The Wedding Theme Ball pt.2~ Natsu x Multiple

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"You have soft, pink hair, a cute face, big pretty eyes, a sweet personality, a beautiful smile, should I keep going?" Asuka said. She was actually counting...*cringe*...

"N-no thanks, I'm fine..." I said as I twitched and sweat dropped. Noticing the awkward atmosphere, Romeo decided to speak up.

"U-um, ok! Let's move on!" Romeo said. We began discussing our very own plan and decided that I will be Asuka's partner to show trust.

'Just you wait, Fairy Tail, I'll show you not to mess with my nakama.'


We set out to find the place where they sold tickets for tonight's ball. It just so happens to be in the center of Magnolia, and that means...I actually have to go socialize...*shivers*

Once we reached the stand, the lady at the desk gave me five tickets and pamphlets and blushed once she looked at me. Really? I came down to buy tickets and suddenly, multiple people started asking me to be their partner. Even guys, why don't people realize that I'm a guy?! S**T!!

I thanked the woman, a little irritated at the other people crowding me and blocking my way. Wendy and Romeo decided to make some sort of distraction with their wind and fire so I could escape.

Thank goodness I met these children otherwise I would've been eaten by the crowd by now...

We looked at the pamphlets and saw that there was some sort of theme each participant in the ball had to dress up or wear.

"Wendy, Romeo, what sort of theme did you guys get?" I asked. They looked at their pamphlet and Romeo blushed a bit.

"W-wear all pink?" He said. Wendy smiled while I tried to hold in my laughter.

"P-pink? Both you and Wendy have to wear all pink?" I said. He nodded in embarrassment and put his head down in shame.

"Aww, it's alright Romeo. Don't worry, pink is badass!" I reassured him.

"How? Pink is so...girly... " He replied. I gave him the 'Are you for reals?' look and pointed at my hair. He then came to realization and bowed as an apology. Also, I prefer salmon...

"G-gomen-nasai!!! I did not mean to indirectly insult your hair color Natsu-nii!!" He apologized. I laughed and ruffled his hair.

"It's fine, even though I have to admit it is a bit girly, I make it look badass, am I right?" I said. He nodded vigorously.

"What's your and Asuka's theme, Natsu-san?" Wendy asked. I looked at our pamphlet and raised an eyebrow.

"Eh? Same sex marriage?" I said. Romeo almost bursted into laughter and Wendy was giggling with a blush.

"Natsu-nii? What's same sex marriage?" Asuka asked. I fidgeted, trying to find a way to explain this to her.

"It's when, uh, two people from the same gender get married, Asuka. Like a boy marries a boy or a girl marries a girl." I said, feeling satisfied with my okay explanation. She seemed to understand and smiled.

"So does that mean one of us has to crossdress in order to look like that kind of couple?" She asked.

"I guess so since we are both opposite genders and--...wait a minute..." I paused after seeing the excited looks on Wendy and Asuka's faces and the sympathetic ones on Romeo and Happy...

"Damn it..." I whispered to myself. I put my hands up and backed away a little.

"Wait a sec, why are you already deciding to put me in a dress?! Couldn't we just put you in a tux, Asuka?!" I exclaimed, trying to find an escape route.

"Nope! Sorry Natsu-nii, but I don't like to wear boy's clothes. Besides, who would even have a tux my size?" She stated. Dang, she has a point! Wait, wouldn't Happy have one? Never mind that, I'm losing an argument to a two year old who can speak relatively well for her age!!
(A/N: How old is Asuka again?)

