Ch.2-The Interview

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It was early in the morning. Leo was sleeping soundly in his new room. It has been so long since he had slept in something comfortable. But he was then woken up by loud screams of fear.He got out of bed and ran downstairs. He opened the door and was extremely horrified from what he saw:it was terrifying, demonic looking angels with spears, and they were killing every demon they saw. Vaggie had also gotten up and came downstairs.She saw Leo and immediately ran over to him, grabbed him, and shut the door, thankfully before any angels had noticed. "Whats going on out there?" Leo asked,still a bit frightened. Vaggie sighed. "It's called the Cleanse." Vaggie said with a glum look on her face. They walked over to the window to continue to watch the cleanse. "Once every year, angels from Heaven come down to kill demons, in order to prevent Hell from becoming overpopulated." She explained. "That's...kinda sad." Leo said sadly. "Yes. That's why Charlie built this hotel.In order to redeem sinners, and reduce Hell's population more...humanly. As the princess of Hell,she has a duty to her people." Leo was a little surprised that a demon could be so kind. Leo went back upstairs to get dressed, he could hear the sounds of the Cleanse calming down. He was walking by Charlie's room and heard her weeping,so he took a peak inside. What happened next surprised him very much.

By the time Charlie was done, Leo was amazed by her singing, and somewhat saddened as to how she was feeling. He entered her room and she noticed him. "Did you hear all the that?" She asked him. Leo nodded. Charlie smiled at him. "It's so nice to finally have someone to enjoy my singing for once." Charlie said happily. Just then,Vaggie walked in. "Charlie come on.The interview is in an hour." She said.Charlie facepalmed. "Ugh,I completely forgot." She said. "What interview?" Leo asked. "We're doing an interview to promote the hotel." Vaggie answered. "Can I come with?I really don't want to be alone" Leo asked.Vaggie was skeptical, but also didn't want to leave Leo on his own. "Alright,but stay close to us." Vaggie told Leo. He agreed. "Razzel! Dazzel!" Charlie shouted.Just then,two little goat-like imps zipped into the room. "Go start the limo." They nodded and zipped downstairs. Charlie,Vaggie,and Leo went downstairs and entered the limo. After a 18 minute ride,they arrived at the news studio. When the all walked in,Leo saw many demons in the audience, and stayed near Vaggie. He then looked up at the t.v monitor and saw 2 demons doing a news report.

Leo was a little surprised by Katie's cruelness, but then remembered where he was and knew aside from Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel, the residents weren't exactly the friendliest. "Okay!You remember what to say?" Vaggie asked Charlie as she fixed Charlie's bowtie. "Yes! Lets do this!" Charlie said eagerly. "Just look at me and I'll mouth it to you." Vaggie said in a serious tone. Charlie looked a little annoyed. "Come on Vaggie,I know what to say! I just feel like we need to make it more exciting!" She said. It then looked like she got an idea in her head. "Hooo! What if I-" Charlie started before Vaggie cut her off. "-Sing a song about it?" Said Vaggie. "You knew I was gonna say that." Charlie said happily as she boops Vaggie on the nose. "Because I know you. But please don't sing!This is serious!" Vaggie said as she shaked Charlie. "Well,you know,I'm better at expressing myself and my goals through song!" Replied Charlie. "I do admire your enthusiasm." Leo said. "Thanks bud!" Charlie said as she scruffed up Leo's hair. "But life isn't a musical, hon!" Vaggie told her. "Fine." Charlie said, sounding a little annoyed. "But I have these other ideas of what to say! The highlighted bits are the best parts." She said as she handed Vaggie the paper. "Uh, its all highlighted. Is this a drawing...?" Vaggie said. Leo leaned over to see the drawing,which was of demons with halos on a cloud under a rainbow. "Yes." Charlie answered. "Everyone smiling and happy in Heaven!" She said.Vaggie is a little irritated as she pinches the bridge of her nose. "I don't think it's that simple. Just please follow the talking points we went over. And do not sing!" Vaggie pleaded. "Okay fine.I'll just have to resort to my impeccable improve skills." Charlie said in a british accent. Leo was a little upset that he wouldn't hear Charlie sing,but knew it was for the best. "Good luck." Leo said to Charlie. "Thanks." Charlie said to him. Charlie walked over to Katie Killjoy, who was smoking a cigarette. "Hii,I'm Charlie." She said nervously. Katie puffs smoke from her cigarette. "I'd say its a pleasure,but that would be a lie." Katie said as she threw away her cigarette. "And you can put that thing away." She said as she gestured to Charlie's hand. "I don't touch the gays. I have standards." Katie said rather rudely. Leo was a little angry that someone was talking to his friend like that. "Yeah...? How's's that working out for ya?" Charlie said. "Look my time is money,so I'll keep this short." She said while poking Charlie on her chest. "You're not here because we wanted you here. You're hear because Jeffery couldn't make it for his cannibal cooking segment. You might some royal big shot out their but that doesn't mean shit to me. I'm too rich and too influential to give a flying fuck about what some tux-wearing demon "princess" wants to advertise." She continued. "But I-" Charlie started before Katie cut her off "So don't get cute with me, honey, or I will fucking bury you!" Katie said. Just the the camera began to roll. "And we're live!" The news crew said.Katie rushed back to her seat. "Welcome back!So Charlotte!" Katie said. "It's Charlie." Charlie corrected. "Whatever. Tell us about this new passion project you've been insistently pestering our news station about." Katie said. Charlie was nervous. She looked over to Vaggie and Leo, who signaled her to continue. "Well,as most of you know, I was born here in Hell and growing up, I always tried to see the good in everyone around me." Charlie started. "So far, so good." Leo said to Vaggie. Charlie continued. "Hell is my home and, you are my people. We just went through another extermination. We lost so many souls, and it breaks my heart to see me people slaughtered every year. No one is even given a chance!" She said while slamming her fist down on the table. "I can't stand idly while the place I live in is subjected to violence!" She said.

