah, I'm a guy who would squeal at adorable things, so what?

"I'll give you fish for breakfast if you wake up now, raw fish." I said. He then sprung up and flew around my head, while chanting "fish" happily. Works EVERY time. I laughed as I took him into my arms and went to the kitchen. I got out some fish that we caught yesterday from the fridge, warmed it a bit, and put them on a plate.

He happily dug in and I began to cook some eggs for my breakfast. I used my fire magic to fry them in a pan since I didn't really have a stove or anything to cook them with. "What a waste of dragon slaying magic," would be what most people would think...

"Hah! I'm stuffed! Thank you Natsu, I'll be going to Fairy Tail now!" Happy said as he put his plate in the sink and tied his green pouch filled with more fish to his neck. He then hugged me before flying out the door.

"Be careful!!" I yelled out the window. I heard a "I will" in the distance and nodded. Once my eggs were done, I set them on another plate and began to eat. While eating, I began to think what it would be like to be a member of a guild.

Would it be fun? Would it be dangerous? Would it be scary? Would it be regretful? Would it be...happy? All these questions kept piling up in my head. I only heard what it would be like to be in a guild from stories from Happy.

Like how there was a time when Happy and the others disappeared for seven years. I was only ten at that time and I began to feel lonely once again. When he came back, he flew into my arms, crying and yelling my name and about how much he missed me. I also cried as well and we cried there for how long before he explained to me about the whole story.

I felt enraged at that time. Not only at Acnologia, but at Fairy Tail as well. If it weren't for their first guild master, they would've died and never come back! I know it's not their fault, but still! They shouldn't have at least brought children there, but I understood and got over it after a while. I'm not really the type who would hold a grudge.

S-Class trials are extremely dangerous and I should know. I was a guild master once until I quit Ta--- ehem, I mean, my guild and tried to stay hidden away from them, knowing that they will come, find me, and bring me back. I have always hated their evil ways and actually attempted to escape many times before when I was a child and only succeeded just a few years ago...

The only person who knows about my past is Happy. However, over the years, I've experienced some sort of amnesia and can't really remember much of it anymore, so I couldn't tell him everything.... That's good though, I don't want those painful memories... Right now, I can only remember my moments with Igneel and my previous guild, especially that damn Acnologia... That's all.
(A/N: I'll explain his past in the second part, for now, just enjoy the drama. Oh, forgot to tell you, the yaoi might come in the second part, this is just the intro of the story....)

I finished my eggs and decided to wash the dishes. Once I was done, I looked out the window and smiled at the view. I lived in a cobblestone house on top of a hill where I could see the town, the ocean, the beautiful land of Magnolia. My house was hidden in a forest, but I could easily find my way back with my dragon slayer senses. Plus, the places where I built my windows had the perfect spots. The trees were not in the way, making it easier to view the scenery.

I sighed as I went to take a shower and do my morning routine. Once I got dressed and wrapped my scarf around myself, I exited the door and began to walk towards the town. The people only knew me here as a kind passerby. I would always be seen helping people, mostly children. My favorite kids that I love to hang out with are from Fairy Tail. Their names are Romeo, Wendy, and Asuka. I met them when they were lost in the forest because they just came back from a mission with Happy on a rainy day.


It was really pouring outside. The trees were blocking most of the rain from hitting my house, but the sound of the little raindrops falling onto my roof was very relaxing. I sat next to my window, watching the town below flood with water. I heard something splashing in the nearby distance so I turned to the unsuspecting noise. I then heard a bit of a conversation going on.

"Dang it! What's with all this rain?! Did Gray reject Juvia's date again?" I heard a boy's voice say.

"I think so, but this time, she must have been really hurt! I can't smell anything with all this rain washing away the scents and Asuka's going to catch a cold soon if she stays like this!" A girl's voice said. I smelled the scent of a dragon and got interested. My nose is a little more enhanced than most dragon slayers so I am able to smell things in the rain.

"Come on guys! We're almost there!" I heard Happy's voice say. My eyes widened as I jumped out of my chair and ran towards the door. I slammed it open and accidentally scared the people who were about to knock. I saw three children along with Happy soaked to the bone and shivering, the baby in the girl's arms was even a bit pale.

"What are you kids doing out here, get in!!" I said as I pulled them all inside. I hurriedly took towels from my closet, heated them up and threw them at the children. I quickly, but gently wrapped the towel around the baby girl as I began to see her stop shivering and snuggle in. I almost squealed at the adorable action.

"Are you guys ok?" I asked. I saw them nod and sighed with relief.

"Happy, what are you doing out in the rain along with these children? I thought you said you were suppose to stay on your mission for a couple more days." I said. Happy only looked down.

