Page 7

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  I woke up with all the other girls and headed to breakfast with Hermione. "Hey, Sam wanna sit with us?" Hermione asked me. I shrugged and sat next to her. She was talking to Ron and Harry, I was only half paying attention. When I finished eating my food, I headed back to the dorm. I got ready for my classes. Before lunch we had a spare period. I went outside and wandered around in the open forest. I was singing as I walked not taking notice to the time. Before I knew it, the sun had gone down and it was pitch black outside. I started walking back but couldn't find a path. I looked around to see if I could spot anything but I didn't. I heard a branch break and turned seeing a cloaked figure. I backed up, eyes wide. The figure walked towards me slowly as if knowing I could not escape. I tripped over tree roots and sat there horrified. I heard more branches breaking but didn't turn to see who it was. My eyes were locked on the cloaked figure. I heard hooves and saw horse hooves over my head. The cloaked figure vanished swiftly. A centaur came into my view holding a hand out for me to take. I took his hand and he pulled me up. "Are you alright miss?" He asked politely. I nodded still unable to speak. "I'll walk you to the forest's edge." He said, still holding my hand and leading me away. When we reached the edge I could see the lights in the castle still on, I felt the hand vanish from my own and turned to thank the centaur but no one was there. I looked around and saw a horse like figure wave at me, I waved back before heading to the castle. I guess they are still eating dinner. I thought. I walked and eventually made my way into the dining hall. Everyone stopped eating and looked at me as I entered. I watched the floor as I went to sit next to Hermione, not wanting to sit or be by myself after seeing that figure in the trees. I silently started eating my food and soon everyone else continued their conversations and enjoying the meal. I felt like I had just woken up from a nightmare, but I knew it was real. I felt someone tap my arm and turned my head looking at Harry. I hadn't noticed Hermione move, sitting next to Ron, let alone the fact Harry was sitting next to me. I looked directly into his eyes, seeing worry. I gave him a slight smile trying to show him I was ok. He still looked worried but he turned and continued eating his food. I also turned back to my food, but I felt like I was being watched. I glanced around and saw Dumbledore staring at me. He looked worried too. Why is everyone worrying about me? I thought. I got up and walked to my dorm not talking to anyone on my way and not paying attention to the people staring. When I got to the room I stated the password but the painting asked me if I was ok, I replied by stating the password again. She eventually let me in and I ran up the stairs and flopped down on my bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes, setting my forehead on my knees. Next thing I know i'm waking up, sideways on my bed. I got up and looked outside at the moon. I sat at the windowsill, thinking. I started humming a lullaby quietly, staring at the moon, little had I noticed that someone was standing next to me. "Where were you earlier?" A voice asked from beside me. I turned so fast I could've got whiplash, only to see Hermione standing there. I sighed and turned back facing the window. "I, sorta, wandered into the forest." I mumbled. Even though I wasn't looking at her, I could tell she was watching me. "You seem a little more jumpy than usual. Is everything ok?" She asked. "Yeah, everything is perfectly fine." I said, almost in a whisper. "Alright." She paused. "There are no classes tomorrow, want to hang out?" She continued speaking to me. "Nah. I just want time to think." I stated. "Ok. Night." She said. I could hear her feet shuffle away. I sighed and continued humming the lullaby softly. I had a nightmare of being cased by the cloaked figure and woke up covered in sweat, panting. I looked around the room and found myself alone. I sighed. I got dressed and walked out of the castle. I sung songs as I wandered around aimlessly. I saw people as I walked and waved at the few I knew. I wandered and eventually made my way to Hagrid's hut. I knocked on his door and could hear him shuffling around. "Hagrid, you in there?" I called out. "Sam, come in, come in." He said. I opened the door and saw him walking around. "You looking for something?" I asked. He nodded. I started walking around, I saw an egg of some sort. "Hagrid, what is that?" I asked pointing to the egg. "Well, it's uh.. Well i'm not sure." He replied. I heard a loud bell sound, "Guess it's time for lunch." Hagrid said. He started walking to the castle, but I held back. "You coming?" He asked. "Nah, i'm not hungry. You go on ahead though." I said. He left and went to eat.  

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