"Now come on Natsu-nii!! We have to get you ready! The dress shop might be sold out soon!!" She exclaimed as Happy picked me up and carried me towards a shop filled with women and dresses.
Screw. You. All.

~~~~~~~~~Time Skip💖💝💍♥️💎~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was busy sitting on the floor, looking as lifeless as possible and stared at the clock. On my right hung my new wedding gown that was BOUGHT and not RENTED and on my left was the accessories I will wear...I am so f**king done. Do you wanna know what happened when we were in the store, I'LL TELL YOU WHAT!!!

When we first entered, people thought we were just three regular girls shopping around looking for cute dresses and that Happy and Romeo were our f**king chaperones! THREE GIRLS!!! I AM FUDGING COUNTED!!! And what's worse is that people actually thought it was adorable as f**k!! Well f**k them!!!

Luckily, it seemed that I wasn't the only GUY in the shop. There were some wizards I recognized from Fairy Tail or a few others like Jellal or Freed. Apparently, their partners were The Great Demon, Mirajane, and The Great Titania, Erza. The funny thing is, the two girls weren't shopping dresses for themselves, but for them!!! It seems that Jellal and Erza's theme is role swapping and Mirajane and Freed's theme is role playing. I knew because I overheard them before the children pulled me into the changing rooms.

After that, when the ladies came in to check my size like on my waist, they said it was quite common, yet above average. COMMON, YET ABOVE AVERAGE. That means that I have the same size as most girls would have without the busty chest!! MY ASS IS NOT THAT BIG, WHAT THE F**K?!?! And when they found out I was a guy, they still wouldn't believe me even when I showed them proof, and no you dirty minds, I showed them my I.D.

They even said they had the perfect dress for me because it goes with my "beautiful soft hair" and "sparkling green eyes." You have no idea how ashamed I feel right now to know that my ass is bigger than most women....😭😫😭😫 I wanna cry so bad....

The dress even shapes out my ass and is a bit exposing as well. Why do women wear clothes like these or even more skimpy outfits? I don't understand when you could just wear a sweater and be honest, I think that's more hotter than showing your cleavage or some s**t.

I waited till the clock strikes 4:00 and when it did, I got up and took a long, relaxing shower to calm my nerves from raging at you guys, so sorry you had to see that...

Afterwards, I called for Wendy and Asuka to come over and help me get ready for the ball. They literally came as fast as the wind in about like 5 seconds after I hung up... They were already prepared and I honestly have to say, they look beautiful. Wendy's dress was a beautiful soft pink that had laces almost everywhere and frills in and on the bottom of the dress. She didn't even need make up to look so pretty, all she did was put lipgloss and brushed her hair back. Good job, she followed my advice and bought the dress that I picked for her. She was even wearing the gloves and the veil attached to a tiara.

Asuka was wearing a pearly white with some shades of purple dress and it also had lace and frills, but also flower designs on it. She had a small veil and lipgloss with white gloves and a cute little tiara. They were so adorable that they caused me to unconsciously squeal, which earned me surprised looks.

I blushed and turned away, reaching for my dress. I went into the bathroom and put it on. Yep, so "beautiful" that it's causing me to suffer. I actually look a girl!! Seriously, I don't even have anything on like make up or whatever, just my hair down and the dress. I have to admit though, I look so hot that I'd turn straight guys gay instantly or gay women straight...JK, but for reals though...

My dress was exposing my arms, which would soon be covered by gloves, and had an opening that went straight down my back, up to the lower part which was right above the waist, with a ribbon tied to hold the sides in place. It was really long that it covered from my legs to my toes and I would be wearing flats (thank god). The veil was quite a bit too long. It went past my chin and the back part of it was even longer than the dress by a few feet. It was also attached to a small tiara and the whole thing looks like a REAL wedding gown. It was pearly white like Asuka's and it had an average amount of laces, but a lot of frills underneath which gave the dress a natural puff.

There was one part I liked about it though. One side of the dress had snowflakes designed on it while the other had a wavy like one that looks almost just like flames. It contrasted so neatly and beautifully that I thought of a supernatural phenomenon about this actually happening somewhere in the near future. (A/N: Did you guys get it? •//^//•)

I got out and the girls immediately squealed. They grabbed my hands and jumped up and down.

"Natsu-nii!!! You look so much better than I expected in that dress, I'm so glad your my partner!!!" Asuka exclaimed. I blushed a bit more and the squealed even louder at my moe.

"Now come on Natsu-san, we need to make you even more cuter than you are!! You will surely win the hearts of all our guild mates!! Even others!!!" Wendy exclaimed. 'In more ways than one as well~!!'

After they have dolled me up, I looked in the mirror and barely even recognized myself. They just put mascara and lipstick on my face, not even bothering with the blush since it comes so naturally to me, and I look so fudging vulnerable!! I can easily be a person's target for rape!! Good thing I know how to kick ass... I subconsciously reached for the tissue, wanting to wipe this stuff off my face, but they slapped my hand away. I pouted and they held their hearts with heavy blushes.

"C-come on Natsu-san, we must go to the ball now." Wendy said as she swooned from my unbearable moe and cuteness, whispering something about a thing called yaoi and ships? I shook my head and carried Asuka in my arms as she cuddled me like a teddy bear. I grabbed our tickets and stuff and locked the door.

We went down the hill to see Happy, Romeo, and a white cat waiting for us. Romeo, who was blushing a bit, was wearing an all pink suit that looked adorable on him and Happy wore a black suit and tie with hearts in his eyes, staring at the white cat who was in a pink and white gown with a veil and a bow on her tail. They looked at us and blushed heavily.

"N-Natsu?! I-is that really you??!!!" They exclaimed simultaneously as they held their noses. The white cat was looking at me with a blush and in shock.

"T-This is him?! I thought you said he was a man!!" The white cat exclaimed as she fell on her knees, thinking about the worlds' entire population of males and females...and traps, traps everywhere...

"H-hello, who are you? Are you Happy's partner and are you coming with us to the ball?" I asked. She looked up, still with disbelief in her eyes, and nodded.