"Sorry we bothered you, Natsu, but it turns out we finished a bit earlier than we expected. By the time we came back, a massive rain cloud flew over us and the first thing I thought was to come back home since you were close. I brought my friends with me since they were getting soaked even more than I was." He said. I relaxed and grabbed him to pull him into a hug and wrap the towel around my shivering cat.

"It's okay. As long as you're safe, I'm fine with it, but please contact me before you come back. You got me worried there." I said. He nodded and snuggled into my warmth. I smiled and put him I the couch to lay down with the baby girl.

"Anyways, I'm Natsu Dragneel, Happy's partner. Who are you guys? Are you some of Happy's nakama?" I asked when I turned towards them. They nodded and the boy began to speak.

"H-hello, Natsu-san. I'm Romeo Conbolt. Thank you for your hospitality and letting us stay in your house." He said. I smiled and turned to the blue haired girl.

"Konnichiwa, Natsu-san. My name is Wendy Marvell and the little girl is Asuka Connell. We are from the guild, Fairy Tail, and yes, we're some of Happy's nakama. In fact, we just came back from a mission together." She said. I nodded and sat next to them.

"Wow! If you guys were able to go on missions, then you must be very strong wizards, even Asuka!" I said with a grin. They smiled back and began telling me about themselves and the things they did with their guild. Some stories sounded exciting, fun, scary, dangerous, all the moods that I can think off.

"...And then, the eternal flames of the Sun Village were set free and the ice was gone! It was amazing on how Gray-san was able to take it out!" Wendy said. I stared and listened in amusement. Apparently, Wendy is also from a group called Team Lucy which consists of some of their guild mates named Lucy, Erza, Gray, Happy, an exceed named Carla, and Wendy herself.

"By the stories you told me about your guild, they sound incredibly reckless and dangerous, but also fun! Are all of them like this?" I asked. Wendy only shrugged along with Romeo.

"Not really, there are some normal, or at least less rowdy, people in it. But that's just what makes Fairy Tail... Fairy Tail!" Romeo said. I laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"I guess so!"


Ever since then, Romeo and Wendy, and sometimes Asuka, would visit me and we would hang out all day together. It's really nice to have nakama when you mostly lived a life in solitude. I don't even know anyone else from the village.

I walked down the hill and stopped in front of the entrance to the town. Once I entered, I was greeted by a few "good mornings" and some "Hello, nice seeing you agains." I waved back and continued to walk towards the center of the town. When I got there, I saw Romeo talking to a man with purple-ish hair.

"That must be Macao, Romeo's dad." I said to myself as I walked towards them. They spotted me and Romeo instantly smiled and gave me a hug.

"Natsu-nii! What are you doing in town? You rarely come out of your house!" He exclaimed. I chuckled and patted his head.

"Well, I decided to have a walk today. I felt pretty bored in my house since Happy already left so I wanted to come down." I said. He grinned and introduced me and his dad.

"Dad, this is Natsu-nii. He's the person I've been talking to you about. He's so cool! He taught me how to use my magic and now I'm really strong!" He said. Romeo's father chuckled.

Really?! Well then, hello 'Natsu-nii', I'm Romeo's father, Macao Conbolt. Pleased to finally meet you and thank you for taking care of my son." He said. I nodded and shook his hand.

"You too sir. My name is Natsu Dragneel though. You're son is really good at fire magic. He learned the basics in only one day and he's already learning how to do multiple spells. He's a really fine prodigy and I'm sure he would make a great wizard someday!" I said. He smiled proudly and patted his head.

"Naruhodo! Well, he did learn from the best!!" He said as he pointed at himself. Romeo and I sweat dropped.

"H-hai." I said. 'But I'm/Natsu-nii's the one who taught him/me everything...' We thought simultaneously.

"Well, it's been nice meeting you Natsu-san. I trust that my boy is in good hands. I should be going now, that Waka-baka is probably waiting for me at the train station for our mission. See you Romeo!" He said and he left for his mission. We waved and Romeo face me with sparkling eyes.

"Wow! You finally met my father! I guess this means I can introduce you to the guild now since you're here!!" He said and he grabbed my hand, making us run to the Fairy Tail guild house. I sweat dropped at his sudden eagerness. Once we were there, he was basically jumping in his spot. He almost slammed the door open until I pulled away.

"M-matte Romeo! I can't just barge in here! I'm not even part of your guild and doing that is just rude, even for me!..." I said in worry that the guild mates might kill me for destroying their property or something.

