Skittles~ Gratsu

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Third Person's Pov

"Ok Happy, I got the skittles, can we do the prank now?!" Natsu asked ecstatically. Natsu and Gajeel have been in a prank war for years since their childhood and no one knew about it, not even their friends did until their exceeds, Happy and Pantherlily, found out when they accidentally stumbled upon a video of their most funniest pranks.

They thought it looked fun and wanted to join in. Ever since then, it was a major war between the two dragon slayers and their exceeds. They would always come up with embarrassing or hilarious pranks and record every single moment, wether it was a fail or a success.

Happy and Natsu came up with a prank that involved Gajeel's sexuality and wanted to embarrass him in front of a lot of people. They planned to do it at the festival their guild is hosting and even invited other guilds to watch. It was then on they decided to reveal their prank war to the others so they can have more players since it was starting to get a bit boring with just the four of them.

"Aye sir! We are ready to fire!" Happy exclaimed as he was finished attaching the lacrima to his back and started to carry Natsu to the festival. In the sky, they saw so many people down and tried to spot Gajeel.

Once they saw the spiky, black haired dragon slayer in the middle of the crowd with Pantherlily, talking to Levy, Jet, and Droy, Happy began to swoop down as fast as he can with his max speed and Natsu gripped the bucket full of skittles.

"Oi iron head!!!" He yelled as loud as he could, which caught the attention of the whole crowd. Gajeel and Pantherlily looked up and started to panic because they were unguarded and in public.

"TASTE THE RAINBOW, YOU ASS!!!" Natsu shouted and spilled the entire bucket of skittles onto Gajeel. Gajeel put his arms up to block the unknown objects from hitting his mouth since he didn't know what salamander could've put in the candy. When the skittles finally stopped, he spit the sugar out of his mouth and glared at the salmon haired boy. So did the exceed to Happy because he also caught a fair share of the candy as well.

Natsu was full out laughing along with others who have just witnessed the hilarious prank and the reaction on Gajeel's face. Gajeel was literally as red as fire, fuming and now wanting to kill the salamander for spilling the colorful sweets on him, especially right in front of his crush.

"What. The. F**k Salamander?!?! What the hell was that for?!?!" He yelled, enraged. Natsu wiped a tear from his eye as he tried to look at the iron dragon, only to laugh even harder at his ridiculous appearance. He and Happy then took a deep breath and cupped their hands around their mouth, yelling...

"You caught the rainbow, so you're GAY!!!"

That statement made the people lose it and the whole festival was filled with laughter and tears.

"I caught the rainbow so I'm...--! OH!" Gajeel realized and face palmed. He blushed with fury and embarrassment. The people laughed even harder.

"Oh, that's it! You're gonna get it Salamander!! Come on Pantherlily!!" Gajeel said as he and Pantherlily flew up to the dynamic duo to start an air battle. They fought until a certain titanized guild master went up and grabbed the two dragons before they destroy anything important.

"Ok, what is going on here?!" Makarov said in his Titan voice which made multiple people cover their ears. He shrunk back to his normal height, not before putting the two rivals down. Gajeel only looked away, feeling infuriated while Natsu was still laughing with a bruised arm.

"S-Sorry jiji, HAHA, it's just that, hehe, iron head and I have been in a prank war for a looong time and it was about to get boring, so Happy and I decided to prank him in public for the first time! Did you see his face though?! It was hilarious and he looks even more stupider than I expected!! HAHAHAHA!!!" Natsu explained, ending with a laughter which made Gajeel want to punch him again, but even harder.

"A prank war? When in the world did you even start something like that?" Makarov asked.

"About a few years ago when Titania said we needed to find a better way to challenge each other than fighting all the time. What could be more better than a prank war? That's why you guys rarely see us fight nowadays..." Gajeel said. That explained everything, like why the usual fights have stopped over the years and why those two were even closer than before, like brothers. Natsu nodded in agreement and grinned.

"I see, and I thought my children were actually becoming more mature..." Makarov muttered as he rubbed his bald head. Gray suddenly went up to them and tapped his boyfriend, Natsu, on the shoulder. Yep, it was already known that the ice mage and the fire mage had become a couple about two years ago. Most were happy while others felt jealous at the devil slayer for stealing their little dragon away.

"Oi, pyro. I want to join this prank war. This seems legit and I want to find ways to embarrass you other than kissing you in public." He said with a smirk, causing Natsu to blush. Gajeel rolled his eyes and walked up to him.

"Sure, we'll allow you to join. This war was getting kinda boring since there was little challengers to begin with. You can be on my team since you want to humiliate your little sakura flower or whatever." He said with a teasing smirk. Gray pumped out his fist and gave Gajeel a fist bump while Natsu felt betrayed by his own boyfriend.

"Wow, that's messed up..." Happy muttered while comforting his technical father. Natsu was busy sulking until a hand from a certain blonde reached to grab his shoulder.

"Awe, don't worry Natsu, I want to join your prank war as well. I'll be your teammate too!" Lucy said and Natsu jumped up to hug his best friend.