"H-hai. Forgive me for my ungraciousness, my name is Carla and I am Wendy's exceed. Yes, I am the tom cat's partner and I will be attending the ball with you, Natsu-san." She said politely. I smiled and helped her stand up.

"Now, now, Carla, no need for honorifics. Wendy only calls me that because she wants to. It's nice to meet you too and I hope we can get along. My name's Natsu Dragneel by the way. Yes, I can assure you, I am a male, I just happen to be in a dress and wearing make up." I said. She nodded and blushed at my kindness.

"So, shall we get going to the ball? I have the tickets and our theme cards with our names on it. The ball should start in like an hour or so." I said. They said "HAI" and we headed off. The exceeds carried us to the Fiore Kingdom and we saw so many people lined up outside the grand doors and gates. We waited until the crowd dispersed before heading down, blending in with it. Luckily, no one was able to recognize the children from Fairy Tail because of the veil hiding our faces.

I gave the card to the man collecting the tickets and he blushed, saying have a good time. Once we entered, I was incredibly amazed. The palace was more extraordinary than I heard from the people. It was huge and their decorations were so, so... I can't even find words to describe it all!

I looked all around and saw the people who were wearing their own kinds of outfits. Even some other men and women were crossdressing to fit their themes. Some looked hilarious while some looked kinda good to be honest. Wendy, Romeo, Asuka, and Happy went somewhere together, leaving me alone in the middle of the room. I lifted the veil off of my face to look at the palace more clearly, unbeknownst that some were blushing towards my way.

Third Person's Pov

Wendy, Romeo, Asuka, and Happy we're trying to find their guild members in the ballroom. It seems that they were not here yet along with other guilds. They were about to give up until the big doors burst open with a loud bang.

There they stood, the guild Fairy Tail along with multiple others who were allies with them, but still rivaled. They seem to have caught the attention of literally almost everyone in the room. (You can probably guess who's the one person who did not even bother to look their way because he was so fascinated with the decorations...)

Women all over the room squealed at the handsome men while men lost their composure to the beautiful women. Natsu, along with the other dragon slayers, was bothered by the loud noises filling up the room and crouched down near a table, trying to cover their ears because of their sensitive hearing.

Natsu looked up and saw the many guilds entering the room. He was annoyed that they caused so much noise just by coming in and tried to blend in with the crowd to prevent from meeting them face-to-face.

"Minna!!" Wendy exclaimed as she and the other children went their way. Fairy Tail saw them and smiled, seeing that they came earlier then themselves.

"Hey Wendy/Romeo/Asuka/Happy!" They said in unison. The children smiled and went to their guild master.

"Gramps! We did what we were told and brought Natsu-nii here! You guys can finally meet him and see how awesome he is!" Romeo said excitingly. Makarov had an interested look and nodded.

"Alright, why don't you show us who and where this 'Natsu' person is." He said. The children nodded and split up to look around. Asuka stayed behind in her mom's arms, struggling to break free because she wanted to help search for her kawaii partner.

The guild members separated to do their own thing and have fun or wait for the person to show up. Some even volunteered to help the children with their search.

Natsu was busy stalling for time as he saw some members heading his way and moved to the opposite directions of where the members were going. He sighed of relief to see that his plan was going well and went towards the food because his big appetite decided to show up on the not-exactly-right time.

He went to the banquet table and suddenly smelled three dragons. He hid behind a group of people and peeked to see that there stood the Lightning Dragon Slayer, Laxus, Iron Dragon Slayer, Gajeel, and Shadow Dragon Slayer, Rogue. Natsu let out an expletive and tried to search for something to hide his dragon like scent from being found out.

He saw a random perfume bottle on the table near three handsome men and a freaky midget who were surrounded by women and went to go grab it. Luckily, he was able to sneak towards them without being found out and went back to his hiding place. He sniffed the bottle before putting it on to see if there was any magic in it because he knew whose bottle this was and was relieved to see that it was just a regular, normal perfume. He sprayed it onto himself and was thankful that the smell was not too strong.

'Hmm, smells like strawberries...' Natsu thought as he put the perfume bottle back onto the table and hid his face behind the veil so no one would see him. He then head towards the banquet table and took small portions of food, which he was saddened by, so he could seem like a regular....girl...

Gajeel glanced at the newcomer with pink hair and went towards him, thinking the person has seen his little shrimp.

"Excuse'am?" Gajeel said, trying to be as polite as possible since Levy lectured him on manners and wanted him to not scare any guests for once. Natsu turned to the iron dragon and flinched, thinking if he was already found out or if he didn't put too much perfume.

"Y-yes? And please don't call me ma'am, I am a guy for heaven's sake..." Natsu said. Gajeel sweat dropped and froze for a bit.

"Holy crap, you're a guy? Then why are you dressed like that?" He asked. Natsu let out a sigh and glared at him.

"It was our theme. My partner and I, unfortunately for me, happened to have same sex marriage and one of us had to crossdress in order to fit the role. I just happen to lose to the argument with my partner..." Natsu said as he blushed with embarrassment, making Gajeel blush a tiny bit and think if Natsu was lying and that he looked too cute for a man...

"Wow, sucks for you then. But you have to admit, the dress kinda suits you and you'd make one hell of a trap." Gajeel said.

"I know right?! But what's worse is that this f**king dress is too exposing for my liking and it even shapes out my ass!! I swear, if someone even tries to flirt with me, I'm kicking their ass from here to the Celestial Spirit World!!!" Natsu exclaimed as he bit into the bread rather harshly and made Gajeel laugh. They had soon started a great conversation and hit it off pretty well, almost as if they were friends ever since.

"Geehee, Nice! Hey, you're pretty awesome and fun to hang out with, what's your name?" He asked and leaned on the table. Natsu choked on the bread a little and sweat nervously, trying to find another name to tell him.

"U-um, S-Summers... D-Draggings, yeah! Summers Draggings!" Natsu said.