All the demons along with Katie and Tom began to laugh at Charlie and then she slumped down in her seat, looking devastated. "What in the Nine Circles makes you think a single denizen is going to give two shits about becoming a better person?! You have no proof that this little experiment of yours works! You want people to become better just...because?!" Mocked Katie. Vaggie looked like she was ready to attack Katie, but Leo restrained her. "You'll only make it worse." He pleaded.Vaggie reluctantly backed down. "Well,we have a patron already, who believes in our cause and has show incredible progress!" Charlie said. "Oh? And who might that be?" Katie asked with feigned ignorance. "Oh just someone named...Angel Dust." Charlie said confidently. "The porn star?" Tom asked. "You fucking would Tom." Katie said to him menacingly. "In any case, that's not even an accomplishment. I bet you can get that hooker do anything with enough booger sugar and lube." Katie mocked. "Oh, I beg to differ.He's been behaved, clean,and out of trouble for two weeks." Charlie said with confidence. Then there was breaking news. Katie pushed Charlie off the desk "We are receiving word that new player has entered the turf was! Lets go to the live feed." Katie said. Vaggie and Leo looked up at the monitor and were shocked at what they saw.The new player...was Angel dust. "Oh shit." Charlie said. "I'm a bad person." Said Angel in the background. " "Oh shit" Indeed! It looks like the one who joined the battle is none other than *fake gasp* porn star Angel Dust! What a juicy coincidence! You must feel really stupid right now." Mocked Katie. "Ratings!" She and Tom said in unison. "Don't look at it" Charlie said as she attempted to block the feed. Leo felt so bad for her. "Well it looks like your little project is dead on a rival." Said Katie as she began to loom over Charlie. "Tell us,how does it feel to be a total failure?" Katie asked. Charlie was trying to think of a comeback. "Yeah does it feel that I got your pen huh?! Bitch!" Charlie said as she grabbed Katie's pen. Everything went dead silent. "Uh oh." Leo said. "Ehehe...oops." Charlie said nervously. Tom immediately ran for his life. Katie revealed her demon form and she and Charlie got into a fist fight. Charlie threw a fireball at Katie,but it missed and hit Tom. He ran around freaking out. "WHY WON'T ANYONE HELP ME?!" He shouted. With some quick thinking, Leo threw a donut at Katie's face,which distracted her long enough for Charlie escape. She, Leo and Vaggie ran to the limo,and they drove off. "You okay hon?" Vaggie asked Charlie."Mm-hm." Charlie said hugging her knees looking depressed. "Well, that could have gone better." Leo said. Vaggie was fuming at Angel for screwing them over. They drove to where the turf war was. It thankfully was over,with Cherri Bomb coming out on top.The limo drove up Towards she and Angel. "Oh,there's my ride.Later Cherri." He said. He got in the limo and sat across from Charlie, Vaggie and Leo. Charlie looked depressed, Vaggie looked furious, and Leo looked disappointed. But Angel took no notice of their expressions, and immediately started playing with the window. And the limo took off, taking them back to the hotel.

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