"Thanks Luce! Now we can beat that baka and that ice princess! Happy and I came up with so many pranks that I'm sure we can win this once and for all!!" Natsu exclaimed. Lucy laughed at his childishness.

"Oooh! I want to join too! Can I Natsu-san? It sounds fun!" Wendy said. Natsu nodded and another pinkette came up to them.

"If Wendy's joining, can I too? I'll be on Gajeel's side so we can finally have a rematch, but not with fighting!" Chelia said. Wendy squealed and made a determined face. Soon, almost everyone wanted to join in the prank war.

It was a battle between guild vs. guild, man vs. man, man vs. woman, woman vs. woman, exceed vs. exceed, couple vs. couple, semes vs. ukes-- I-I mean, let the war begin!!!

"Alright!! Gajeel, the initiation." Natsu said. Gajeel nodded while the others crowded around the two, curious about the secret action made by the dragon slayers. Gajeel made an iron needle and the two pricked themselves on the finger seven times before throwing it up in the air and doing their loudest, challenging roars.


The war has finally begun and the team leaders, Natsu and Gajeel, told their teams to separate and meet up with them in a secret hidden location where their base is at. Meanwhile, the guild masters and adults were placing bets on whose team would win while chuckling and saying that they're guild is the best.

Few Hours Later...

Natsu's pov🔥

Today was a blast and it's only been a few hours. I saw my target walking towards a booth and easily sneaked towards him. He didn't seem to notice me yet and when I was about to grab his shoulder, he turned around, snatched my wrist and pulled me close to him.

"Hello Natsu-san! Nice try, but I already suspected that you would be my assaulter. Funny thing is, I was targeting you as well!" Sting said smiling while pulling me a bit closer that our noses were just centimeters apart. I inwardly smirked, seeing that he hasn't discovered my real prank yet.

I looked down at first, making him ponder. Then, I looked up with a, and I quote Gray's and a few fans' words, "Adorable/seductive/kawaii/cute/sexy" whatever-the-hell-they-want-to-call-it face...

I saw Sting blush, along with a couple of onlookers, and wrapped my arms around him, getting closer until our faces were millimeters apart and our noses were touching. Sting blushed even more at the sudden closeness as our lips were almost grazing. I can just hear the fans screaming in the background.

"Sting-san..." I whispered. I heard him gulp and slowly reached into my back pocket. I smirked and he snapped out of it.

"Got chu~!" I exclaimed and slammed a water ballon onto his face. He fell back from the sudden pressure, coughing out water soon after. I laughed while some people groaned in disappointment. Sorry minna, but I already have Gray.

"T-That was a dirty trick, Natsu-san!!" Sting yelled as he tried to cover his blushing face with his muscular arm and stood up. I giggled and held up a victory sign.

"We never said that there were any rules though~!" I teased and he ran away, embarrassed. I continued to laugh until I heard my communication lacrima (phone) buzz. I turned it on to see Gajeel on the screen.

"Oi salamander, everyone contacted me and wanted to call it a day. Let's continue this battle tomorrow and add all the videos together in the records for our pranks. We swear, we will beat you one day!" He said with a exhausted, but pissed off look and cream in his hair. I couldn't help but laugh at his appearance.

"HAHA, you wish! Considering your new 'hair style', I don't think that'll happen anytime soon! And tell everyone it's been fun! I was able to pull so many pranks in one day, that's a new record for me!" I said and we ended the call.

I got another message from Happy saying that he will be staying with Carla and Pantherlily for a few days because they decided to go on a mission with Frosch and Lector that requested only exceeds. It turns out, the exceed kingdom needed some "responsible" cats to watch over their kingdom while their queen is away on a meeting or something like that.

I shook my head and decided to go home. It was still pretty early, but I guess I can spend the time with my popsicle. I walked to our shared apartment (he practically forced me to live with him because my house looked too uncomfortable to live in) and hurried inside before anyone tries to get me while I'm unguarded. After all, that whole thing that iron head said could've been part of a prank.

I entered and quickly shut the door before locking all seven locks, added with a password code only me and Gray know. Yeah, I'm the type who would care for almost everything: my scarf, my house, my nakama, my food, everything. Yep, I also installed every security in this house.
(A/N: if you can guess the code, I will give you pocky!)

Gray thought I was just being too insecure, but hey, you can never be too careful and that's something coming from me.

I sat on the couch and began to watch some LV. About halfway through the anime season, I felt a sudden chill and turned around, only to see Gray with a bed head and no shirt. He seemed to have woken up from a nap and I blushed while turning back, trying to keep myself from pouncing on the sexy ice mage.

He noticed that I was here and walked towards me. He sat on the couch, hugging my waist and pulling me onto his lap. I blushed even harder as I snuggled in and felt his "wood" poking my ass.

"Hey, you're back. Sorry for not waiting for you, I felt tired at all the pranks today and wanted to take a nap before you got home, babe." He said as he buried his head into my hair. I smiled and leaned back.

"It's alright. I had a lot of fun today and got to prank so many people that I was actually about to run out of ideas! It was like a real war zone out there, so many cuss words and laughing at the festival!" I said with a chuckle and was literally shaking with excitement in my seat.