'Damn! That's too obvious!' He thought worryingly.

"Hah! Well, nice to meet you Summers! Hope we can hang out more often!" Gajeel said happily, swinging his arm around Natsu's shoulders. Natsu sighed of relief and laughed along with Gajeel.

"You know, you're more fun to hang out with than my own guild, why don't you join Fairy Tail? Are you even a mage because I'd totally wanna fight you!" He said with a smug expression. Natsu's happy face suddenly turned competitive, causing Gajeel to raise a brow.

"Oh, you want to fight me? Well bring it on, Redfox! I bet I can kick your ass!" Natsu said as he punched his hand. Gajeel smirked and crossed his arms.

"Do you even know who you're challenging? I'm a dragon slayer and a first generation! No one can beat me now since I had a lot of training over the years! You think you can still take me on?!" Gajeel said excitedly. Natsu smirked behind his veil and looked up with determined eyes.

"You bet, iron dragon! I'm all fired up!!" He said with a lot of spirit. Gajeel and Natsu then went into position, but were interrupted by a red headed woman wearing a suit and a pissed expression.

"Gajeel. What do you think you are doing?" Erza said as she faced him, making him flinch and back away slowly.

"O-Oi! Give me a break, Titania. It was him that wanted to start a fight!" He said as he pointed at Natsu, making him feign innocence so he wouldn't get in trouble with Fairy Tail's most strongest female fighter. Erza turned towards Natsu, only to see a cute woman in wedding dress with tears in her eyes, blushing and quivering, pleading not to hurt her. Erza blushed at the unbearable moe she was receiving. She almost didn't process the part when Gajeel said he was a guy.

"P-please! I-I'm sorry for the trouble! I did not mean to challenge your nakama, Titania-san!" Natsu stuttered, feeling incredibly embarrassed at his shameful reaction and Gajeel gawked, feeling betrayal.

"I-iie! It's alright ma---I mean sir!! I am sorry for my guild member's and my own troubling behavior!! Please, let me make up for it by teaching this incompetent a lesson and letting you hit me as much as you want!!" Erza said as she menacingly glared at Gajeel and then bowed to her feet, making several onlookers gasp in shock to see the great Titania on her knees.

"No! No! I-it's ok!! It was my fault to begin with! Please get up Titania-san!!!" Natsu yelled in fear, hoping that no one from a guild, especially the children, would be seeing this. Unfortunately for him, everyone in the entire room, especially the guilds, guild masters, and the royal family was watching the entire thing. He paled, thinking it was finally over for his life.

"Natsu/-nii/-san!!!!" Wendy, Romeo, Asuka, and Happy exclaimed at the same time, making the guilds freeze in shock and the citizens whispering about him.

Natsu face palmed with a flaming red blush, letting out an embarrassed sigh. Now he thought his life was over.

"...what?" Gajeel and Erza said simultaneously, breaking the silence after two whole minutes. Natsu faced them with a blush, looking as adorable as possible, stealing the hearts of many men and women inside the room.

"Yes, I am Natsu. Nice to meet you guys..." Natsu said and looked down. Everyone stood still for a few seconds before blood started drooping all over the floor. Natsu panicked as he jumped and tried to find something to wipe everyone's noses.

"What the hell?! Are you guys ok?! What's wrong with everyone!?" He exclaimed. The children along with guild masters sweat dropped.

'So oblivious...' Was what they thought all together. Makarov turned Titan and yelled in his big voice.


The people were then back to earth and rushed into the restrooms to clean themselves up. After a whole hour, people began to do what they were previously doing, forgetting the whole incident, and Fairy Tail went up to Natsu, causing him to back away up to the nearest wall.

"So, I see that you are Natsu." Makarov said, back into his tiny form. Natsu nodded nervously.

"H-Hai, nice to meet you Fairy Tail's guild master. As well as all of you guild members." He said nervously, hoping they wouldn't try to gang up on him and do something. He had his guard up and was very tense. Makarov then smiled and Natsu was confused.

"Well then, thank you for taking care of my children, I hope they treated you nicely, didn't they?" He said happily. Natsu relaxed a bit and raised a brow.

"Uh, your welcome? Yes, they were very nice and were fun to hang out with. You have very exceptional mages in your guild sir, even Asuka was able to learn magic very fast." He said and turned towards a smiling Asuka.

"Hehe, what a relief. I hope you didn't have a bad impression on us, there is no reason to be nervous, child. I'm sorry if you found us too intimidating to even look us in the eyes. We do have incredibly strong wizards that can beat the hell out of anyone!!" Makarov said with a proud smile. Natsu suddenly got excited.

"Hontòni?! Well then, I would love to fight with you guys!! You sound incredibly awesome and it would be an honor to see you in battle!!" Natsu exclaimed. Fairy Tail was surprised to see that a civilian wanted to challenge the great mages in their own game. The children were even worried for their friend, except Romeo who actually wanted to see Natsu fight for the first time. Happy was just looking smug.

"Woah, woah, woah, are you sure you would want that, kid? I've fought Fairy Tail before and I can tell you this, no one can really beat them. Their strength is powerful, especially when they work together." Sting from Sabertooth said, referring to the time when they and Fairy Tail tied in the GMG and won against Tartaros. Natsu smirked and slipped off his right glove, showing his perfectly tanned arm and muscles, creating a small mass of fire that let out a powerful aura. Sting blushed at his cute determined face.

"I think I can!" He said with a lot of spirit and determination, making Romeo even more excited. The guilds, now very interested, wanted to see Natsu's strength and potential.

"Alright then. I like your spirit, kozo! Show me what it takes to beat a Fairy Tail wizard!" Makarov said, making the Royal family panic.

"W-wait! If you are going to fight, can you at least try to keep the palace and the people safe?! It took a really long time rebuild this place from your last battle!!" The King exclaimed in fear.

The guilds then cast a bunch of runes and spells to keep from injuring the people or the palace and went to separate areas to view the salmon haired boy's strength.

"Gildarts, do you think you can be the tester for the boy's magic level? I want to see if he can push you of all people back." Makarov asked, causing some of the guild members to snicker.

