Page 8

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  I went into the forest, hoping to find the cloaked figure I had seen before. I don't know why I wanted to find it, but I did. I walked for what seemed like hours, then abruptly I heard a snap behind me. I turned fast seeing the cloaked figure. "W-what do you want?" I stuttered. The figure moved closer and closer, not answering. I stood my ground. "Your a brave one, yet you reek of fear." The figure croaked. "How come I saw you in my dream?" I asked, hoping for an answer. "I do not have an answer for your question." It croaked. "Let me see your face." I said, trying to be brave. They slowly moved the hood off their face, only for me to see Professor Quirrell. He turned around, for me to see 'he who shall not be named.' "Voldemort." I said. "You see what I have become to survive." He croaked. I heard snapping branches behind me, and saw a centaur barreling through the trees towards me. Hey I know him! I thought. I turned back and saw Professor Quirrell with his wand out. "Crucio." He said, his wand directly at me. I screamed and collapsed upon the ground. I was shaking violently, I hadn't noticed Voldemort leave, but I did notice the hand placed gently on my arm. I gasped and pulled away, thinking it was Voldemort. "Shh, shh, calm down." The centaur cooed, trying to help. He picked me up and set me on his back, I wrapped my arms around his waist and held tight. He ran back to the castle, I was still shaking violently when we reached there. I could feel myself being pulled off his back, I could hear doors opening and closing. I felt the soft cushioning of the Hogwarts infirmary bed under me. I was still shaking violently when I heard the doors open again and feet running over to me. I couldn't see, because I had my eyes clenched shut. I could hear talking but none of it clued in to my mind. I felt a hand on my arm and shuddered, pulling away. "She's been under the effect of the Cruciatus Curse." I heard Dumbledore say. To the others. I heard a few people gasp. "I saw him." I mumbled, still shaking. "Saw who?" Dumbledore asked. "I saw him." I repeated, more like a whisper. I cupped my face in my hands. "I think it would be best if we let Samantha's friends see her." Dumbledore said to everyone. I heard some replies but didn't understand exactly. I felt the hand on my arm replaced by another, one I knew all too well. "Samantha, are you ok?" I heard Harry ask. "She has been under the effect of the Cruciatus Curse." I heard Dumbledore say. I could hear Hermione gasp from somewhere in the room. I heard the door open and close and heard several pairs of feet leaving. The hand on my arm never vanished though, Harry stayed. "Samantha, are you ok?" I heard him repeat. "I saw him." I mumbled. "Saw who?" He asked. "The scar." I said. I finally opened my eyes and looked at him. He used his free hand to touch the scar on his forehead. "You mean..." He started but never finished. I nodded. Harry pulled me into a hug and I sobbed into his shoulder. Eventually I calmed down enough and Harry pulled away. "You should get some sleep." He said getting up. "Night Harry." I called out as he left. "Goodnight Samantha." He said, closing the infirmary door. I slept soundly that night. When I woke up I was sore, but other than that I was fine. Or, I felt fine. I got up and started to walk around school, students and teachers all gave me the same look. They were pitying me and it made me mad. I'm perfectly fine. I thought. I wandered around and soon found myself sitting against the Whomping Willow. I just sat there, staring blankly at the ground. I thought about how much my life had changed and how I actually had friends who cared. People knew me for me, but at the moment people felt sorry for me and acted as if I was as gentle as a flower. I'm not as gentle as they think. I thought to myself. I hadn't noticed the growing darkness, as a dark storm cloud had covered the school. It started to rain and that's when I noticed. Strangely though, when I noticed, it faded and vanished, leaving a bright sunny sky. Well that's strange. I thought. I started humming to myself, trying to forget about everything that had happened and everyone. I cleared my head and sat in silence enjoying the peace. I slept soundly that night. In the morning I had game class with Professor Hagrid. Calling him "Professor" was weird for me. I thought it was kinda funny too. "Good morning Professor." I greeted when I saw Hagrid. I curtsied and he chuckled slightly. "Good morning Samantha." He replied smiling. "I got a real treat for ya today!" He exclaimed addressing everyone in the class. He started walking and I followed close behind. "Right you lot, less chattering. Form a group over there and open your books to page 49." Hagrid stated once we got to our destination. Malfoy spoke to Harry and people chatted amongst themselves for a while.


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