Page 9

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  Hagrid showed us a bird like creature only it was the size of a horse and had the general body of one. It had wings and front legs like talons. "Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid asked tossing the creature a dead, stuffed ferret. "Say hello to Buckbeak." Hagrid said. "Hagrid exactly what is that?" Ron asked looking worried or rather scared. "That, Ron, is a hippogriff. First thing that you'd want to know about hippogriffs is that they are very proud creatures. Very easily offended, you do not want to insult a hippogriff. It may just be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say 'hello'?" Hagrid asked. I was interested not scared but I didn't move. Everyone else backed up except for Harry who stayed put but looked quite afraid. Hagrid turned around and as he spotted Harry, he was about to say something when I said, "I'll do it Professor." Stepping forward. "Well done Samantha, well done. Step forward." I slowly took a few steps forward, catching Buckbeak's attention. He looked at me and tilted his head. "Good, now bow low." I bowed from my waist to the creature. He squaked at me and Hagrid told me to 'back off' so I did, I backed up, slowly, with my head still down. Buckbeak squaked and slowly bowed back. "Well done." He clapped and a few students clapped too. I stood straight and slowly walked over to Buckbeak and started stroking the feathers on his head. After all that I got to ride him. When me and Buckbeak got back, Malfoy was being an idiot and got himself scratched, he whimpered and I laughed but made sure nobody noticed. "Baby." I said under my breath. Hagrid took him to the infirmary. After a quidditch game I stayed in the quidditch arena and just closed my eyes, listening to all the sounds of the wind and the birds chirping. I heard a wooden board creak and I opened my eyes to see Harry. "Hi." I greeted. "Hey." He replied. "Great game by the way." I told him. "Yeah, thanks." He replied. He looked like he wanted to say something else too. "Thanks for, uh, doing the hippogriff thing, instead of me I mean." "You're welcome, I wanted to do it anyway." "Oh." It became silent for a moment. "Well I think i'm going to walk around for a bit, see you later Harry." I said as I got up and started walking off. He got up swiftly and starting following behind me. "Hey, Samantha. I was wondering if you would, um, maybe like to hang out sometime?" He asked, he seemed shy or maybe nervous. "Yeah sure!" I replied. With that I walked off. I walked to the whomping willow and pulled out my notepad. I continued drawing the hippogriff I had started drawing the day before. "That looks nice. For a beast." I heard someone state behind me. I turned only to be faced by Malfoy. "Buckbeak is not a beast. Though I could say different for what's in front of me." He looked confused, as I got up and walked off.  

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