Unexpectedly, Gray's grasp became tighter and I couldn't escape from the harsh hold of his arms.

'Oh s**t, I'm trapped! What's going on?!'

Gray's pov❄️

The second I heard Natsu mentioned about pranking so many people, my mind immediately went towards a certain prank I witnessed him doing earlier.

"By any chance, did you happen to prank Sting earlier?" My suspicions were confirmed when I felt him freeze up.


I was walking away from my last victim I did my prank on. It was Lyon and we unfortunately had the same idea for our mischievous act. I won't say what it was, but I will tell you that it involved condoms, feathers...and the names of our lovers...

Anyways, while I was picking the feathers out of my hair after our little backfire, I spotted my cute pinkie and almost instantly bright up. Honestly, I've grown too attached to the hothead that I can't even look at him without smiling. He's like my own little world now and I never want to leave.

I was about to come over and greet him, until I saw a certain blonde holding Natsu very close. MY Natsu. I hid behind a booth and stood there, watching the whole thing and trying to calm myself down from freezing and breaking his damn face. Natsu even had his seductive face on, which made me go instantly hard, and I slapped myself.

I saw their faces extremely close like they were about to kiss and was intended to snap until I saw Natsu pull out a water ballon and smash it onto his face. I stifled a laugh as I continued watching the idiot blonde's reaction towards that obscene prank.

"T-That was a dirty trick, Natsu-san!!"

"We never said that there were any rules though~!" And with that, I walked away feeling proud at my lover and going to take care of my little problem at home.

Man, did I feel happy.


"W-what about it, G-Gray? I-It was only a p-p-prank!" He stuttered as he tried to wiggle out of my grasp, only to make matters worse by rubbing his ass onto my d**k. I wasn't able to take care of it earlier because I felt too tired and just went straight to sleep, not even bothering with the fact that I lost my shirt on the way here.

"Yeah, a prank that involved you to get so intimate with each other." I growled and I felt him start to shiver. I sighed and loosened my hold.

"Natsu, because of your stupidity for choosing such a prank, I decided to give you a punishment." I said. He turned around to look at me with wide eyes.

"B-But Gray! I swear! It was only a prank! I only did that so he wouldn't suspect a thing!" He said. He noticed that my arms were loose and broke out before I got a chance to tighten them again.

I stood up and walked towards him, but he kept moving back. I unsuspectingly froze the floor in a thin layer of ice and walked a bit faster until he broke into a run. He was only able to get a few feet before he slipped and I caught him in my arms. I carried him to the bedroom and plopped him onto the bed.

"Natsu..." I whispered into his ear before giving it a lick. He shivered and tried to push me away, but he had no avail. I brought my hand up to his ass before giving it a harsh squeeze.

"*pant* G-Gray, please stop! *pant* I-I didn't do anything, haah!" He moaned. I gripped his chin and pulled him into a forceful kiss. I thrust my tongue into his hot mouth and we battled for dominance. I unbuttoned his shirt and threw it off since it was in the way.

"Gray~! Oooh~ Nyaaaa~!" He kept moaning and mewling as I sucked on his neck, sweet spots, and traveled down to his pants. Once I got those cages that separated me from my lover's beautiful legs off, I spread them apart and dove in.

"G-GRAY~!!! Aaaaaah~!" He moaned even louder as I pushed my tongue into his anus and licked every part of the inside. He was trying to hide his extremely red face behind a pillow and to muffle his moans, but failed badly.

I exited his really hot ass and started to position my d**k to his anus. Natsu jolted at the sudden pressure and sat up before I was able to enter. He grabbed my shoulders and tried to keep me away, but with his erotic look, it was only tempting me.

"G-Gray, please wait! I-I'm not ready for it yet!" He stuttered as he tried to hide his face by looking down. I grabbed his waist and pulled him close to me.

"What do you mean? We've done this before already." I said. He blushed even harder and hugged me.

"But every time we do it, it always feels new to me. Just like my first time..." He whimpered. I smiled and kissed his head.

"Alright, I'll try to be gentle." I said. He lit up until he saw my smirk.

"But don't expect it to last long, after all, this is still punishment~" and with that, I grabbed his legs and thrusted in, directly hitting his prostate.

"Haaaaaah~!!" He let out a loud moan and came onto both our stomachs and chests. I kept hitting his prostate and thrusting extremely fast that sent him over the edge. I kissed him passionately and he kissed back, but with less force.

'Damn, so f**king tight~ and hot~!!' I went faster thrusting in, and let's just say, we lasted a really long time.😏

--------------Time Skip---------------------

In The Morning...

When I opened my eyes, I felt a warm heat in my arms and on my side. I looked down and remembered all the activities we did last night. I softly kissed him on the lips and smirked. I grabbed the remote hidden under the pillows and turned off the lacrima that was hidden inside the wall.

"Hehe, got you Natsu. I love you~"

Hi...I just realized I write really bad smuts...I feel ashamed in ever publishing them...hope you still enjoyed them though, even if they are rushed or something...

Until then💕

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