Chapter 1:Dream

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Shresha Mehta pov:

"I thought you are missing me but no!!!you are just enjoying your God damn life.Tell me you've moved on right" he asked me piercing his eyes through mine.

How did he even get into my house! How did he find me?

"It'll be proper if u leave my house right now mr.malhotra".

"I swear right now shresha,trust me you don't even know how much I'm controlling my anger right now.what's with this Malhotra thing tell me,why the hell did you leave me huh,you think that you can get rid of me or what"he yelled making me flinch gripping my hands so tightly.

Arghhh!!!its paining like hell."Leave me" I shouted and he just pinned me to near wall and kissed me.
I shot my eyes open,relief rushed through my veins.dream!this is just a dream. It's okay're fine,you'll be fine I assured myself.
What's the time now?

I turned to see my table clock showing that It's still 4am,oh my I've slept for 18 hours.Today is going to be a long hectic day,I've to complete yesterday's and today's work! I couldn't sleep again because sleep was far away from me as I've already slept for 18 hours.

what has just happened a moment back in my dream,yes it's true i still didn't forget him but i have to move on for what he did to me,for what!! I could sense silent tears were flowing down from my eyes I couldn't stop them.I couldn't escape the clutches of my past.It's him,it's always him for me.My love ❤️

I'm missing him like hell.His warmth,his love,his touch,his hugs and his forehead kisses,everything i just feel like in being home with him.All my dreams got shattered because of that one single moment....!!!!

"What is this?why I'm thinking about my past again.I shouldn't be weak.yes,shresha mehta is not weak as you thought Mr.Malhotra"sighing I got up from my bed and thought to do some morning exercise as still there is some time for me get up compared to my usual time.

Trust me listening music and jogging in the peaceful morning with sun rays shining on giving us a new hope for the day.It's the best.

I'm not that much of a nature lover but somehow I've got relaxed for a while shooing off all the thoughts.I've got back to my room,done with my shower.

I've decided to put some extra effort on getting ready today.So,I've curled my hair at the ends just let them to flow down and I'll go with a White shirt and black skirt with black blazer.

I've applied mascara,eyeliner and foundation which gives a natural look to my face and I'll select black point heels.

I was satisfied with my reflection at mirror.

I grabbed my purse and my mobile phone and checked the's still 7:30am I'm having half an hour more to start as it takes 10 min to reach my office from here.

So I've decided to cook my breakfast for myself today and I've just settled down with cheese pasta sandwich and a black coffee.I can't live for a day without having coffee.

Had my breakfast peacefully and started driving to office in my car.It's not the best latest model but I love the way it is as I've brought it on my own savings when I'm working as a part timer while studying.

I reached my office and parked my car.Great it's still 8:45am and I'm having 15 more minutes and just then I noticed I was being dragged up by none other than aliyaa.

"Hey!!you young lady what do you think you are doing you are dragging me without a word" Cut the crap shresh and how dare you not to pick my calls yesterday.How's ur health?she asked me worriedly.

"I'm fine aliya"tell me what happened?

"Okay!!i knew you would freak out but John proposed me yesterday"she said looking everywhere but not at me.

"Oh my goshhh!!!what,how?like really yayyy!!I'm so happy for you both.I definitely knew he's having something for you okay okay!!what did you say?"i questioned her waiting for her reply.

"Mmm...I just said I need some time"she said passing a sly smile.okay ,I hope that is positive sign i said and hug her wishing her all the best.

we both departed to our respective cabins not forgetting to take a promise from her to explain me each and every detail in lunch break.john is a very good guy and he is so patient and understands everyone.

Just I've opened my laptop to start my work I've got a call from my manager asking me attend to the meeting in the conference room in 5minutes.

woah!!!what might it be? just then i saw John making up his way to conference room.I hurried up and asked reason for sudden meeting but he too doesn't have an idea about it.

It's not like I'm excited ,but our manager is a kind of man who is a perfect timer never goes with instant decisions.

I've entered the conference room and everyone holding major positions in the company is here.This is something really important i thought and I've taken my seat.

John is sitting opposite to me and he is also looking at me with curious eyes like what's going to happen?
Just then,our manager stood up and what he said gave me a mini heart attack.

Hope that doesn't happen. please someone tell me this is a dream I thought to myself and looked at John.He too had a worried expression on his face looking at me.

So my lovely readers,what might that matter be any idea.Further update will be in a few days🤗Till then Keep smiling and have a great day❤️If you like the story don't forget to vote🙂

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