Ch.4-New Friends

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It had been a few days since Alastor first arrived, and since then they actually managed get start getting a few guests. While nobody had been sent to heaven yet, business had began to rise. "Maybe I was wrong about Alastor." Leo thought to himself as he looked over the amount of demons in the lobby. He didn't want to come down because he was a little nervous that one of the demons would kidnap him or something, especially after the incident with Sir Pentious when Alastor arrived. So he mostly stayed in his room. Soon,Charlie came in his room. "Come on bud,I think its time you start to help out downstairs." She said. "I don't know,I feel one of these guys might try to take me or something." Leo responded. "Don't worry,just stay close to me,and you'll be fine." She said.He gave in and went downstairs. He saw demons of all shapes and size.He was very close Charlie to make sure he wasn't taken. They however didn't know that a certain pair of demon siblings managed to sneak in. It was Charlie's ex, Seviathan von Eldritch, and his sister Helsa.

Charlie soon noticed them and suddenly became angry, so did Vaggie. Leo didn't want to be near them while they were yelling, so he went near the bar near Husk and Angel Dust. "Who are those two?" He asked. "The guy is Seviathan von Eldritch,Charlie's ex. He's one of the more upper class demons. Charlie dated him for a few months until she caught him cheating on her. And the girl is Seviathan's sister, Helsa,and she's also Charlie's nemesis." Angel said.Leo managed to hear everything that they were saying. "What the hell do two think you're doing here?" Charlie said very angrily. "Oh we just want to drop by and say hello." Seviathan said. "I must say we're impressed that you got business Charlie. How long till it crashes and burns?" Teased Helsa. Vaggie then pulls out her spear. "If any of us catch you in here again, or messing with anyone of our staff, we won't let you off so easily." Charlie said with a very stern look on his face. "Now, LEAVE." She said. The two siblings then left. Leo hoped he wasn't going to see them again. Unfortunately,he hoped wrong. Later that night, while he and the staff were sleeping. Leo began to hear weird noises from downstairs so went to take a look. He thought Husk had fallen asleep at the bar area again. He saw which he did. But before Leo went back upstairs, he saw two familiar figures. But before he could react, they knocked him out. The next thing Leo knew,he was waking up in an ally way early in the morning. He didn't recognize the part of Hell he was in. He realized that the figures must have brought him here. He wanted to cry, but knew that wouldn't help. "Just calm yourself. By now Charlie and the others should have realized your gone and had began to search for you. I think it may be a good idea to stay put until they find you." He thought to himself.He knew while that wasn't the greatest plan, but it was his best option, seeing how he didn't want to get taken again, and there was no way anyone would want to help him. And he was right about them realizing that he was gone, as when Charlie went to wake Leo up and opened his door. She panicked when she saw he wasn't in his bed. She got the others up and they frantically looked all over the hotel for him. Husk was the last to wake up. "Uhh,I think he was taken." He said. "WHAT?! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US EARLIER?!?" Charlie shouted. "I was passed out drunk last night and I didn't know if I was hearing things or not!" Husk responded. "Oh God, he's alone out there!" Charlie said as she began to freak out. "Babe, relax,we'll find him. I'll go start the limo." Vaggie said. As the others were getting dressed, Charlie began to feel odd. "This feeling,what is it?" She asked as she clenched her fist against her chest. She felt determined, nothing would stop her from finding Leo. She felt that she wanted to protect him if any danger came near. Was the small human boy...beginning to feel like a son to her? Meanwhile, Leo remained in the ally, hoping that Charlie and the others would find him soon. He looked out the ally to see if he could spot them, but he unknowingly stepped on someone's tail. "Uh oh." He thought to himself as the demon let out a small "Ow!" Leo followed the tail to a familiar looking snake body. He then realized that it was Sir Pentious! "Of all the millions of demons of Hell, it just had to be him." Leo thought to himself. "Hey watch where your-" Pentious began to shout as he turned around. He stopped as he saw Leo. Leo realized the Sir Pentious recognized him. "Hey! You're that little shit from that stupid hotel!" He shouted.Leo tried to run,but Sir Pentious grabbed him and then pulled out a gun. "Maybe your corpse will teach Alastor not to mes-" Before he could finish, someone punched him, and he let Leo go. His savior starting hitting Sir Pentious, along with three other demons. By the end, Sir Pentious layed on the ground unconscious. Leo then got a look at his saviors. The first two were bat demons. The first was a teenage looking bat demon with ripped jeans, white shirt with a brown overcoat, purple eyes, purple face markings, large wings on his back, long bat-like ears and short scruffy black hair. The second was a similar looking bat demon that resembled a little girl around Leo's age, with pink wings, a pink dress, and pigtails.

(A/N this image and these two characters don't belong to me.Credit goes to XSreiki772 at Deviantart)

The second was a strange blue man with dark blue dress clothes.

And the third was a female hellhound demon with a punk outfit.

"You alright kid?" The male bat demon asked. "Y-yeah." Leo said. "I'm Blitz Mcnight. This is my little sister Sophie. This is Baxter and Crymini." The bat demon said. "I'm L-eo." He said. "Hey, I think I've seen you before, you're with Princess Charlotte aren't you?" Crymini asked. "You know her?" Asked Leo. "More then that, were friends of her. Its a long story." Sophie said. "Why didn't you help out the hotel?" Leo asked. "Well, we had our own issues to deal with.But that kind of ended when...well,you know that turf war with him and Cherri Bomb?Well shortly after,he blew our houses up in a temper tantrum." Baxter said. "So what are you doing out here?" Blitz asked.Leo then told him what happened the previous night. "Oh,I'm sure Charlie is looking for you." Crymini said. "Maybe I can ask her if you guys could help out with the hotel." Leo said. "Yeah and-KID,WATCH OUT!" Blitz shouted. Before Leo could react, he felt two sharp needles dig into his shin for a split second. He began to feel dizzy and passed out. The last thing he remembers before blacking was a blurry image of what looked like Charlie's limo. He then felt as if he was being carried into the limo, then riding in it, then being carried to his room and laying on his bed. He then began to hear weeping. "Wake up...please wake up." He heard a familiar female voice say. He then slowly opened his eyes and looked to his right and saw Charlie sitting on the bed next to him. "Char-lie?" He said weakly. Before he knew it, he found himself in Charlie's arms. "Thank God.Thank God you're okay." She cried. He then managed to wrap his arms around her. "What happened after I was knocked out?" Leo asked. Charlie told him that Pentious bit him and his poison knocked him out, and Blitz punched him,and they carried him back to the Hotel. Soon the other members of the hotel came in. Vaggie hugged Leo tightly, and Angel scruffed his hair. Charlie also told him that Blitz, Sophie, Baxter, and Crymini are now working at the hotel. "But I'm still wondering who took you." Vaggie said. "I think it was the Eldritchs. I caught a small glimpse of them before I was knocked out." Leo said. Charlie had a look of extreme anger on her face as she snapped her fingers. "Babe,what did you do?" Vaggie asked. "Oh I just sent some one to retrieve them." Charlie responded. A few minutes later,a three headed dog burst in with the two siblings. "Thank you Cerberus,that will be all." Charlie said.The dog smiled and left. "Uhhh...It was her idea! I would never do something like this just because you dumped me!" Seviathan said as he pointed to his sister. Charlie then dragged them to one of the spare rooms and pummeled the hell out of them, and dragged them out and threw them out. "AND STAY OUT!!!" She shouted. She then brought Leo back to his room. "I suggest you get some rest for now.You've been through a lot today." Charlie said as she put the human back on his bed. She then kissed him on the forehead and left the room. "Thank you...mommy." Leo said.

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