"But Natsu-nii! I've seen you barge into places all the time when you come to town! Besides, I know you're a strong mage, you can take them on!!" He exclaimed. I heard people shuffling in the guild and sensed that some were probably listening to our conversation. I face palmed and ran away. Oh hell no, I am not going to risk my life meeting some of the strongest mages in all of Earthland! I just escaped from my previous guild, I'm not dying here or now!!

"Natsu-nii!" I heard him yell in the distance. Gomen-nasai Romeo!

Romeo's pov🔥

"Natsu-nii!" I yelled, but he was already too far away. Dang it! And I was going to try and persuade him to join our guild! Well, that's Natsu-nii for you. Always thinking ahead or not thinking at all before doing something...

I entered the guild to see that the dragon slayers and some of the nearby members were staring at me, especially Happy.

"W-was that Natsu-san out there?" Wendy stuttered which caught a few of the other members' attention. I sighed and nodded. Happy was overjoyed and began flying all over the place.

"Yay, he finally left the house!! He actually came here, SUGOI!!" He exclaimed and waved his fish around. Now, all of Fairy Tail was staring at us.

"Hontōni?! Aww man, I didn't get to see him, no fair Romeo!!" Asuka whined. An awkward silence filled the room (and to be quite frank, it was kinda creepy since the guild is never this quiet) until Lucy broke it.

"Ano, who's Natsu?" She said. Everyone in the guild looked at us, expecting an answer. We looked at each other and began to speak at the same time until Asuka beaten us to it.

"Natsu-nii is a really strong mage and an amazing person! He's like a big brother to us and he's super nice!! We always hang out with him when we had the chance because he helped us before in the past!" She said with a proud smile. Everyone was surprised, including us, to see that Asuka actually spoke full of joy, proudness, and in a clear voice.

"It's true. People have even seen him help others before when he walks around town occasionally. He's amazing and he also trains and teaches us about magic! That's one of the reasons how and why I got stronger along with Romeo and Asuka!!" Wendy said in a happy tone.

"Hai! Natsu-nii is my idol and I admire him so much! Just now, he even met my father and they hit it off pretty well! I guess this means that he likes him and acknowledges him!" I said in an excited tone. Wendy and Asuka looked at me with surprise before grinning.

"Aye sir! He's also my owner, but he prefers to call me his family or partner and treats me like nakama instead of a pet! He's the best person I've ever had in my life!" Happy exclaimed with joy. Everyone was amazed to how much we cared for Natsu, even though he's a stranger to all of us (except Happy) since we didn't know about him much.

"So, this 'Natsu-nii' is a really great person? Sounds too good to be true, don't you think?" Our guild master, Makarov said with a drunk skeptical look.

"IIE! Natsu-nii is amazing and It's TRUE!!" We four defended in unison and with resolve, shocking our guild mates. Our master was still not really convinced, but he looked like he was planning something.

"Hmm, alright then. I'll have to agree with you children for now, but I want to meet this 'Natsu' person. I want to see if he is really a safe person to be with." He said sober(how?). We smiled and agreed.

"However, if he does not seem like a person trustworthy of watching you kids, I want you to stay away from him, including you, Happy." He continued. We gasped in horror and stared at him with sad eyes.

"N-Nande?!! Why are you making such a big deal out of this, master?!! We've been friends with Natsu-san for how many months already, why are you being so cruel?! You're not the master I know!!" Wendy said. Master sighed and looked with worried eyes.

"I'm sorry, but this person seems too suspicious to me. I'm worried about your safety. You are my children and a parent does not let their child go with just any stranger." He conveyed.

"But master! I've lived my whole life with Natsu! He's the one who hatched me from my egg and took care of me until Lisanna found me when I was wandering around and asked me to join Fairy Tail! You can't just separate me and my family, my nakama!!!" Happy exclaimed as he began to cry.

"What's final is final." He concluded. We started to tearing up until I spoke up.

"F-Fine! But If Natsu-nii manages to surpass your expectations, you have to let him join our guild or else I'm quitting! That's final!" I exclaimed and ran out the guild, leaving my nakama shocked at my proposal.

"Us too!" Wendy, Asuka, and Happy yelled and they followed me out the door.

Third person's pov

They were all so's creepy.

"Master, don't you think that was a bit too harsh? You can't just separate them from their nakama, that is almost like us disbanding the guild. And I'm pretty sure we all remember what happened then..." Erza spoke up. Makarov stayed still before he grinned. What the hell?

"Oh come on, you don't actually think I'll separate the children from their friend, do you? Or did you forget our motto, 'Fairy Tail accepts anyone!'? GAHAHAHA, you children are such absentminded brats!" He exclaimed and began to laugh. They all stood there, looking like idiots and then started to join in on the laughter.