"Oi gramps, don't you think that's a little too much for the guy? No one, and I repeat, no one was ever able to push Gildarts back. He's the strongest out of all of us. Let me give him a try." Gray said with a smug look. Juvia, who was standing right next to him, admired the way her "Gray-sama" was being so kind to give the fire mage a chance. Gray was doing his very best to ignore her.

'I don't even know them much, but I can already tell the ice guy is really annoyed by that water girl...' Natsu thought as he sweat dropped.

"No, normally I would allow it Gray, but this boy's powers seem very interesting. I would like to see it at its greatest potential against one of our strongest wizards. Plus, Gildarts can handle almost anything that hits him so he's the perfect one to test out his magic level." Makarov said. Gray nodded in understanding and went to another spot, far away from Juvia.

"Well, come on kid! You heard the old man! Hit me with your best shot!" Gildarts said, internally ogling at Natsu's quite feminine figure. It seems that Gildarts has fallen for the trap...

Natsu took off the veil and the other glove from getting in the way and let out a bunch of flames, making the nearby people feel hot and excited. Although, Natsu seemed to be holding back a lot because if he were to use his full strength, he would have burned nearly everyone in the room.

He then disappeared, causing the people to wonder in confusion, but then shock them when they saw that Natsu had appeared on the other side of the room, with a wide eyed Gildarts who was pushed back, not just a few feet, but more than 20 meters! Almost to the other side of the room!

"H-Holy crap! I did not expect such power!" Gildarts said in shock as he turned to the smirking Natsu. People were yelling in surprise and wanted to see what more can the salmon haired boy can do.

"SUGOI!!!" Romeo and Happy exclaimed in excitement and with sparkling eyes. Natsu turned around to see a gaping Makarov and a frozen Fairy Tail.

"So, do you still think I'm not strong enough to fight you?" He taunted. Gildarts was the first to speak and his words almost made everyone s**t their pants.

"You were holding back, were you? I sensed hesitance when you hit me and I was able to block your attack fully, as if you weren't even trying." He said. Natsu just smiled, once again stealing more hearts and had a gleam in his eye.

"Well, let's just say, if I were to use my full strength, right here and now in this room, the runes and spells you all casted would have been a total waste because then they would be destroyed in a matter of seconds!" He said as if it wasn't such a big deal.

"You seem awfully smug about your magic. I hope I can get a chance to fight you one day." Gajeel said with a smirk. Natsu only smirked back.

"W-well then, after an exciting event that just displayed here in the ballroom, I would like to say that it is time to move on to the wedding waltz!" The King said. Then, a chorus of music started playing everywhere in the room and partners decided to come together.

"Oh, ok then." Natsu said as he turned to Bisca, who was still holding onto her daughter.

"Would you like to dance, Asuka-chan?" Asuka squealed and pouted at her mom, almost begging to be released. Bisca sighed and let go, making her daughter jump straight into her partner's arms. They smiled together, making an adorable image and went to the dance floor. Everyone just shrugged and followed their lead, dancing everywhere with their partner.

Soon, everyone was enjoying theirselves and having fun, dancing and making conversations all around the room. After about a whole hour of waltzing, the king decided to speak again.

"Well then, now that everyone has had an exceptional time with their partners, I would like to change this event up a little and add something in that would make it more interesting!" He spoke. The people were feeling curious about the king's new rule in the dance and listened intensively.

"I would like you people to switch partners and dance with the person closest or next to you!" He exclaimed with a giddy voice.

"Eeehhh?!!" Everyone yelled. The king only waved his hand, signaling that he would take no complaints. Everyone turned towards the person closest to them and either squealed with happiness or groaned with despair.

Natsu's pov🔥

I raised an eyebrow at the king's new statement. I turned around to see the person near me and saw the shadow dragon slayer, Rogue. He stared at me and I stared back. He sighed and let out his hand with a ghost of a smile.

"Would you like to be my partner, Natsu-san?" He asked. I slightly blushed, wondering why in the world would he ask me instead of the other women behind him. I hesitantly nodded and took his hand. The instant our hands touched, I felt creepy gazes and death glares being thrown our way.

We then held each other close and began twirling. People were gawking at us, especially the Sabertooth members as if they have never seen Rogue dance or even smile before with another person. With the way he moved, I would have thought he may have learned all this from like an expert instructor or something.

He then held me by the waist and lifted me off the ground when the tempo of the music started going a little faster, twirling us and making everyone else follow our lead. I can tell he was enjoying his time and even blushing a bit. So was I since I am kinda in an embarrassing situation and playing the woman's part in the waltz...

Rogue's pov🌑

When I had asked the pink, no, salmon haired boy to dance, I expected him to reject me. I did not expect an adorable reaction being thrown my way or the fact that he accepted my proposal. When we waltzed, I felt some sort of connection between us, but just thought it was my imagination and put it aside.

Honestly, I was enjoying myself and actually having fun with a stranger and in an event that I was originally not planning to join. Sabertooth only forced me to attend this yearly ball because of a request Fairy Tail has sent. To think that the person who they were anxious to meet is right here in my hands, flustered and possesses an incredible amount of magic power stored in his petite, but well built body.

I felt heat rising up in my face and knew that I was blushing. How embarrassing for a mage such as myself. I can already feel my composure slipping away because of this person's cuteness...

I decided to be bold and lifted the smaller person up from the ground and twirl. He was surprising light for a male, but I guess I should have expected this since he also possesses feminine looks as well. Is it so wrong for me to feel the need to kiss his lips with much burning passion? If it is, then my sin is as dark as the shadow that dwells within my soul, for it is my magic as well.

Natsu's pov🔥 (A/N: again)

The music ended soon after and we had to switch partners again. We and the rest bowed to each other, thanking our and their temporary partners for a great time. I looked around once again and saw that the nearest person closest to me was the Lightning dragon slayer, Laxus.