"But still Gramps! It was a bit too hurtful for them. You almost made them cry and they even threatened to quit the guild if we don't like the person. How are you going to fix that and more importantly, how are we even going to meet the guy? They can't just drag him here and talk about his personal things like his past and stuff!" Gajeel said. Makarov slyly grinned.

"I have a plan! We will participate in the kingdom of Fiore's ball!" He yelled.

"EEEHHHH?!" Everyone yelled.

"B-but master, isn't this year's theme...a wedding?" Lucy stuttered with a blush. Then Loke appeared and kissed her hand.

"What a perfect chance to make you my wife.~" He said. Then he received a Lucy-Kick.

"Alright my children, now, here's the plan......."

Natsu's pov🔥

I was pacing in my house, panicking. I really didn't want to meet them, but I also do at the same time. It's not everyday you would meet celebrities from guilds...well, you can, but not for me! I need to stay hidden so no one can find me.

A sudden bang resonated throughout my house and I jumped and shrieked...(in a "manly" way)...when four people just barged in, looking like they ran a marathon.

"Romeo, Wendy, Asuka, Happy? What are you guys doing here? And geez, don't just come barging in here like that, you nearly scared me to death!" I said. They looked up and I saw them crying. My heart felt pain at the sight so I ran up to them and hugged them. They were sobbing in my arms and clung to me as if I would disappear.

"What happened?" I asked. They told me everything and I felt angry at Fairy Tail. Why in the world would anyone separate their nakama from each other?! That's so cruel!! That's it, I don't care if I'm going to get found out or beaten up, I'm kicking their ass! I'm all fired up!!

"I'm meeting them." I said with determination. They looked up with hopeful eyes and I smiled.

"Don't worry. I won't do anything to them...yet. I'll make them want me to join their guild. I promise." And with that, I kissed their foreheads like what a mother would do to her children...wait a minute, did I just call myself a mom? If so, then who's the father?... (A/N: •//^//•)

"So, where and when am I going to meet them?" I asked.

"I remember hearing, before getting really far from the guild, that they would attend the yearly ball the kingdom of Fiore is hosting. I guess that's where they want us to meet." Wendy said.

"Doesn't the ball begin tomorrow?" Romeo asked. Wendy nodded.

"And isn't the theme this year a wedding theme?" I asked. Wendy nodded again and to sudden realization, me, Happy, and Romeo sulked...

"W-we need a partner though..." We said in a soft voice. The girls sweat dropped.

"R-Romeo-kun, I can be your partner. And Happy, you can finally ask Carla to be yours." Wendy said. They brightened up.

"But, what about me then? I don't know anyone else from the town and I can't just randomly ask someone to be my partner...." I said. They looked at me with a 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME LOOK?!'

"Natsu-san, you are basically one of the most good looking people I have ever met in my entire life." Wendy said bluntly. I blushed a bit before burying my head into my scarf, trying to ignore the squeals from the girls and the 'thumbs up' from Romeo and Happy.

"Yeah, Natsu-nii is so kawaii!! You should probably ask someone from our guild like Gray, or Laxus, or Freed, or Ga---" I cut Asuka off when I noticed something.

"Wait, why are you only naming the guys though?" I asked. Asuka only brighten up more as Romeo and Wendy looked away with a small blush and Happy was giggling.

"Because Natsu-nii almost looks like a Natsu-nee!!" Asuka said. Happy burst out laughing and the two kids just whistled. I sat there, frozen.
'D-Did Asuka just say that I look like a girl, but in a nice way?'

"O-oh...thank you for the...compliment...but, how Asuka?" I said as I felt my manly pride slip away... Ouch, that kinda hit me right in the kokoro...

"You have soft, pink hair, a cute face, big pretty eyes, a sweet personality, a beautiful smile, should I keep going?" Asuka said. She was actually counting...*cringe*...

"N-no thanks, I'm fine..." I said as I twitched and sweat dropped. Noticing the awkward atmosphere, Romeo decided to speak up.

"U-um, ok! Let's move on!" Romeo said. We began discussing our very own plan and decided that I will be Asuka's partner to show trust.

'Just you wait, Fairy Tail, I'll show you not to mess with my nakama.'


And that, folks, is part one! Next part will be updated in a few days, or today if I feel like it, and it will be long and full of yaoi. I have a really cute idea for it and I hope you'll like it!

Please comment if you want me to add something in and who you want Natsu to end up with. It can be anyone like a certain someone from Fairy Tail, Sabertooth, or even Tartaros. The winner will get a really adorable scene and maybe a smut if you comment on it.

Until then💕

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