I mentally face palmed, cursing my luck for giving me this kind of partner to dance with. Why does it have to be one of Fairy Tail's most strongest, and probably scariest, (in my opinion) wizards?! He saw me push Gildarts back with one move earlier and I'm pretty sure he wants to talk to me about my magic now or something. Well, at least it's not a creepy pervert or some jealous person who wants to kill me for stealing their crush's heart...

He just held out his hand and looked at me. Wow, what a great person..... I sighed and took his hand and we began to dance. We stayed quiet for the whole time, and I was so bored but nervous that I started pouting, but half way throughout the music, he began blushing.


Laxus's pov⚡️

This felt intense to me, as if I was actually shocked by lightning and was affected. This boy, he is practically amazing. He is strong, good looking, has a kind personality but isn't soft with his enemies, is full of spirit, easily embarrassed, and has one hell of an ass.😏

Seriously, I always wanted this type of mate. Sure, I always seem to look like I have an interest in Mirajane or Freed (why do people assume that?!) but there is a lot of things that each of them only have and are missing. This kid, Natsu, has nearly every thing I could ever wanted. If he can cook and sing, I'd marry him right away.

The way his hands felt in my palms were small and dainty as if they were fragile, yet they can knock you out with one punch. The music started speeding up and I didn't know what to do. That Rogue guy twirled him around or something so should I do something like that as well? I shrugged and pinky looked at me weirdly.

I stared back down at him and moved my hand on the lower part of his back. He blushed and held my hand tighter. I can hear that the people are gasping in shock and glared at their stupid looking faces. I'm not gonna touch his ass!! (Even though I really want too)

I pulled his body towards me and dipped him. He looked surprised and I took this chance to lift him up, bridle style if I may add. I then started to spin, causing him to hold onto me. He squeaked and blushed even harder. Damn, I'm blushing too, that was too cute. Yep, I want him.

Natsu's pov🔥 (A/N: again...)

What the hell?! Oh please, let the music end, this is just embarrassing, even for a woman!! The gods seemed to have answered my prayers because the music had finally stopped and it made Laxus put me down. I was still able to sense hesitance in his actions though.

We had to switch again and my partner was another blonde. S**t, it's another Sabertooth. The Holy/White Dragon slayer, Sting... Wait, why am I only getting guy partners instead of women or something?!?! There is some serious s**t rigged in this place!!!

"Uh, w-would you like to dance?" I asked this time. He nodded and took my hand. We began doing the twirls and whatever until he spoke up. Wow, someone actually wants to talk to me!

Third person's pov

"So, you are a fire mage, I presume?" He asked. Natsu sweat dropped.

'That's all he wanted to ask?' Natsu thought, feeling a bit sad that he expected an actual conversation coming up, but was just an obvious question.

"Yes, why do you ask? I thought it would have been pretty obvious since I let out a few flames earlier..." Natsu said. Sting leaned down to Natsu's neck, which caused him to blush at the sudden closeness.

"U-um, what are you--?" Natsu paused when he heard the holy dragon slayer sniff his scent. Natsu's eyes widened when he realized that during the previous dances, he must have sweated off the perfume he was wearing earlier and now his dragon slayer scent was now known to the others.

Sting stood back up and smirked.

"I knew it. Your magic was too powerful to be an ordinary mage's own. You're a dragon slayer, aren't you?" He stated in a clear voice, which made the others nearby heard as well. Natsu gasped in horror to see that one of his secrets has been revealed. He looked down and felt like he was going to cry.

Sting heard him sniffle and immediately regretted saying that. He put his hand on the pinkette's head and brought him to his chest, comforting the boy like a little child. Natsu was stunned by the blonde's actions and blushed into his chest, feeling humiliated for acting like a kid and for being put into another embarrassing situation.

"Shh, It's alright. There is nothing to be ashamed off. Being a dragon slayer is an amazing thing! I mean, take it from me. I'm a third generation yet I almost got my ass kicked by that iron dragon over there. And he fought with both me and Rogue at the same time!" Sting said. Natsu looked up with cute doe eyes, which made Sting blush and shiver.

"Really?" He said really softly, making him sound like a kitten. Sting nodded and smiled while cupping his chin, soon causing fans to squeal and take pictures of the adorable yaoi moment.

"Yeah! Just look at yourself! You have so much potential and spirit in your magic more than anyone else here that I can barely tell what generation you are. Why are you not proud to be dragon slayer? It's like the best power and ability you can ever imagine!" He said, ending with a grin. Natsu grinned back and there goes 100 pints of blood coming from the crowd of fangirls.

"Well, it's not that I'm ashamed of it, in fact, I love my magic so much! It's just that... it had something to do with my past that I don't want to talk about or even mention in the first place." He said with a gloomy expression. Sting felt worried about the fire dragon slayer and brought him into another hug, surprising him again.

"Well, if you ever need a person to comfort you, you can always come to me....Natsu-san." He said and the music ended right there. They were about to part until Natsu brought Sting back down to his level and whispered into his ear.

"Arigato Sting-kun! And by the way, I'm also a first generation as well, hehe.~" Natsu said and gave Sting a small peck on his cheek before walking away, leaving a blushing and bewildered Sting along with jealous suiters and crazed fangirls.

"Alright Minna! That is the end for the dances! Now, I would like you all to participate in an another event where the last pair of partners you are now with would act like a real married couple, so please go to your original partner or the one you love right now!" Princess Hisui said. All the partners scurried to their real loved ones, but poor little Natsu did not know who to go with since his partner is now with her parents and he does not know anyone else aside from the few he just met and the children.

"Hmm, it seems that there are still some of you without a partner. I guess I would have to pair you all up." She continued as she started randomly pairing up strangers together, making Natsu panic internally.

Soon, there was only four people left and those were Natsu, Lyon, Juvia, and Gray, who has been avoiding the water mage this entire time.
(A/N: You all already know who I am going to pair up so might as well do a time skip :3)

~~~~~~Time Skip🔥+❄️=💜❤️💙💖☄~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Natsu's pov🔥

So, in the end, I was paired up with the ice wizard, Lyon Vastia.
... 😕
Nah, I'm just joking. It was Gray Fullbuster. The devil slayer of Fairy Tail...I think I just burned part of my dress from underneath. I am so freaking nervous all of a sudden! Wasn't he the one who tried to challenge me earlier? If so, then this guy must have a lot of guts and determination to even fight a stranger who he knows nothing about or what magic they possess...

J-Just like me......

It turns out that the event was to provide each couple a room to share in and actually act like they ARE married! Although, it would only last for two days. But seriously though! I guess that explains why the princess said to pair up with your real loved one...

But, when she pick those random pairings, I wonder how the other participants reacted when they found out that they had to share a room with a stranger. A complete stranger! You can't trust people that easily, what was the princess thinking?! What if some get molested in their sleep?! Or worse!!

That reminds me, I need to keep an eye on this guy. There is no telling what he may do, he might try to force me to do something! And since I'm like half demon, his magic is completely affective to me! He can weaken me so much, but I still won't go down without a fight!!

While I was thinking about these unnecessary thoughts, I wasn't able to hear him talking to me.

"...--y, Hey, OI! Flame brain! Can't you hear me?!" He yelled into my ear. I jumped and snapped out of it. I rubbed my ear while glaring at him.

"I can hear you perfectly fine, and what did you just call me you ice bastard?!?!" I yelled back. I was so out of it earlier that I didn't even notice that we had already entered our room.

"I was trying to snap you out of it for ten whole minutes, you were about to walk straight into that lamp until I grabbed you. Sheesh, and I thought dragon slayers had intense hearing." He grumbled.

I looked down to see that he was holding onto my waist and saw the lamp a few feet from my body. I blushed and cursed myself for being so stupidly distracted at my strange thoughts and quickly got out of his arms so I can bow to him and apologize.

"G-gomen, I was too busy being oblivious to my surroundings that I didn't even notice we were already here..." I said. (A/N: so ooc...)

"*sigh* It's alright. What I really wanted to do was talk about yourself and your magic because never in my life have I ever seen someone capable of pushing Gildarts back except for gramps or council members. Heck, you're only a dragon slayer yet not even Laxus has been able to land a strong hit on him." Gray said. I started fidgeting, but I expected this to come sooner or later from at least one of the Fairy Tail members.

"O-ok, so, what do you want to know about me?" I asked. He dragged me onto the couch and sat me down.

"Well, for starters, you can tell me basic things. You know, like your age, favorites, whatever. I want to get to know you better so I know I can trust you for the next two days. After all, we're suppose to act like we're married. Married couples need to know more about their fiancé." He conveyed. I nodded and complied to his request.

I told him only my needed information, but didn't mention a peep about the personal parts of my life. He understood all the info I have given him and proceeded to talk about himself. He was so interesting and I was fascinated by the stories he had also told me about his times with his guild. I was then really starting to enjoy myself!

Over the time being, we told interesting stories about ourselves, played games, watched some LV (lacrima vision) shows, and had friendly brawls. He even stripped a few times, which caused me to laugh. We already felt comfortable with each other and acted like best friends/rivals already. And it's only been a day!

"Hey flame brain, I'm going to get something to eat from the fridge. Want anything?" He said. Yeah, apparently we also have given each other a nickname, but it was more friendly than insulting.

"Yeah, can you see if there is a sandwich, ice princess?" I said. He scowled and shook his head.

"You're still going by that name? You're one to talk, you are still wearing that wedding dress. Why don't you take it off already?" He said with a smirk. I shook my head sideways and blushed a bit.

"Of course I can't, you perverted stripper. I don't have extra clothes and there are only robes in the closet. I can't exit the room with just a robe on and I'm pretty sure I don't feel comfortable being naked in front other people." I said. He shrugged and just turned around to go to the kitchen. Gray looked in the fridge and saw something that should not belong in a normal hotel refrigerator.

"Oh, wow. They also stored some booze in here!" He exclaimed. I went into the kitchen and saw that he was holding a bottle of it.
(A/N: you know where this is heading~)

"Why would they do that? It's not as if the people would just get drunk for no reason." I said. He shrugged and opened a bottle with his ice magic, taking a small test sip.

"How is it?" He shrugged again and licked his lips.

"Mmm, tastes better than most I have ever had. I wonder what kind of brand or flavor it is." He said as he took a look on the bottle, but suddenly clutched his head and dropped to his knees. My eyes widened as I tried to catch him before his head hit the ground.

"Gray?! Are you alright?! What happened?!" I yelled, but he didn't respond. I gently put his head on my lap and took the bottle out of his hand. I saw that the brand name was scratched out and sniffed the bottle to see if there was anything in it. It smelled like cherries with a hint of cinnamon and strawberries, but nothing unusual.

I wondered what was going on and took a small sip just like how Gray did. It tasted nothing out of the ordinary except for a delicious flavor that soon spreads across my mouth as if it were suppose to do that. Suddenly, my vision got a bit hazy and my body felt hotter than usual.

I looked at Gray's face to see him blushing and immediately thought of kissing him and----!!!!!! Wait what?!!? What is going on with me?! Why do I feel like I want to have...THAT with him?! Gray was starting to stir and when our eyes met, I blushed even harder, thinking more inappropriately.

His eyes then quickly turned into slits, like animalistic, and stood up, throwing me over his shoulder. I, who was astonished by the unexpected movement, started struggling to get out of his grip. He then groped my ass possessively, causing me to moan. My eyes widened as I realized that I just let out an embarrassing sound because of some sexual harassment move. I should not be enjoying this, I should be trying to get the f**k out of here!!! Snap out of it Natsu!!!

He carried me to the bed, which I just noticed that there just happens to be only one, and threw me on top, making my dress go up and exposing my bare legs. He licked his lips like a predator and kissed me straight onto the lips. I moaned because of the sensation and he thrust his tongue into my mouth. I felt my composure slipping away, being replaced with lust filled desire and want.

Third person's pov

Gray started sucking on Natsu's neck and untied the ribbon so he could pull the dress lower, exposing pink hard nipples just wanting to be touched. He sucked on one and played with the other, causing Natsu to moan at the shivering feeling. Natsu tried to push the raven haired man away, only to have his hands shackled above him by frozen ice cuffs.

Natsu whimpered at the cold and the fact that Gray has stripped away most of their clothing, leaving only their boxers hanging dangerously low. Natsu didn't even care anymore about the fact that he is practically being raped because he was starting to love the ice mage's touches, and it was not the drink anymore.

Gray was feeling the same as well, but paused to check up on the fire mage. It seems that he has more control now.

"N-Natsu, are you alright? I'm sorry if this is getting out of hand. We could stop if you're not ready. I-I think I still have a little more control before I..." Gray said as he put his head down, trying to stop himself from going on any further.

Natsu melted the cuffs and hugged the ice mage to his chest. Gray was surprised by the action and froze, not knowing what to do.

"I-it's alright, Gray. Just let it out and do whatever you want with me. To be honest, I think I have actually grown feelings for you over the short time we knew each other. In fact, I-I was starting to enjoy this..." Natsu stuttered, blushing for saying something so embarrassing to someone he just met.

Gray smiled and kissed Natsu on the lips, but more gently and passionately.

"Are you sure you won't regret this tomorrow?" He asked. Natsu only smiled back and kissed him.

"I should be asking you that~"


Hey guys, I'm back! Yeah, sorry for ending it there and for those who requested smut, but remember, I'm trying to type with my s***ty phone and well, there seems to be a certain number of words it can only handle. Seriously, this chapter is almost 9,000 words and the keyboard can barely process what I'm typing now. IT'S SO SLOW! That's why the update took so long...

Also, I apologize for not explaining Natsu's past like I promised...

Anyways, this story is no longer on a hiatus! Yay, I'll be updating more! So, see ya minna!

Until then💕

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